2LP Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits DLX
Deluxe Edition Vinyl
802 Kč
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Deluxe Edition Vinyl
One Little Indian
23. června 2017
Velká Británie
Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits DLX verze na vinylu 2LP v deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství One Little Indian dne 23. června 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Folk. Deluxe Edition Vinyl.
CD Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits DLX
Deluxe Edition
369 Kč
2 týdny
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com
Deluxe Edition
One Little Indian
16. června 2017
Velká Británie
Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits DLX verze na CD v deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství One Little Indian dne 16. června 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Folk. Deluxe Edition.
Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Neill MacColl | Oboe Kate St. John | Vocals Kathryn Williams
2:54 min
Bass Guitar Michele Stodart | Drum Machine, Vocals Kathryn Williams
Living Free
3:52 min
Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Vocals Romeo Stodart | Bass, Percussion Michele Stodart | Congas CJ Jones | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar [High Strung Acoustic] Neill MacColl | Vocals Kathryn Williams
I Wrote You A Love Song
3:02 min
Drums, Timpani CJ Jones | Guitar [All Guitars], Bass, Piano, Vocals, Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Synthesizer [String Machine] Romeo Stodart | Performer [Guitaret] Neill MacColl | Saxophone Kate St. John | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Just Us Two
2:12 min
Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Backing Vocals Romeo Stodart | Bass Guitar, Whistle [Whistles], Bells [Bell], Percussion Michele Stodart | Bells [Bell], Vocals, Performer [The Twanger] Kathryn Williams | Drums CJ Jones | Piano [Muted Piano] Andy Bruce (4)
Road Of Shadows
2:45 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Neill MacColl, Romeo Stodart | Organ [Hammond Organ] Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Don't Step On The Cracks
3:03 min
Organ [Hammond Organ], Piano, Electric Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano, Vocals Kathryn Williams
She Wears A Dress
2:09 min
Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Electric Guitar [Electric Guitars], Synthesizer [String Machine] Romeo Stodart | Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Saxophone Kate St. John | Autoharp Neill MacColl | Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Piano, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer] Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
3:31 min
Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | E-Bow, Electric Guitar Neill MacColl | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Brightest Star
2:49 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
In This Garden
3:18 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Queen Of The Snow
3:21 min
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | Cor Anglais Kate St. John | Drums CJ Jones | Marxophone Neill MacColl | Toy Piano, Vocals Kathryn Williams
Piano Romeo Stodart | Vocals [Vocal] Kathryn Williams
5:22 min
Accordion Kate St. John | Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Kathryn Williams | Backing Vocals Laura Barnett | Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Backing Vocals Michele Stodart | Drums, Timpani CJ Jones | Mandolin Neill MacColl | Organ [Hammond Organ], Piano Andy Bruce (4)
When Morning Comes
3:49 min
Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Vocals [Vocal] Kathryn Williams
CD Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits
369 Kč
2 týdny
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com
One Little Indian
15. června 2017
Kathryn Williams: Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství One Little Indian dne 15. června 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Folk.
Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Neill MacColl | Oboe Kate St. John | Vocals Kathryn Williams
2:54 min
Bass Guitar Michele Stodart | Drum Machine, Vocals Kathryn Williams
Living Free
3:52 min
Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Vocals Romeo Stodart | Bass, Percussion Michele Stodart | Congas CJ Jones | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar [High Strung Acoustic] Neill MacColl | Vocals Kathryn Williams
I Wrote You A Love Song
3:02 min
Drums, Timpani CJ Jones | Guitar [All Guitars], Bass, Piano, Vocals, Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Synthesizer [String Machine] Romeo Stodart | Performer [Guitaret] Neill MacColl | Saxophone Kate St. John | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Just Us Two
2:12 min
Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Backing Vocals Romeo Stodart | Bass Guitar, Whistle [Whistles], Bells [Bell], Percussion Michele Stodart | Bells [Bell], Vocals, Performer [The Twanger] Kathryn Williams | Drums CJ Jones | Piano [Muted Piano] Andy Bruce (4)
Road Of Shadows
2:45 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Neill MacColl, Romeo Stodart | Organ [Hammond Organ] Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Don't Step On The Cracks
3:03 min
Organ [Hammond Organ], Piano, Electric Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano, Vocals Kathryn Williams
She Wears A Dress
2:09 min
Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Electric Guitar [Electric Guitars], Synthesizer [String Machine] Romeo Stodart | Arranged By [Horn Arrangements], Saxophone Kate St. John | Autoharp Neill MacColl | Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Piano, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer] Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
3:31 min
Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | E-Bow, Electric Guitar Neill MacColl | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Brightest Star
2:49 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
In This Garden
3:18 min
Bass Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Drums CJ Jones | Electric Guitar Romeo Stodart | Piano Andy Bruce (4) | Vocals Kathryn Williams
Queen Of The Snow
3:21 min
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Michele Stodart | Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Piano Romeo Stodart | Cor Anglais Kate St. John | Drums CJ Jones | Marxophone Neill MacColl | Toy Piano, Vocals Kathryn Williams
Piano Romeo Stodart | Vocals [Vocal] Kathryn Williams
5:22 min
Accordion Kate St. John | Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Kathryn Williams | Backing Vocals Laura Barnett | Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Backing Vocals Michele Stodart | Drums, Timpani CJ Jones | Mandolin Neill MacColl | Organ [Hammond Organ], Piano Andy Bruce (4)
When Morning Comes
3:49 min
Acoustic Guitar Romeo Stodart | Vocals [Vocal] Kathryn Williams
Kathryn Williams je britská zpěvačka a skladatelka známá svým jemným hlasovým stylem a přemýšlivými, introspektivními texty. Poprvé na sebe upozornila svým druhým albem "Little Black Numbers", které bylo v roce 2000 nominováno na Mercury Prize. Během své kariéry vydala Williamsová...
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