"Piano In Style" 1926-1930 - Vinyl

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LP Jelly Roll Morton: Piano In Style (1926-1930) 1980

299 Kč Skladem
LP Jelly Roll Morton: Piano In Style (1926-1930)
LP Jelly Roll Morton: Piano In Style (1926-1930)
LP Jelly Roll Morton: Piano In Style (1926-1930)
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MCA Records 1980 USA

Jelly Roll Morton: Piano In Style (1926-1930) verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství MCA Records roku 1980. Album lze řadit do žánru Jazz.

ID: 338440 Discogs ID: 5347737
A1 Jelly Roll Morton: The Pearls
Written-By Jelly Roll Morton
A2 Jelly Roll Morton: Sweetheart o' Mine
Written-By Jelly Roll Morton, Walter Melrose
A3 Jelly Roll Morton: Fat Meat And Greens
Written-By Aletha Robinson, John Bishaw
A4 Jelly Roll Morton: King Porter Stomp
Written-By Jelly Roll Morton
A5 James Price Johnson: Cryin' For The Carolines
Written-By Harry Warren (2), Joe Young (3), Sam Lewis
A6 James Price Johnson: What Is This Thing Called Love?
Written-By Cole Porter
A7 James Price Johnson: You've Got To Be Modernistic
Written-By James Price Johnson
A8 James Price Johnson: Jingles
Written-By James Price Johnson
B1 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Pinetop's Blues, Take 1
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B2 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Pinetop's Blues, Take 2
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B3 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Pinetop's Boogie-Woogie, Take 1
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B4 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Pinetop's Boogie-Woogie, Take 2
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B5 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: I'm Sober Now
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B6 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Jump Steady Blues, Take 1
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B7 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Jump Steady Blues, Take 2
Written-By Clarence "Pinetop" Smith
B8 Clarence "Pinetop" Smith: Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
Written-By Jimmy Cox
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Jelly Roll Morton

Jelly Roll Morton
Jelly Roll Morton , narozený 20. října 1890 v New Orleans v Louisianě jako Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe , byl klíčovou osobností ve vývoji raného jazzu. Byl to pianista, kapelník, skladatel a aranžér, který o sobě tvrdil, že jazz vynalezl, což se setkalo se skepsí i určitým uznáním vz...

James Price Johnson

James Price Johnson
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Clarence "Pinetop" Smith

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