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2SACD Pascal Bertin: Guerre & Paix (1614 - 1714) SACD Vinyl

1 129 Kč Týden
2SACD Pascal Bertin: Guerre & Paix (1614 - 1714)
2SACD Pascal Bertin: Guerre & Paix (1614 - 1714)
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SACD Vinyl

Alia Vox 10. března 2015 Evropa

Pascal Bertin: Guerre & Paix (1614 - 1714) verze na 2SACD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Alia Vox dne 10. března 2015. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Renaissance Music. SACD Vinyl.

Stereo Compilation
ID: 221453 EAN: 9788494138577 Discogs ID: 7875765
1-1 Pavane Pour La Petite Guaire, Fait Pour Les Cornetz En 1601 2:17 min
1613 The Ottoman Empire Attacks Hungary
Makam « Muhayyer Pesrev » – Ottoman March Of War
From The Thirty Years War To The Treaty Of Nimeguen 1614 -1689
1614 Massacre Of The Jews In Frankfurt
1618 Prague, Beginning Of The Thirty Years War
1624/25 Breda Is Besieged By Spanish Troops
1635 The Peace Of Prague
1636 Richelieu Declares War On Spain
1640 The Reapers’ War “The Corpus Of Blood” / 1641 January. Pau Claris Puts Forward A Proposal To Establish A Catalan Republic
Catalonia Accepts The Sovereignty Of Louis XIII
1645 Ottoman-Venetian War
1648 Peace Of Westphalia. End Of The Thirty Years War
1649 English Civil War
1652 The Catalan Institutions Recognize Philip IV Of Spain As The Sovereign Of Catalonia
1659 Treaty Of The Pyrenees
1669 The Venetians Are Driven Out Of Crete By The Ottomans
1678 Treaty Of Nimeguen
From The Treaty Of Turin To The End Of The War Of The Spanish Succession 1696 - 1714
1696 Treaty Of Turin
1701/02 Beginning Of The War Of The Spanish Succession
1705 Pact Of Genoa. Archduke Charles Arrives In Barcelona
1708 Marriage Of Archduke Charles In Barcelona
1710 Death Of Emperor Joseph I
Archduke Charles Is Crowned Emperor
Coronation Celebrations
1711 The Ottoman Empire Attacks Russia
1714 Siege Of Barcelona
1714 11 September. Defeat Of The Defenders Of Barcelona
1714 11 September. The Capitulation Of Barcelona. Prayer For The Victims
Lament Following The Defeat
1714 Celebration Organized By The End Of The War Of The Spanish Succession
Jubilate Deo / O Be Joyful (HWV 279)
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