Messiah 1754 - CD

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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah 1754 2017

769 Kč Týden
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah 1754
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah 1754
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Alpha Classics | Outhere Music 6. října 2017 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Messiah 1754 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Alpha Classics ve spolupráci s Outhere Music dne 6. října 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 181485 EAN: 3760014193620 Discogs ID: 11519344
1-1 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 1, Sinfonia
1-2 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 2, Accompagnato "Comfort Ye, My People"
1-3 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 3, Air "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted"
1-4 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 4, Chorus "And The Glory Of The Lord"
1-5 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 5, Accompagnato "Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts"
1-6 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 6, Air "But Who May Abide"
1-7 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 7, Chorus "And He Shall Purify" & No. 8, Recitative "Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive"
1-8 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 9, Air & Chorus "O Thou That Tellest"
1-9 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 10, Recitative "For Behold"
1-10 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 11, Air "The People That Worked"
1-11 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 12, Chorus "For Unto Us A Child Is Born"
1-12 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 13, Pipa & No. 14, Recitative "There Were Shepherds"
1-13 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 14b, Recitative "And Io, The Angel Of The Lord" & No. 15, Recitative "And The Angel Said Unto Them"
1-14 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 16, Recitative & Accompagnato "And Suddenly"
1-15 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 17, Chorus "Glory To God In The Highest"
1-16 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 18, Air "Rejoice Greatly" & No. 19, Recitative "Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind"
1-17 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 20, Air "He Shall Feed His Flock"
1-18 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. I: No. 21, Chorus "His Yoke Is Easy"
2-1 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 22, Chorus "Behold The Lamb Of God"
2-2 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 23, Air "He Was Despised"
2-3 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 24, Chorus "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs"
2-4 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 25, Chorus "And With His Stripes"
2-5 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 26, Chorus "All We Like Sheep"
2-6 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 27, Recitative & Accompagnato "All They That See Him"
2-7 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 28, Chorus "He Trusted In God"
2-8 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 29, Recitative "They Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart"
2-9 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 30, Air "Behold, And See"
2-10 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 31, Recitative "He Was Cut Off Out"
2-11 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 32, Air "But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell"
2-12 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 33, Chorus "Lift Up Your Heads" & No. 34, Recitative "Unto Which Of The Angels"
2-13 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 35, Chorus "Let All The Angels Of God"
2-14 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 36, Air "Thou Art Gone Up On High"
2-15 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 37, Chorus "The Lord Gave The Word"
2-16 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II: No. 38, Air "How Beautiful Are the Feet"
2-17 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 39, Chorus "Their Sound Is Gone Out"
2-18 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 40, Air "Why Do The Nations"
2-19 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 41, Chorus "Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder" & No. 42, Recitative "He That Dwelleth In Heaven"
2-20 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II: No. 43, Air "Thou Shalt Break Them"
2-21 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Ii: No. 44, Chorus "Hallelujah"
2-22 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 45, Air "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"
2-23 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 46, Chorus "Since By Man Came Death"
2-24 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 47, Recitative "Behold, I Tell You A Mystery"
2-25 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 48, Air "The Trumpet Shall Sound" & No. 49, Recitative "Then Shall Be Brought To Pass"
2-26 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 50, Duet "O Death"
2-27 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 51, Chorus "But Thanks To Be God"
2-28 Messiah, Hwv 56, Pt. Iii: No. 52, Air "If God Be For Us"
2-29 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III: No. 53, Chorus "Worthy Is the Lamb"
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