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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Theodora 2018

1 049 Kč Týden
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Theodora
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Theodora
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Coviello Classics 19. ledna 2018 Německo

Georg Friedrich Händel: Theodora verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Coviello Classics dne 19. ledna 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba, Oratorio a Československé klasiky.

ID: 278255 EAN: 4039956917328 Discogs ID: 11641666
Theodora HWV 68 (Oratorium, Gesamtaufnahme)
1-1 Ouvertüre: Grave - Allegro
1-2 Rezitativ: Tis Diocletian's Natal Day (1. Teil)
1-3 Chor: And Draw A Blessing Down
1-4 Rezitativ: Vouchsafe, Dread Sir, A Gracious Ear
1-5 Arie: Racks, Gibbets, Sword And Fire
1-6 Chor: For Ever Thus Stands Fixed The Doom
1-7 Rezitativ: Most Cruel Edict!
1-8 Arie: The Rapture'd Soul Defies The Sword
1-9 Rezitativ: I Know Thy Virtues
1-10 Arie: Descend, Kind Pity, Heav'nly Guest
1-11 Rezitativ: Though Hard, My Friends
1-12 Arie: Fond, Flatt'ring Would, Adieu
1-13 Rezitativ: O Bright Example Of All Goodness!
1-14 Chor: Come, Mighty Father
1-15 Rezitativ: Fly, Fly, My Brethren
1-16 Arie: As With Rosy Steps The Morn
1-17 Chor: All Pow'r In Heav'n Above
1-18 Rezitativ: Mistaken Wretches!
1-19 Arie: Dread The Fruits Of Christian Folly
1-20 Rezitativ Und Accompagnato: Deluded Mortal! - Oh, Worse Than Death
1-21 Arie: Angels, Ever Bright And Fair
1-22 Rezitativ: Unhappy, Happy Crew!
1-23 Arie: Kind Heav'n, If Virtue Be Thy Care
1-24 Rezitativ: O Love, How Great Thy Pow'r!
1-25 Chor: Go, Gen'rous Pious Youth
2-1 Rezitativ: Ye Men Of Antioch (2. Teil)
2-2 Chor: Queen Of Summer, Queen Of Love
2-3 Arie: Wide Spread His Name
2-4 Rezitativ: Return, Septimius
2-5 Chor: Venus, Laughing From The Skies
2-6 Symphony: Largo
2-7 Rezitativ: O Thou Bright Sun!
2-8 Arie: With Darkness Deep As Is My Woe
2-9 Symphony: Largo
2-10 Rezitativ: The Clouds Begin To Veil The Hemisphere
2-11 Arie: Defend Her, Heav'n
2-12 Rezitativ: Or Lulled With Grief
2-13 Arie: Sweet Rose And Lily, Flow'ry Form
2-14 Rezitativ: O Save Me, Heav'n
2-15 Arie: The Pilgrim's Home, The Sick Man's Health
2-16 Accompagnato: Forbid It, Heav'n
2-17 Rezitativ: Ah! What Is Liberty
2-18 Duett: To Thee, Thou Glorious Son Of Worth
2-19 Rezitativ: Tis Night, But Night's Sweet Blessing
2-20 Chor: He Saw The Lovely Youth
2-21 Arie: Lord, To Thee, Each Night And Day (3. Teil)
2-22 Rezitativ: But See The Good, The Virtuous Didymus!
2-23 Solo Und Chor: Blest Be The Hand
2-24 Rezitativ Und Accompagnato: Undaunted In The Court
2-25 Duett: Wither, Princess, Do You Fly
2-26 Rezitativ: She's Gone! Disdaining Liberty And Life
2-27 Rezitativ: Is It A Christian Virtue, Then - Be That My Doom
2-28 Arie: From Virtue Springs Each Gen'rous Deed
2-29 Arie: Cease, Ye Slaves, Your Fruitless Pray'r
2-30 Rezitativ: Oppose Not, Didymus, My Just Desires
2-31 Chor: How Strange Their Ends
2-32 Rezitativ: On Me Your Frowns
2-33 Air Und Duett: Streams Of Pleasure Ever Flowing - Thither Let Our Hearts Aspire
2-34 Rezitativ: Ere This Their Doom Is Past
2-35 Chor: O Love Divine, Thou Source Of Fame
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