The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem) - CD

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CD Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings: The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem) 2001

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CD Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings: The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem)
CD Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings: The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem)
CD Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings: The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem)
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Celestial Harmonies 1. února 2001 USA

Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings: The Bells Of Sh'ang Sh'ung (A Soundpoem) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Celestial Harmonies dne 1. února 2001. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient, Drone a New Age.

ID: 339942 EAN: 0013711303728 Discogs ID: 692298
1 Time Ice 3:04 min
Cymbal [Bowed China Cymbals] Brian Keane
2 Blue Sheep 2:53 min
3 Track Of The Yeti 4:01 min
Performer [Footsteps] Brian Keane, Henry Wolff | Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Programmed By [Programming] Brian Keane
4 Cliffs Of Crystal, Cliffs Of Ice 2:56 min
5 Snowblind 5:13 min
Effects [Cymbal Effects] Brian Keane | Recorded By [Parts Recorded By] Henry Wolff
6 Blackwind 1:37 min
Effects [Synthesizer Effects] Brian Keane
7 Altitude 27,000 5:20 min
Effects [Synthesizer Effects] Brian Keane
8 Through The Ice 1:04 min
Effects [Special Effects] Brian Keane, Matt Lane | Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Effects [Tape Effects] Brian Keane | Tape [Tapes Of Echoes Made By] Henry Wolff
9 Herald Of Sh'ang Sh'ung 1:58 min
Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Effects [Tape Effects] Brian Keane | Tape [Tapes Of Echoes Made By] Henry Wolff
10 In The Valley Of Sh'ang Sh'ung 2:44 min
Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Effects [Tape Effects] Brian Keane | Tape [Tapes Of Echoes Made By] Henry Wolff
11 Transmigration I 4:26 min
Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Effects [Tape Effects] Brian Keane
12 Serenade 7:43 min
Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Effects [Tape Effects], Bells, Gong [Gongs] Brian Keane
13 Transmigration II 6:00 min
14 Gates Of Sh'ang Sh'ung 5:19 min
Synthesizer [Synthesizers], Samples, Effects [Tape Effects] Brian Keane | Tape [Tapes Of Echoes Made By] Henry Wolff
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