The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of - Vinyl

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LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of 2010

839 Kč Na objednávku
LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of
LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of
LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of
LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of
LP Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of
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Voodoo Rhythm 4. února 2010 Švýcarsko

Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers: The Kneeanderthal Sounds Of verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Švýcarsku ve vydavatelství Voodoo Rhythm dne 4. února 2010. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Garage Rock, Blues Rock a Rock & Roll.

ID: 333681 EAN: 7640111769835 Discogs ID: 2183404
A1 - Eye Of The Storm
A2 - Hung, Drawn And Quartered
A3 - No Great Shakes
A4 - Camel Neck (Instr)
A5 - No End In Sight
A6 - Gonna Give You Everything
A7 - Fire's Still Burnin'
A8 - Whatever Happened To My Love?
B1 - Dig That Grave!
B2 - Primitive Rock
B3 - Standoff (Instr)
B4 - I'm The Leg
B5 - Untamed Love
B6 - Dog Leg
B7 - Pie-Ella
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Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers

Hipbone Slim And The Knee Tremblers
Anglická kapela z Oxfordu ve Velké Británii. Hraje hudbu v mnoha stylech, například rock n'roll, surf, beat, rockabilly, zydeco a blues i rhythm and blues.

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