Urban Dreams - Vinyl, CD

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2LP Kebu: Urban Dreams Gatefold Vinyl

679 Kč Skladem
2LP Kebu: Urban Dreams
2LP Kebu: Urban Dreams
2LP Kebu: Urban Dreams
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Gatefold Vinyl

ZYX Music 1. dubna 2022 Německo

Kebu: Urban Dreams verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství ZYX Music dne 1. dubna 2022. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Synth-pop a Synthwave. Gatefold Vinyl.

ID: 391340 EAN: 0194111012004 Discogs ID: 22798790
A1 Enter Dreamland 1:41 min
Synth [Korg MS-10, MS-20, Polysix; Hypersynth Xenophone; Marion ProSynth; Roland JX-8P] Kebu
A2 Discovering Utopia 5:25 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, Jupiter-6, JX-8P, MKS-70], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Polysix; Oberheim Expander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Marion ProSynth] Kebu
A3 Another Reality 2:36 min
Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Oberheim Matrix-1000, Marion ProSynth] Kebu
A4 Free From The Pain 6:02 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Vocoder [Roland VP-330], Synth [Korg Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth, Moog Source; Sequential Six-Trak] Kebu
B1 Memories Of Youth 3:02 min
Synth [Roland Jupiter-6], Vocoder [Roland VP-330], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Marion ProSynth] Kebu
B2 Chased By The Ghost Of Yesterday 3:30 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70, SE-02], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Korg Poly-61; Moog Source] Kebu
B3 Echoes Of The Moment 1:09 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70; Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
B4 Fleeting Lights 5:07 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Sequential Six-Trak], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
B5 Late For The Meeting In The Maze 6:23 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-3P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Poly-61; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
C1 Hope 4:15 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1 & 2, Jupiter 6, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70, SH-09], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Korg Poly-61; Oberheim Matrix-1000; Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
C2 Distant Shores 2:21 min
Synth [Korg Polysix; Dave Smith Tetra] Kebu
C3 Saved By MacGyver 6:25 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P, SH-2000], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Micro-Preset M500, Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
C4 Meeting The Ice Princess 1:44 min
Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Marion ProSynth, Roland JX-8P] Kebu
C5 Arrival Of The Tomato Plant Monsters 4:28 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, SE-02], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99] Kebu
D1 A Call Of Loneliness 1:17 min
Synth [Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
D2 Super Troopers 6:14 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Polysix; Oberheim Matrix 6R, Matrix-1000; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
D3 Clear Skies 5:44 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, JD-XA, Juno-60, JX-3P, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Matrix 6R, Matrix-1000; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Korg Polysix; Marion ProSynth], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
D4 Regrets 1:48 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, JX-8P] Kebu
D5 Dreamwalkers 4:16 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Korg Polysix; Marion ProSynth; Moog Minimoog D; Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
D6 Dream Of Hope 2:04 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 2, JX-8P; Alesis Andromeda A6; Marion ProSynth] Kebu
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CD Kebu: Urban Dreams 2021

429 Kč Skladem
CD Kebu: Urban Dreams
CD Kebu: Urban Dreams
CD Kebu: Urban Dreams
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

ZYX Music 1. října 2021 Německo

Kebu: Urban Dreams verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství ZYX Music dne 1. října 2021. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Synth-pop a Synthwave.

ID: 388825 EAN: 0194111011991 Discogs ID: 21168571
1 Enter Dreamland 1:39 min
Synth [Korg MS-10, MS-20, Polysix; Hypersynth Xenophone; Marion ProSynth; Roland JX-8P] Kebu
2 Discovering Utopia 5:25 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, Jupiter-6, JX-8P, MKS-70], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Polysix; Oberheim Expander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Marion ProSynth] Kebu
3 Another Reality 2:36 min
Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Oberheim Matrix-1000, Marion ProSynth] Kebu
4 Free From The Pain 6:03 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Vocoder [Roland VP-330], Synth [Korg Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth, Moog Source; Sequential Six-Trak] Kebu
5 Memories Of Youth 3:02 min
Synth [Roland Jupiter-6], Vocoder [Roland VP-330], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Marion ProSynth] Kebu
6 Chased By The Ghost Of Yesterday 3:30 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70, SE-02], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Korg Poly-61; Moog Source] Kebu
7 Echoes Of The Moment 1:09 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70; Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
8 Fleeting Lights 5:07 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Sequential Six-Trak], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
9 Late For The Meeting In The Maze 6:23 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-3P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Poly-61; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
10 Hope 4:15 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1 & 2, Jupiter 6, Juno-60, JX-8P, MKS-70, SH-09], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Korg Poly-61; Oberheim Matrix-1000; Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
11 Distant Shores 2:21 min
Synth [Korg Polysix; Dave Smith Tetra] Kebu
12 Saved By MacGyver 6:26 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P, SH-2000], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Micro-Preset M500, Poly-61, Polysix; Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
13 Meeting The Ice Princess 1:44 min
Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Marion ProSynth, Roland JX-8P] Kebu
14 Arrival Of The Tomato Plant Monsters 4:28 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, SE-02], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Xpander, Matrix-1000; Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99] Kebu
15 A Call Of Loneliness 1:16 min
Synth [Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
16 Super Troopers 6:14 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Jupiter-6, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Korg Mono/Poly, Polysix; Oberheim Matrix 6R, Matrix-1000; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Marion ProSynth; Moog Source], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
17 Clear Skies 5:44 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, JD-XA, Juno-60, JX-3P, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Oberheim Matrix 6R, Matrix-1000; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase99], Synth [Korg Polysix; Marion ProSynth], Drum Machine [Touched-by-Sound DRM1] Kebu
18 Regrets 1:48 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1&2, Juno-60, JX-8P] Kebu
19 Dreamwalkers 4:16 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 1, Juno-60, JX-8P], Drum Machine [Roland TR-808], Synth [Alesis Andromeda A6; Dave Smith Tetra; Hypersynth Xenophone], Drum Machine [Jomox AirBase 99], Synth [Korg Polysix; Marion ProSynth; Moog Minimoog D; Oberheim Matrix-1000] Kebu
20 Dream Of Hope 2:04 min
Synth [Roland Alpha Juno 2, JX-8P; Alesis Andromeda A6; Marion ProSynth] Kebu
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Kebu , vlastním jménem Sebastian Teir, je finský skladatel a klávesista známý svou tvorbou v žánru elektronické hudby, zejména používáním analogových syntezátorů. Uznání si získal díky své schopnosti vytvářet melodie a zvuky připomínající zlatou éru syntezátorové hudby 80. let, př...

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