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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Judas Maccabaeus 2007

689 Kč Na objednávku

ORF | Radio Österreich 1 18. ledna 2007 Rakousko

Georg Friedrich Händel: Judas Maccabaeus verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Rakousku ve vydavatelství ORF ve spolupráci s Radio Österreich 1 dne 18. ledna 2007. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 449341 EAN: 9004629313573 Discogs ID: 10878862
1-1 Ouverture 6:17 min
1-2 Chorus: Mourn, Ye Afflicted Children 3:44 min
1-3 Israelitish Man: Well, Brethren, May Your Sorrows Flow 1:11 min
1-4 Israelitish Woman And Iraelitish Man: From This Dread Scene 2:19 min
1-5 Chorus: For Sion Lamentation Make 2:31 min
1-6 Simon: Not Vain Is All This Storm Of Grief 0:55 min
1-7 Israelitish Woman: Pious Orgies, Pious Airs 2:53 min
1-8 Chorus: Oh Father, Whose Almighty Pow'r 2:19 min
1-9 Simon: I Feel, I Feel The Deity Within 0:57 min
1-10 Simon: Arm, Arm, Ye Brave! A Noble Cause 4:04 min
1-11 Judas: 'Tis Well, My Friends; With Transport I Behold 0:43 min
1-12 Judas: Call Forth Thy Pow'rs, My Soul, And Dare 1:44 min
1-13 Israelitish Woman: To Heav'n's Almighty King We Kneel 0:37 min
1-14 Israelitish Woman: Oh Liberty, Thou Choicest Treasure 2:19 min
1-15 Israelitish Woman And Israelitish Man: Come, Ever-smiling Liberty 1:16 min
1-16 Chorus: Lead On, Lead On! Judah Disdains 0:52 min
1-17 Judas: So Will'd My Father, Now At Rest 1:19 min
1-18 Chorus: Disdainful Of Danger, We'll Rush On The Foe 1:43 min
1-19 Judas: Ambition! If E'er Honour Was Thine Aim 0:16 min
1-20 Judas: No Unhallow'd Desire 2:17 min
1-21 Israelitish Man: Haste We, My Brethren, Haste We To The Field 0:15 min
1-22 Chorus: Hear Us, Oh Lord, On Thee We Call 3:35 min
1-23 Chorus: Fall'n Is The Foe; So Fall Thy Foes, Oh Lord! 3:15 min
1-24 Israelitish Man: Victorious Hero! Fame Shall Tell 0:39 min
1-25 Israelitish Man: So Rapid Thy Course Is 4:17 min
1-26 Israelitish Man: Well May We Hope Our Freedom To Receive 0:22 min
1-27 Israelitish Woman, Israelitish Man And Chorus: Sion Now Her Head Shall Raise 5:55 min
1-28 Israelitish Woman: Oh Let Eternal Honours Crown His Name 0:34 min
1-29 Israelitish Woman: From Mighty Kings He Took The Spoil 6:23 min
1-30 Israelitish Woman, Iraelitish Man And Chorus: Hail, Hail, Judea, Happy Land! 2:12 min
2-1 Israelitish Messenger: Oh Judas, Oh My Brethren 0:50 min
2-2 Israelitish Woman And Chorus: Ah! Wretched, Wretched Israel! 6:48 min
2-3 Simon: Be Comforted, Nor Think These Plagues Are Sent 0:45 min
2-4 Simon: The Lord Worketh Wonders 2:54 min
2-5 Judas: My Arms! Against This Gorgias Will I Go 0:25 min
2-6 Judas: Sound An Alarm! Your Silver Trumpets Sound 3:52 min
2-7 Simon: Enough! To Heav'n We Leave The Rest 0:48 min
2-8 Simon: With Pious Hearts, And Brave As Pious 2:50 min
2-9 Israelitish Man: Ye Worshippers Of God 1:04 min
2-10 Israelitish Woman, Israelitish Man And Chorus: Oh! Never, Never Bow We Down 6:13 min
2-11 Priest: Father Of Heav'n! From Thy Eternal Throne 6:30 min
2-12 Israelitish Man: See, See Yon Flames, That From The Altar Broke 0:34 min
2-13 Israelitish Woman: Oh Grant It, Heav'n, That Our Long Woes May Cease 0:32 min
2-14 Israelitish Woman: So Shall The Lute And Harp Awake 4:06 min
2-15 First Israelitish Messenger: From Capharsalama, On Eagle Wings I Fly 1:27 min
2-16 Chorus Of Youths: See, The Conqu'ring Hero Comes! 2:37 min
2-17 March 1:29 min
2-18 Chorus: Sing Unto God, And High Affections Raise 2:33 min
2-19 Judas: Sweet Flow The Strains, That Strike My Feasted Ear 0:56 min
2-20 Judas: With Honour Let Desert Be Crown'd 2:52 min
2-21 Eupolemus: Peace To My Countrymen; Peace, And Liberty 0:44 min
2-22 Israelitish Woman And Israelitish Man: Oh Lovely Peace, With Plenty Crown'd 3:46 min
2-23 Simon And Chorus: Rejoice, Oh Judah! And, In Songs Divine 3:39 min
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