Collected - Vinyl, CD

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2LP Gerry Rafferty: Collected 180g Vinyl

969 Kč Skladem
2LP Gerry Rafferty: Collected
2LP Gerry Rafferty: Collected
2LP Gerry Rafferty: Collected
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180g Vinyl

Music On Vinyl | Universal Music 1. března 2019 Evropa

Gerry Rafferty: Collected verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Music On Vinyl ve spolupráci s Universal Music dne 1. března 2019. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country a Pop Rock. 180g Vinyl.

ID: 471259 EAN: 0602567893790 Discogs ID: 13926386
A1 Stealers Wheel: Stuck In The Middle With You 3:23 min
A2 Stealers Wheel: Late Again 3:10 min
A3 Stealers Wheel: Everything Will Turn Out Fine 3:02 min
A4 Stealers Wheel: Star 2:52 min
A5 Stealers Wheel: Right Or Wrong 4:43 min
A6 Stealers Wheel: Found My Way To You 3:21 min
A7 Stealers Wheel: Go As You Please 3:43 min
B1 Gerry Rafferty: Can I Have My Money Back 2:00 min
B2 Gerry Rafferty: City To City 5:01 min
B3 Gerry Rafferty: Baker Street 6:26 min
B4 Gerry Rafferty: Right Down The Line 4:27 min
B5 Gerry Rafferty: The Ark 5:38 min
C1 Gerry Rafferty: Night Owl 4:24 min
C2 Gerry Rafferty: Get It Right Next Time 4:40 min
C3 Gerry Rafferty: Bring It All Home 4:33 min
C4 Gerry Rafferty: The Garden Of England 4:07 min
C5 Gerry Rafferty: Sleepwalking 3:50 min
C6 Gerry Rafferty: As Wise As A Serpent 5:13 min
D1 Gerry Rafferty: Shipyard Town 6:17 min
D2 Gerry Rafferty: Hearts Run Dry 6:10 min
D3 Gerry Rafferty: Don't Give Up On Me 4:58 min
D4 Gerry Rafferty: Time's Caught Up On You 4:17 min
D5 Gerry Rafferty: A New Beginning 4:07 min
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3CD Gerry Rafferty: Collected 2021

479 Kč Týden
3CD Gerry Rafferty: Collected
3CD Gerry Rafferty: Collected
3CD Gerry Rafferty: Collected
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Universal Music 12. února 2021 Nizozemsko

Gerry Rafferty: Collected verze na 3CD v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Nizozemsku ve vydavatelství Universal Music dne 12. února 2021. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country a Pop Rock.

Compilation Remastered
ID: 423403 EAN: 0600753327944 Discogs ID: 3208750
1-1 Stealers Wheel: Late Again
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-2 Stealers Wheel: Stuck In The Middle With You
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-3 Stealers Wheel: Everything Will Turn Out Fine
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-4 Stealers Wheel: Star
Written-By Joe Egan
1-5 Stealers Wheel: Found My Way To You
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-6 Stealers Wheel: Go As You Please
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-7 Stealers Wheel: Right Or Wrong
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
1-8 Gerry Rafferty: The Ark
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-9 Gerry Rafferty: Baker Street
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-10 Gerry Rafferty: Right Down The Line
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-11 Gerry Rafferty: City To City
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-12 Gerry Rafferty: Stealin' Time
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-13 Gerry Rafferty: Whatever's Written In Your Heart
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-14 Gerry Rafferty: Night Owl
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-15 Gerry Rafferty: Get It Right Next Time
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-16 Gerry Rafferty: Bring It All Home
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
1-17 Gerry Rafferty: The Garden Of England
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-1 Gerry Rafferty: Sleepwalking
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-2 Gerry Rafferty: As Wise As A Serpent
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-3 Mark Knopfler, Gerry Rafferty: The Way it Always Starts
Written-By Mark Knopfler
2-4 Gerry Rafferty: Hearts Run Dry
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-5 Gerry Rafferty: A Dangerous Age
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-6 Gerry Rafferty: On A Night Like This
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-7 Gerry Rafferty: Moonlight And Gold
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-8 Gerry Rafferty: Shipyard Town
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-9 Gerry Rafferty: Tired Of Talking
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-10 Gerry Rafferty: Love And Affection
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-11 Gerry Rafferty: Don't Give Up On Me
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-12 Gerry Rafferty: Time's Caught Up On You
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-13 Gerry Rafferty: The Girl's Got No Confidence
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-14 Gerry Rafferty: Over My Head
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-15 Gerry Rafferty: Down And Out
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
2-16 Gerry Rafferty: A New Beginning
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-1 The Humblebums: Her Father Didn't Like Me Anyway
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-2 The Humblebums: Rick Rack
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-3 The Humblebums: Look Over The Hills And Far Away
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-4 The Humblebums: Please Sing A Song For Us
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-5 The Humblebums: Shoe Shine Boy
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-6 The Humblebums: Steamboat Row
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-7 Gerry Rafferty: Mary Skeffington
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-8 Gerry Rafferty: Can I Have My Money Back?
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-9 Gerry Rafferty: Didn't I?
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-10 Gerry Rafferty: New Street Blues
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-11 Gerry Rafferty: Don't Count Me Out
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-12 Gerry Rafferty: To Teach And Everyone
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-13 Gerry Rafferty: One Drink Down
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, John Patrick Byrne
3-14 Stealers Wheel: Johnny's Song
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-15 Stealers Wheel: You Put Something Better Inside Me
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
3-16 Stealers Wheel: Gets So Lonely
Written-By Joe Egan
3-17 Stealers Wheel: Next To Me
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
3-18 Stealers Wheel: Blind Faith
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
3-19 Stealers Wheel: Who Cares
Written-By Gerry Rafferty
3-20 Stealers Wheel: Good Businessman
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
3-21 Stealers Wheel: Benediction
Written-By Gerry Rafferty, Joe Egan
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Gerry Rafferty

Gerry Rafferty
Gerry Rafferty byl skotský zpěvák a skladatel, známý svým výrazným hlasem a melodickými písněmi. Rafferty se narodil 16. dubna 1947 ve skotském Paisley a svou hudební kariéru zahájil koncem 60. let 20. století ve skupině The Humblebums po boku komika Billyho Connollyho. Po rozpadu...

Stealers Wheel

Stealers Wheel
Stealers Wheel byla britská folkrocková/rocková skupina, kterou na počátku 70. let založili Gerry Rafferty a Joe Egan. Skupina je známá především díky hitu "Stuck in the Middle with You", který vyšel na jejich debutovém albu z roku 1972. Píseň dosáhla značného úspěchu, když se dos...

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