The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5 - CD

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CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5 2017

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CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
CD Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5
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cpo 10. listopadu 2017 Německo

Georg Philipp Telemann: The Grand Concertos For Mixed Instruments Vol. 5 verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství cpo dne 10. listopadu 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba a Barokní hudba.

ID: 127297 EAN: 0761203508228 Discogs ID: 13435301
Divertimento TWV 50:21 In E Flat Major For 2 Horns, 2 Flutes, Strings, & Bc 10:21 min
Flute Claire Garde, Karl Kaiser | Horn Jörg Schulteß, Stephan Katte
Concert À Neuf Parties "Grillcnsinfonie" TWV 50:1 For Piccolo Flute, Transverse Flute, Oboe, Chalumeau, Strings & 2 Double Basse 9:20 min
Chalumeau Christopher Woods (4) | Contrabass Dane Roberts, Matthias Scholz (3) | Flute Karl Kaiser | Oboe Hans-Peter Westermann | Piccolo Flute Claire Garde
Concerto TWV 53:g For 2 Oboes, Bassoon, Strings & Bc 16:31 min
Bassoon Marita Schaar | Oboe Hans-Peter Westermann, Wolfgang Dey
Sonata TWV 44:1 For Trumpet, Strings & B.c. 9:07 min
Trumpet Hans-Martin Rux
Concerto TWV 51:F4 Für Solo Violin, 2 Transverse Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns, Timpani, Strings & B.c. 23:35 min
Flute Claire Garde, Karl Kaiser | Horn Jörg Schulteß, Stephan Katte | Oboe Hans-Peter Westermann, Wolfgang Dey | Timpani Matthias Müller (6) | Violin Christine Busch
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Georg Philipp Telemann

Georg Philipp Telemann
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