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3CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha 1994

1 289 Kč Týden
3CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha
3CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha
3CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha
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Berlin Classics 5. září 1994 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Jephtha verze na 3CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Berlin Classics dne 5. září 1994. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 524296 EAN: 0782124105723 Discogs ID: 14965941
- Jephtha, Oratorio, HWV 70
1-1 - Overture 5:30min
1-2 - Menuet 1:37min
- Act 1
1-3 - Accompagnato (Zebul): It Must Be So 1:30min
1-4 - Air (Zebul): Pour Forth No More 4:58min
1-5 - Chorus: No More To Ammon's God And King 2:39min
1-6 - Recitative (Zebul, Jephtha): But Jephtha Comes 1:05min
1-7 - Air (Jephtha): Virtue On My Soul Shall Still Embrace 4:07min
1-8 - Recitative (Storge): Twill Be A Painful Separation 0:30min
1-9 - Air (Storge): In Getle Murmurs Will I Mourn 5:10min
1-10 - Recitative (Hamor): Happy This Embassy 0:51min
1-11 - Air (Hamor): Dull Delay, In Piercing Anguish 3:05min
1-12 - Recitative (Iphis): Ill Suits The Voice Of Love 0:30min
1-13 - Air (Iphis): Take The Heart You Fondly Gave 3:57min
1-14 - Recitative (Hamor): I Go, My Soul 0:31min
1-15 - Duet (Iphis, Hamor): These Labours Past, How Happy We 5:47min
1-16 - Recitative (Jephtha): What Mean These Doubtful Fancies 0:56min
1-17 - Accompagnetto (Jephtha): If, Lord, Sustained 1:10min
1-18 - Chorus: O God, Behold Our Sore Distress 4:10min
1-19 - Recitative (Storge): Some Dire Event 0:28min
1-20 - Air (Storge): Scenes Of Horror, Scenes Of Woe 4:17min
1-21 - Recitative (Iphis, Storge): Say, My Dear Mother 0:59min
1-22 - Air (Iphis): The Smiling Dawn Of Happy Days 3:18min
1-23 - Recitative (Zebul, Jephtha): Such, Jephtha, WAs The Haughty King's Reply 0:29min
1-24 - Chorus: When His Loud Voice In Thunder Spoke 4:20min
- Act 2
2-1 - Recitative (Hamor): Glad Things Of Great Joy 1:19min
2-2 - Chorus: Cherub And Seraphim 3:07min
2-3 - Air (Hamor): Up The Dreadful Steep Ascending 4:33min
2-4 - Recitative (Iphis): Tis Well, Haste, Haste, Ye Maidens 0:23min
2-5 - Air (Iphis): Tune The Soft Melodious Lute 4:19min
2-6 - Recitative (Jephtha): Heav'n Smiles Once More 0:33min
2-7 - Air (Jephtha): His Mighty Arm 5:26min
2-8 - Chorus: In Glory High 2:24min
2-9 - Symphony 1:13min
2-10 - Recitative (Iphis): Hail, Glorious Conqueror 0:24min
2-11 - Air (Iphis) And Chorus: Welcome, As The Cheerful Light 3:57min
2-12 - Recitative (Jephtha): Horror! Confusion! 0:26min
2-13 - Air (Jephtha): Open Thy Marble Jaws, O Tomb 4:32min
2-14 - Recitative (Zebul, Jephtha): Why Is My Brother Thus Afflicted? 1:06min
2-15 - Accompagnato And Arioso (Storge): First Perish Thou 2:07min
2-16 - Recitative (Hamor): If Such Thy Cruel Purpose 0:23min
2-17 - Air (Hamor): On Me Let Blind Mistaken Zeal 1:36min
2-18 - Quartet (Storge, Hamor, Jephtha, Zebul): O Spare Your Daughter! 2:47min
2-19 - Recitative (Iphis): Such News Flies Swift 0:30min
2-20 - Accompagnato (Iphis): For Joys So Vast 0:49min
2-21 - Air (Iphis): Happy They! 3:40min
2-22 - Accompagnato (Jephtha): Deeper And Deeper Still 3:37min
2-23 - Chorus: How Dark, O Lord, Are Thy Decrees! 7:09min
- Act 3
3-1 - Arioso (Jephtha): Hide Thou Thy Hated Beams 2:40min
3-2 - Accompagnato (Jephtha): A Father, Off'ring Up 0:26min
3-3 - Air (Jephtha): Waft Her, Angels 4:06min
3-4 - Accompagnato (Iphis): Ye Sacred Priests 0:35min
3-5 - Air (Iphis): Farewell, Ye Limpid Springs 5:02min
3-6 - Chorus (Priests): Doubtful Fear And Reverend Awe 3:42min
3-7 - Symphony 1:54min
3-8 - Recitative (Angel): Rise, Jephtha 1:10min
3-9 - Air (Angel): Happy, Iphis, Shalt Thou Live 4:42min
3-10 - Arioso (Jephtha): For Ever Blessed Be 1:31min
3-11 - Chorus: Theme Sublime 3:25min
3-12 - Recitative (Zebul): Let Me Congratulate 0:30min
3-13 - Air (Zebul): Laud Her, All Ye Virgin Train 2:16min
3-14 - Recitative (Storge): O Let Me Fold Thee 0:20min
3-15 - Air (Storge): Sweet As Sight To The Blind 1:56min
3-16 - Recitative (Hamor): With Transport, Iphis 0:21min
3-17 - Recitative (Iphis): My Faithful Hamor 0:15min
3-18 - Duet (Hamor, Iphis) And Quintet (Iphis, Hamor, Storge, Jephtha, Zebul): All That Is In Hamor Mine 3:36min
3-19 - Chorus: Ye House Of Gilead 3:21min
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