The Seasons 1801 - CD

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2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801 In Englischer Sprache

659 Kč 2 týdny
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
2CD Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801
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In Englischer Sprache

Signum Records | Winged Lion 7. dubna 2017 Evropa

Joseph Haydn: The Seasons 1801 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Signum Records ve spolupráci s Winged Lion dne 7. dubna 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba a Oratorio. In Englischer Sprache.

Album Stereo
ID: 310837 EAN: 0635212048023 Discogs ID: 15151004
1-1 Introduction & Accompagnato: See Winter, Stern And Gloomy, Flees 5:58 min
1-2 Chorus: Come, Gentle Spring! 3:21 min
1-3 Recitative: From Aries Shines The Bright’ning Sun 0:32 min
1-4 Song: With Eagerness The Countryman Sets Forth 3:18 min
1-5 Recitative: The Countryman Has Paid His Dues 0:34 min
1-6 Chorus With Solos: Heav’n Be Gracious, Heav’n Be Bounteous 5:38 min
1-7 Introduction & Accompagnato: Our Fervent Pray’rs Are Heard 0:58 min
1-8 Duet: O What Charming Sights Delight Us 10:29 min
1-9 Introduction & Accompagnato: In Darkness Shrouded 3:55 min
1-10 Song: The Wakeful Herdsman 2:52 min
1-11 Chorus With Solos: Behold The Sun! 4:52 min
1-12 Recitative: The Village Lads And Lasses 1:52 min
1-13 Cavatina: Exhausted Nature, Fainting, Sinks 5:09 min
1-14 Accompagnato: How Welcome Now, Ye Shady Groves! 3:59 min
1-15 Song: How Refreshing To The Senses 4:16 min
1-16 Recitative: Behold, Arising Through The Sultry Air 2:08 min
1-17 Chorus With Solos: Ah!The Storm Approaches Near! 7:48 min
2-1 Introduction, Accompagnato & Recitative: That Which Spring Has Promis’d 2:23 min
2-2 Trio: Thus Nature Rewards Our Toil! 5:34 min
2-3 Recitative: See How A Bunch Of Eager Lads 1:11 min
2-4 Duet: Fine Ladies Of The Town 7:43 min
2-5 Recitative: On Ravag’d Hills 0:56 min
2-6 Song: See Lo On Yonder Open Field 3:05 min
2-7 Recitative & Accompagnato: A Tight’ning Circle Of Hunters 0:37 min
2-8 Chorus: Hark, Hear The Sounds Of The Chase 4:05 min
2-9 Recitative: On Vines, The Grapes Are Glistening 1:01 min
2-10 Chorus: Drink Up, Drink Up, The Wine Is Here! 6:34 min
2-11 Introduction & Accompagnato: The Jaded Year Now Fades Away 5:28 min
2-12 Cavatina: Light And Life Are Enfeebl’d 2:04 min
2-13 Recitative & Accompagnato: The Lake Lies Lock’d In Frosty Grip 2:01 min
2-14 Song: The Wand’rer Stands Perplex’d 3:51 min
2-15 Recitative & Accompagnato: And Drawing Near The Welcome Sight 1:07 min
2-16 Song With Chorus: Whirring,whirring,whirring! 2:46 min
2-17 Recitative: Now The Flax Has All Been Spun 0:23 min
2-18 Song With Chorus: A Noble Squire, Of Great Renown 3:44 min
2-19 Recitative: And From The East There Blows An Icy Blast 0:53 min
2-20 Song & Accompagnato: Consider Then, Misguided Man 4:44 min
2-21 Double Chorus With Solos: Then Dawns That Morn So Glorious 5:13 min
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