Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla - CD

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CD Keith Emerson Band: Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla 2019

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CD Keith Emerson Band: Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla
CD Keith Emerson Band: Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla
CD Keith Emerson Band: Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla
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Edel Records 26. července 2019 Evropa

Keith Emerson Band: Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Edel Records dne 26. července 2019. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Progresivní rock a Pop Rock.

ID: 514225 EAN: 4029758923221 Discogs ID: 9696071
The House Of Ocean Born Mary
1 Ignition 1:42 min
Written-By Keith Emerson, Marc Bonilla
2 1st Presence 0:37 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
3 Last Horizon 2:33 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
4 Miles Away Pt. 1 1:55 min
Written-By Marc Bonilla
5 Miles Away Pt. 2 2:16 min
Written-By Marc Bonilla
6 Crusaders Cross 1:14 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
7 Fugue 0:37 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
8 2nd Presence 0:19 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
9 Marche Train 6:13 min
Written-By Keith Emerson, Marc Bonilla
10 Blue Inferno 1:12 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
11 3rd Presence 1:08 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
12 Prelude To A Hope 2:24 min
Written-By Keith Emerson
13 A Place To Hide 4:26 min
Written-By Marc Bonilla
14 Miles Away Pt. 3 2:31 min
Written-By Marc Bonilla
15 Finale 5:57 min
Written-By Keith Emerson, Marc Bonilla
16 The Art Of Falling Down 3:30 min
Drums Joe Travers | Written-By Keith Emerson, Marc Bonilla
17 Malambo (From "Estancia Suite") 5:33 min
Composed By Alberto Ginastera
18 Gametime 2:40 min
Jew's Harp Keith Wechsler | Written-By Keith Emerson, Marc Bonilla
19 The Parting 4:45 min
Bass Travis Davis | Recorder Nathanial Bonilla | Written-By Marc Bonilla
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Keith Emerson Band

Keith Emerson Band
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Marc Bonilla

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