Teenage Dream - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD v celkem 7 vydáních. Teenage Dream je druhé studiové album americké zpěvačky Katy Perry . Bylo vydáno 24. srpna 2010 společností Capitol Records. Album produkovali Perry, Stargate, Dr. Luke, Max Ma...  Více

Dostupné v 7 vydáních


LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream (13th Anniversary 2lp) 2023

997 Kč Skladem

20. října 2023 Evropa

Katy Perry: Teenage Dream (13th Anniversary 2lp) verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě dne 20. října 2023.

Dva klasické černé vinyly vydané k třináctému výročí alba

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba a Synth-pop.

ID: 461528 EAN: 0602455740663

CD Katy Perry: Teenage Dream - The Complete Confection Special Edition

287 Kč Skladem
CD Katy Perry: Teenage Dream - The Complete Confection
CD Katy Perry: Teenage Dream - The Complete Confection
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Special Edition

Capitol Records | Virgin 26. března 2012 Evropa

Katy Perry: Teenage Dream - The Complete Confection verze na CD v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Capitol Records ve spolupráci s Virgin dne 26. března 2012.

Světová hvězda Katy Perry vydá 23. března 2012 speciální edici svého dvojnásobně platinového alba "Teenage Dream". První výlisek vyjde v limitované edici s rozvolněným obrázkovým obalem.

"Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection" obsahuje všech 12 skladeb z původní verze Katyina druhého alba, včetně hitových singlů "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E. T.", "Last Friday Night (T. G.I. F.)" a "The One That Got Away", které se všechny dostaly na první místo v hitparádě Billboard Pop Songs Charts.

Na albu jsou také tři zcela nové písně a alternativní verze skladeb "E. T." s Kanye Westem, "Last Friday Night (T. G.I. F.)" s Missy Elliott a dojemná akustická verze skladby "The One That Got Away", kterou produkoval Jon Brion. Žádná z těchto nových verzí nebyla až dosud k dispozici na fyzickém disku. Kromě toho "The Complete Confection" obsahuje sedmiminutový megamix všech dosavadních hitů No. 1 od Tommie Sunshine. "Toto je kompletní příběh "Teenage Dream". Byla to neuvěřitelná čest, že jsem překonal rekord krále popu v Billboard Hot 100, ale těším se a mám toho v životě ještě hodně před sebou. Toto je kompletní speciální vydání mého alba pro mé fanoušky," říká Katy Perry.

"Teenage Dream" se jen v digitální podobě prodalo více než 25,5 milionu kusů a Katy Perry si za něj vysloužila šest nominací na Grammy, včetně cen "Album roku" a "Nahrávka roku". V prosinci Kaliforňanka ukončila své mimořádně úspěšné světové turné "California Dreams", během kterého vystoupila ve 124 vyprodaných arénách. Nejen díky tomu získala od MTV ocenění "Umělec roku 2011".

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba a Synth-pop. Special Edition.

Album Special Edition Limited Edition
ID: 375912 EAN: 5099972963425 Discogs ID: 5467109
1 Teenage Dream 3:47 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Benny Blanco (3), Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Tatiana Gottwald, Tucker Bodine | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Benny Blanco (3) | Written-By Benjamin Levin, Bonnie McKee, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
2 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) 3:50 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Tatiana Gottwald, Tucker Bodine | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Saxophone Lenny Pickett | Written-By Bonnie McKee, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
3 California Gurls 3:54 min
Coordinator [Snoop Dogg's Production] Ted Chung | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Benny Blanco (3), Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Aniella Gottwald | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Featuring, Vocals Snoop Dogg | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Performer [Bieberaphone] Tamra Natisin | Producer Benny Blanco (3) | Written-By Benjamin Levin, Bonnie McKee, Calvin Broadus, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
4 Firework 3:47 min
Engineer [Additional] Carlos Oyanedel, Damien Lewis | Engineer [Assistant] Josh Houghkirk | Instruments [All] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sandy Vee, Tor Erik Hermansen | Management [Stargate] Dancin' Danny D, Tim Blacksmith (3) | Mixed By Phil Tan, Sandy Vee | Producer Sandy Vee, Stargate (2) | Recorded By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Miles Walker | Written-By Ester Dean, Katy Perry, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sandy Wilhelm, Tor Erik Hermansen
5 Peacock 3:51 min
Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Instruments [All] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Management [Stargate] Dancin' Danny D, Tim Blacksmith (3) | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Stargate (2) | Recorded By Ester Dean, Miles Walker | Written-By Ester Dean, Katy Perry, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen
6 Circle The Drain 4:32 min
Bass Daniel Silvestri | Drum Programming Pat Thrall, Tricky Stewart | Drums [Live] Josh Freese | Effects [Special Tweaking And Electronic Breaks] Chris "Tek" O'Ryan, Mike Green (3), Tricky Stewart | Engineer Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan | Engineer [Additional] Pat Thrall | Engineer [Assistant] Charles Malone, Justin Roberts (3), Kory Aaron, Luis Navarro (2), Mark Gray (5), Nicolas Essig, Randy Urbanski, Steven Dennis, Travis Harrington | Engineer [Guitars And Bass], Recorded By [Guitars And Bass], Sounds [Guitar], Tracking By [Guitar] Nick Chahwala | Engineer [Live Drums] Steve Churchyard | Guitar Charles Malone, Daniel Silvestri, Julio Miranda | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Giancarlo Lino | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocals] Kuk Harrell | Sounds [Vocal] Andrew Wuepper | Written-By Katy Perry, Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart
7 The One That Got Away 3:47 min
Arranged By, Conductor Leon Pendarvis | Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Tatiana Gottwald | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Written-By Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
8 E.T. 3:26 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Ammo (7), Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Aniella Gottwald | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Written-By Joshua Coleman, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
9 Who Am I Living For? 4:08 min
Drum Programming Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Tricky Stewart | Engineer Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas | Engineer [Additional] Pat Thrall | Engineer [Assistant] Jason Sherwood, Luis Navarro (2), Mark Gray (5), Randy Urbanski, Steven Dennis | Guitar Brent Paschke, Michael Thompson | Keyboards Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Giancarlo Lino | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocals] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By [Guitars] Andrew Wuepper, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan | Sounds [Vocal] Andrew Wuepper | Written-By Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Katy Perry, Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart
10 Pearl 4:07 min
Drums, Piano, Producer Greg Wells | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Programmed By, Synth Fabien Waltmann, Greg Wells | Recorded By Lewis Tozour | Written-By Greg Wells, Katy Perry, Tricky Stewart
11 Hummingbird Heartbeat 3:32 min
Bass Michael Thompson | Drum Programming Pat Thrall, Tricky Stewart | Drums [Live] Josh Freese | Engineer [Additional] Pat Thrall | Engineer [Assistant] Luis Navarro (2), Nicolas Essig, Randy Urbanski, Steven Dennis | Engineer [Live Drums] Steve Churchyard | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Engineer, Recorded By [Guitars] Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan | Guitar Brent Paschke, Michael Thompson | Keyboards Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocals] Kuk Harrell | Sounds [Vocal] Andrew Wuepper | Written-By Katy Perry, Monte Neuble, Stacy Barthe, Tricky Stewart
12 Not Like The Movies 4:01 min
Drums, Piano, Producer, Programmed By Greg Wells | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Recorded By Lewis Tozour | Written-By Greg Wells, Katy Perry
13 The One That Got Away (Acoustic) 4:19 min
Celesta, Percussion [Additional] Adam Marcello | Edited By Eric Caudieux | Guitar Katy Perry | Instruments [All Other], Producer Jon Brion | Mastered By Patricia Sullivan | Mixed By [Assistant], Recorded By [Assistant] Chandler Harrod, Jake Gorski | Mixed By, Recorded By Greg Koller | Written-By Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
14 Part Of Me 3:36 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Katie Mitzell, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By DJ Cirkut, Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Aniella Gottwald, Clint Gibbs, Tucker Bodine | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Phil Seaford, Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Written-By Bonnie McKee, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
15 Wide Awake 3:40 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Katie Mitzell | Engineer Clint Gibbs | Engineer [Assistant] Angelo Caputo | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Phil Seaford, Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Instruments [All], Producer, Programmed By DJ Cirkut, Dr. Luke | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Written-By Bonnie McKee, Henry Walter, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
16 Dressin' Up 3:43 min
Bass Daniel Silvestri | Drum Programming, Sequenced By Kenneth Charles Coby, Tricky Stewart | Effects [Vocal FX], Rhythm Guitar, Vocoder Pat Thrall | Engineer Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan, Pat Thrall | Engineer [Assistant] Charles Malone, James Hunt (7), Justin Roberts (3), Kory Aaron, Luis Navarro (2), Mark Gray (5), Randy Urbanski, Stephen Villa, Steven Dennis | Engineer [Guitars And Bass], Recorded By [Guitars And Bass] Nick Chahwala | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Phil Seaford | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Charles Malone, Daniel Silvestri, Julio Miranda | Keyboards Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocals] Kuk Harrell | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Green (3) | Written-By Katy Perry, Matthew Thiessen, Monte Neuble, Tricky Stewart
17 E.T. 3:49 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Megan Dennis, Vanessa Silberman | Drums, Keyboards, Producer, Programmed By Ammo (7), Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Aniella Gottwald | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Featuring, Vocals Kanye West | Mastered By Chris Gehringer | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Recorded By [Additional Vocals] Noah Goldstein | Written-By Joshua Coleman, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
18 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) 3:58 min
Coordinator [Production] Irene Richter, Katie Mitzell | Drums, Keyboards, Programmed By DJ Cirkut, Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Engineer Emily Wright, Sam Holland | Engineer [Assistant] Clint Gibbs, Tatiana Gottwald, Tucker Bodine | Engineer [Mix, Assistant] Phil Seaford | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Featuring, Vocals Missy Elliott | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer [Original] Dr. Luke, Max Martin | Producer [Remix] DJ Cirkut, Dr. Luke | Recorded By [Additional Vocals, Assistant] Edward Lidow | Recorded By [Additional Vocals] Julian Vasquez | Saxophone Lenny Pickett | Written-By Bonnie McKee, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin
19 Tommie Sunshine's Megasix Smash-Up 7:03 min
Arranged By [Remix], Producer [Remix], Remix [Mash-Up] Tommie Sunshine | Engineer Mark Verbos | Written-By Benjamin Levin, Bonnie McKee, Calvin Broadus, Ester Dean, Joshua Coleman, Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sandy Wilhelm, Tor Erik Hermansen
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2LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream CLR | LTD Coloured Vinyl Limited Red & White Pinwheel Peppermint Teenager Edition

3 669 Kč Skladem
2LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream CLR | LTD
2LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream CLR | LTD
2LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream CLR | LTD
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Coloured Vinyl Limited Red & White Pinwheel Peppermint Teenager Edition

Capitol Records 3. listopadu 2023 Celosvětově

Katy Perry: Teenage Dream CLR | LTD verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Worldwide ve vydavatelství Capitol Records dne 3. listopadu 2023.

Teenage Dream je druhé studiové album americké zpěvačky Katy Perry . Bylo vydáno 24. srpna 2010 společností Capitol Records. Album produkovali Perry, Stargate, Dr. Luke, Max Martin a Benny Blanco. Hudebně Teenage Dream zahrnuje prvky popu, rocku a dance-popu. Textově se točí kolem teenagerské lásky, večírků a sebeprosazení. Po vydání se Teenage Dream dočkalo vesměs pozitivních recenzí od hudebních kritiků. Někteří oceňovali jeho zábavnou a bezstarostnou povahu, zatímco jiní měli pocit, že Perryho texty jsou dětinské. Album debutovalo na prvním místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200 s prodejem 192 000 kopií za první týden. Dostalo se také na vrchol hitparád v Austrálii, Kanadě, Irsku, na Novém Zélandu a ve Spojeném království. Od ledna 2015 získalo album Teenage Dream čtyřnásobnou platinovou desku od Americké asociace nahrávacího průmyslu (RIAA) za dodávky čtyř milionů kopií. Z alba vzešlo pět singlů, které se všechny dostaly do první pětky americké hitparády Billboard Hot 100. "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T." a "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.)".

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba a Synth-pop.

Coloured Vinyl Album Limited Edition Reissue
ID: 606953 EAN: 0602455740731 Discogs ID: 28648444
A1 Teenage Dream
A2 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
A3 California Gurls
Featuring Snoop Dogg
A4 Firework
A5 Peacock
B1 Circle The Drain
B2 The One That Got Away
B3 E.T.
B4 Who Am I Living For?
B5 Pearl
C1 Hummingbird Heartbeat
C2 Not Like The Movies
C3 The One That Got Away (Acoustic)
C4 Part Of Me
C5 Wide Awake
D1 Dressin' Up
D2 E.T.
Featuring Kanye West
D3 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
Featuring Missy Elliott
D4 Tommie Sunshine's Megasix Smash-Up
Remix [Mash-up], Producer Tommie Sunshine
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2LP Katy Perry: Teenage Dream 2023

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Katy Perry

Katy Perry
Katy Perry , narozená 25. října 1984 jako Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, je americká zpěvačka, skladatelka a televizní porotkyně. Proslavila se v roce 2008 svým druhým albem "One of the Boys", které obsahovalo hit "I Kissed a Girl". Její kariéra prudce vzrostla po vydání třetího alba ...

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