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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Samson 2020

699 Kč Na objednávku
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Samson
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Samson
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Ricercar 1. srpna 2020 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Samson verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Ricercar dne 1. srpna 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 556968 EAN: 5400439004115 Discogs ID: 25261561
Samson, Oratorio, HWV 57
Act II
Scene 1
1-1 Overture
1-2 This Day, A Solemn Feast To Dagon Held
1-3 Awake The Trumpet's Lofty Sound
1-4 Ye Men Of Gaza, Hither Bring
1-5 Awake The Trumpet's Lofty Sound
1-6 Why By An Angel Was My Birth Foretold
Scene 2
1-7 O Change Beyond Report
1-8 Whom Have I To Complain Of But Myself
1-9 Total Eclipse!
1-10 Since Light So Necessary Is To Life
1-11 Oh First Created Beam!
1-12 Ye See, My Friends, How Woes Enclose Me Round
Scene 3
1-13 Thy Glorious Deeds Inspir'd My Tongue
1-14 To Sorrow Now I Tune
1-15 Justly These Evils Have Befall'n Thy Son
1-16 My Genial Spirits Droop, My Hopes Are Fled
1-17 Then Round About The Starry Throne
Act II
Scene 1
1-18 Trust Yet In God! - Return O God Of Hosts! Behold
Scene 2
1-19 But Who Is This, That So Bedeck'd And Gay
1-20 With Doubtful Feet
1-21 With Plaintive Notes And Am'rous Moan
1-22 Did Love Constrain Thee?
1-23 Your Charms To Ruin Led The Way
1-24 Forgive What's Done, Not Think Of What's Past Cure
1-25 My Faith And Truth, Oh Samson
1-26 To Fleeting Pleasures Make Your Court
1-27 Her Faith And Truth, O Samson!
2-1 Ne'er Think Of That!
2-2 Traitor To Love! Traitress To Love!
Scene 3
2-3 She's Gone!
2-4 To Man God's Universal Law
Scene 4
2-5 No Words Of Peace
2-6 Honour And Arms Scorn Such A Foe
2-7 Cam'st Thou For This, Vain Boaster?
2-8 Go, Baffled Coward, Go - Presume No On Thy God
2-9 Here Lie The Proof
2-10 Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, Hear!
2-11 Dagon, Arise, Attend Thy Sacred Feast!
2-12 To Song And Dance We Give The Day
2-13 To Song And Dance We Give The Day
2-14 Fix'd In His Everlasting Seat
Scene 1
2-15 More Trouble Is Behind
2-16 Presuming Slave. To Move Their Wrath!
2-17 Reflect Then, Samson, Matters Now Are
2-18 With Thunder Arm'd Great God, Arise!
2-19 Be Of Good Courage, I Begin To Feel
2-20 Thus When The Sun From's Wat'ry Bed
2-21 With Might Endu'd Above The Sons Of Men
2-22 The Holy One Of Israel Be Thy Guide
Scene 2
2-23 Old Manoa, With Youthful Steps
2-24 Great Dagon Has Subdued Our Foe
2-25 What Noise Of Joy Was That?
2-26 How Willing My Paternal Love
2-27 Your Hopes Of His Deliv'ry Seem Not Vain
2-28 Noise Call You This?
Scene 3
2-29 Ye Sons Of Israel, Now Lament
2-30 Dead March
2-31 The Body Comes
2-32 Glorious Hero, May Thy Grave
2-33 May Ev'ry Hero Fal Like Thee
2-34 Bring The Laurels, Bring The Bays
2-35 Come, come! No time for lamentation now
2-36 Let The Bright Seraphim In Burning Row
2-37 Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite
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