808s & Heartbreak - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 2 vydáních. Kanye West Čtvrté studiové album 808s & Heartbreak vyšlo 24. listopadu 2008. Album znamenalo radikální odklon od jeho předchozích hiphopově orientovaných nahrávek, místo toho se ...  Více

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2LP/CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak DLX Deluxe Collectors Set

1 067 Kč Skladem
2LP/CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak DLX
2LP/CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak DLX
2LP/CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak DLX
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Deluxe Collectors Set

Roc-A-Fella Records 27. března 2020 Evropa

Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak DLX verze na vinylu 2LP/CD v deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Roc-A-Fella Records dne 27. března 2020.

The ten time Grammy Award winning musical phenomenon, rapper, producer and singer embarks on a new musical journey taking his audience to new heights. Kanye West returns with his fourth album 808s & Heartbreak. His highly anticipated 2008 album features the heart pounding first single, 'Love Lockdown' which premiered live for the first time on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards.The ten-time Grammy Award® winning musical phenomenon, rapper, producer, and now singer embarks on a new musical journey taking his audience to new heights. Kanye West returns with his fourth album 808s & HEARTBREAK. His highly anticipated new album set for release on November 25th, featuring the heart pounding first single LOVE LOCKDOWN which premiered live for the first time on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards. LOVE LOCKDOWN quickly exploded at radio with the video premiering nationwide on the Ellen Degeneres show. „Heartless,” the second single, is next up to hit the airwaves further amplifying the story behind the musical direction for 808s & HEARTBREAK.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop, Synth-pop, Pop Rap, Contemporary R&B, Electropop a Art Pop. Deluxe Collectors Set.

Reissue Album Deluxe Edition
ID: 716 EAN: 0602517872813 Discogs ID: 14995270
A1 Say You Will
Backing Vocals Mr Hudson, Tony Williams (3) | Vocals The Kadockadee Kwire
A2 Welcome To Heartbreak
Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker | Featuring Kid CuDi
A3 Heartless
B1 Amazing
Backing Vocals Mr Hudson, Tony Williams (3) | Featuring Young Jeezy
B2 Love Lockdown
B3 Paranoid
Backing Vocals Kid CuDi | Featuring Mr Hudson
C1 RoboCop
Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker, Tony Williams (3)
C2 Street Lights
Backing Vocals Esthero, Tony Williams (3)
C3 Bad News
D1 See You In My Nightmares
Featuring Lil Wayne
D2 Coldest Winter
D3 Pinocchio Story (Live From Singapore)
CD-1 Say You Will 6:18 min
CD-2 Welcome To Heartbreak 4:23 min
CD-3 Heartless 3:31 min
CD-4 Amazing 3:58 min
CD-5 Love Lockdown 4:31 min
CD-6 Paranoid 4:38 min
CD-7 RoboCop 4:35 min
CD-8 Street Lights 3:10 min
CD-9 Bad News 3:59 min
CD-10 See You In My Nightmares 4:18 min
CD-11 Coldest Winter 2:46 min
CD-12 Pinocchio Story (Live From Singapore) 6:02 min
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CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak Jewel Case

267 Kč Na cestě
CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak
CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak
CD Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak
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Jewel Case

Roc-A-Fella Records 12. února 2009 Evropa

Kanye West: 808s & Heartbreak verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Roc-A-Fella Records dne 12. února 2009.

POZOR ZMĚNA KATALOGOVÉHO ČÍSLA Nové album Kanyi Westa „808s & Heartbreak” (pojmenováno po kultovnim bicím automatu Roland TR-808) navazuje na rok staré album „Graduation”, které se stalo jednou z nejúspěšnějších desek loňského roku. Album vyšlo ve stejný den jako nové album 50 Centa „Curtis”, aby mohlo dojít k souboji dvou velikánů hip hopové scény, ze kterého nakonec vyšel vítězně Kanye se svými 957 000 prodanými nosiči během prvního týdne (50 Cent: 691 000). Deska rovněž vyhrála tři ceny Grammy (Kanye jich již vlastní celkem 10!). První singl „Love Lockdown” naznačuje jakým směrem se bude Kanye ubírat tentokrát -singl totiž neobsahuje žádný rap(!) ale pouze zpěv. Jak se dalo čekat, okamžitě po vydání vyskočil na první místo americké hitparády Billboard.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop, Synth-pop, Pop Rap, Contemporary R&B, Electropop a Art Pop. Jewel Case.

Album Enhanced Reissue Repress
ID: 381839 EAN: 0602517872790 Discogs ID: 11120516
1 Say You Will 6:17 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Backing Vocals Mr Hudson, Tony Williams (3) | Bass Miles Davis (2) | Cello James Cooper III, Jennie Lorenzo | Engineer Jeff Chestek | Engineer [Assistant] John Stahl, Montez Roberts, Rick Friedrich | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Viola Alexandra Leem, Davis Barnett | Violin Charles Parker, Emma Kummrow, Gregory Teperman, Igor Szwec, Luigi Mazzocchi, Olga Konopelsky | Vocals The Kadockadee Kwire | Vocals [Featuring Vocals] Glenn Jordan, Jim Gilstrap, Kevin Dorsey, Phillip Ingram, Romeo Johnson, Will Wheaton | Written-By Dexter Raymond Mills, Jr., Jay Jenkins, Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West
2 Welcome To Heartbreak 4:23 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker | Bass Miles Davis (2) | Cello James Cooper III, Jennie Lorenzo | Engineer Jeff Chestek | Engineer [Assistant] John Stahl, Montez Roberts, Rick Friedrich | Featuring Kid Cudi | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer, Ryan West | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Viola Alexandra Leem, Davis Barnett | Violin Charles Parker, Emma Kummrow, Gregory Teperman, Igor Szwec, Luigi Mazzocchi, Olga Konopelsky | Written-By Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West, Patrick Reynolds, Scott Mescudi
3 Heartless 3:31 min
Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Ernest Wilson (2), Kanye West, Malik Jones, Scott Mescudi
4 Amazing 3:58 min
Backing Vocals Mr Hudson, Tony Williams (3) | Featuring Young Jeezy | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Dexter Raymond Mills, Jr., Jay Jenkins, Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West, Malik Jones
5 Love Lockdown 4:30 min
Drums, Percussion Gibi, Lula Almeida, Rodney De Assis, Zé Bruno | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Andrew Dawson, Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex], Mixed By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood], Mixed By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Jean-Bea Englishman, Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West, LaNeah Menzies, Malik Jones
6 Paranoid 4:37 min
Backing Vocals Kid CuDi | Featuring Mr Hudson | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Dexter Raymond Mills, Jr., Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West, Patrick Reynolds, Scott Mescudi
7 RoboCop 4:34 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker, Tony Williams (3) | Bass Miles Davis (2) | Cello James Cooper III, Jennie Lorenzo | Engineer Jeff Chestek | Engineer [Assistant] John Stahl, Montez Roberts, Rick Friedrich | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Viola Alexandra Leem, Davis Barnett | Violin Charles Parker, Emma Kummrow, Gregory Teperman, Igor Szwec, Luigi Mazzocchi, Olga Konopelsky | Written-By Dexter Raymond Mills, Jr., Faheem Najm, Jay Jenkins, Jean-Bea Englishman, Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West, Malik Jones, Patrick Doyle, Scott Mescudi, Tony Williams (3) | Written-By [Kissing In The Rain] Patrick Doyle
8 Street Lights 3:09 min
Backing Vocals Esthero, Tony Williams (3) | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Ben McIldowie, Jean-Bea Englishman, Kanye West, Tony Williams (3)
9 Bad News 3:58 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Bass Miles Davis (2) | Cello James Cooper III, Jennie Lorenzo | Engineer Jeff Chestek | Engineer [Assistant] John Stahl, Montez Roberts, Rick Friedrich | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Performer [See Line Woman] Nina Simone | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Viola Alexandra Leem, Davis Barnett | Violin Charles Parker, Emma Kummrow, Gregory Teperman, Igor Szwec, Luigi Mazzocchi, Olga Konopelsky | Written-By George Houston Bass, Kanye West | Written-By [See Line Woman] George Houston Bass
10 See You In My Nightmares 4:18 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Bass Miles Davis (2) | Cello James Cooper III, Jennie Lorenzo | Engineer Jeff Chestek | Engineer [Assistant] John Stahl, Montez Roberts, Rick Friedrich | Featuring Lil Wayne | Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Viola Alexandra Leem, Davis Barnett | Violin Charles Parker, Emma Kummrow, Gregory Teperman, Igor Szwec, Luigi Mazzocchi, Olga Konopelsky | Written-By Dwayne Carter, Ernest Wilson (2), Jeff Bhasker, Kanye West
11 Coldest Winter 2:45 min
Keyboards Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Christian Plata, Erik Madrid | Recorded By Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer | Recorded By [Assistant, Avex] Christian Mochizuki, Gaylord Holomalia | Recorded By [Assistant, Glenwood] Chad Carlisle, Isha Erskine | Written-By Ernest Wilson (2), Kanye West, Roland Orzabal | Written-By [Memories Fade] Roland Orzabal
12 Pinocchio Story (Live From Singapore, Hidden Bonus Track) 6:01 min
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Kanye West

Kanye West
Kanye West je velmi vlivný americký rapper, zpěvák, skladatel, hudební producent a módní návrhář. West se narodil 8. června 1977 v Atlantě ve státě Georgia, vyrůstal v Chicagu ve státě Illinois a zpočátku se proslavil jako producent pro vydavatelství Roc-A-Fella Records na počátku...

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