The Thin Red Line (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - CD

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4CD Hans Zimmer: The Thin Red Line (Music From The Motion Picture - 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition) LTD Limited Edition

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4CD Hans Zimmer: The Thin Red Line (Music From The Motion Picture - 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition) LTD
4CD Hans Zimmer: The Thin Red Line (Music From The Motion Picture - 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition) LTD
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Limited Edition

La-La Land Records 8. února 2019 USA

Hans Zimmer: The Thin Red Line (Music From The Motion Picture - 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition) LTD verze na 4CD v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství La-La Land Records dne 8. února 2019. Album zasahuje do žánrů Stage & Screen, Partitura a Soundtrack. Limited Edition.

Album Limited Edition
ID: 364812 EAN: 0826924147528 Discogs ID: 13348297
Disc 1 - The Film Score
1-1 Nature Montage
1-2 Witt With Melanesians
1-3 Witt In Brig / Tall And Quintard
1-4 Staros Below Deck
1-5 March Inland
1-6 Staros Prays
1-7 The Grass / Tall Calls Staros
1-8 Keck’s Death
1-9 Walsh Helps Tella
1-10 Staros Refuses Order
1-11 Bell’s Patrol
1-12 Bell Goes Alone
1-13 Welsh & Witt Talk
1-14 Gaff’s Party Leaves
1-15 Gaff’s Party Returns
1-16 Attack On The Bivouac (Long Version)
Disc 2 - The Film Score (Continued)
2-1 Staros Is Relieved
2-2 Tall Does Nails
2-3 Airfield – Bell Flashback
2-4 Marty’s Letter
2-5 Village Flashback
2-6 Witt Travels
2-7 Japanese Appear – Witt Chased
2-8 Witt Killed
2-9 Witt’s Funeral
2-10 Cemetery
2-11 End Credits
2-12 Concerto For Beam (Extended Version)
Additional Music
2-13 Keck’s Death (Alternate)
2-14 Gaff’s Party Returns (Alternate)
2-15 Attack On The Bivouac (Short Version
2-16 Staros Is Relieved (Alternate)
2-17 Tall Does Nails (Alternate)
2-18 Witt Travels (Alternate)
Disc 3 - The Original Soundtrack Album
3-1 The Coral Atoll
3-2 The Lagoon
3-3 Journey To The Line
3-4 Light
3-5 Beam
3-6 Air
3-7 Stone In My Heart
3-8 The Village
3-9 Silence
3-10 God Yu Tekem Laef Blong Mi
3-11 Sit Back And Relax
Disc 4 - Melanesian Choirs: The Blessed Islands – Chants From The Thin Red Line
4-1 Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi
4-2 Soon My Lord
4-3 God Yu Tekkem Laef Blong Mi
4-4 Early Morning At Tabalia
4-5 Procession Chant 1
4-6 Procession Chant 2 (Kustom Tune)
4-7 Holly
4-8 Procession Chant 3
4-9 We Love to Sing
4-10 Mi Go Longway
4-11 Jisas, Masta Mi Save
4-12 Procession Chant 4
4-13 Together Be
4-14 Sunday Service Hymn
4-15 Halleluia!, Sing To Jesus
4-16 Jesus, You Are Here
4-17 Bybye
4-18 We Are One Big Happy Family
4-19 Traditional Lullaby
4-20 Cho Cho Vancho
4-21 Remember
4-22 God All Mighty
4-23 Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi
4-24 Pray For Us
4-25 Procession Chorus
4-26 Kyrie
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Hans Zimmer

Hans Zimmer
Hans Zimmer je vysoce uznávaný německý filmový skladatel a hudební producent, proslulý svými silnými a sugestivními hudebními díly, která se stala ozdobou mnoha filmů různých žánrů. Zimmer se narodil 12. září 1957 ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem v západním Německu a stal se jednou z nej...

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