Israel In Egypt - CD

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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt 2008

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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt
2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt
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Virgin Veritas 13. ledna 2008 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Virgin Veritas dne 13. ledna 2008. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 49764 EAN: 0724356215528 Discogs ID: 4825037
Israel In Egypt; HWV 54
Part 1
The Lamentation Of The Israelites For The Death Of Joseph
1-01 Largo Assai (Orchestra) 2:17 min
1-02 Chorus: The Soons Of Israel Do Mourn 6:26 min
1-03 How Is The Mighty Fall'n 3:10 min
1-04 He Put On Righteousness 2:22 min
1-05 When The Ear Heard Him (Soprano 2, Alto, Tenor, Bass Only)
1-06 How Is The Mighty Fall'n! 1:02 min
1-07 He Deliver'd The Poor That Cried 6:10 min
1-08 How Is The Mighty Fall'n! 1:04 min
1-09 The Righteous Shall Be Had In Everlasting Remembrance (Soprano 1, Alto, Tenor, Bass 1) 3:54 min
1-10 Their Bodies Are Buried In Peace 5:49 min
1-11 The People Will Tell Of Their Wisdom 2:06 min
1-12 They Shall Receive A Glorious Kingdom (Soprano 2, Alto, Tenor, Bass 2) 3:50 min
1-13 The Merciful Goodness Of The Lord Endureth For Ever 6:17 min
Part Two
1-14 Recitative, Tenor: Now There Arose A New King Over Egypt 0:26 min
1-15 Chorus, Alto: And The Children Of Israel Sighed 4:13 min
1-16 Recitative, Tenor: Then Sent He Moses, His Servant 0:41 min
1-17 Chorus: They Loathed To Drink Of The River 2:30 min
1-18 Air, Alto: Their Land Brought Forth Frogs 2:14 min
1-19 Chorus: He Spake The Word 2:02 min
1-20 Chorus: He Gave Them Hailstones For Rain 2:21 min
1-21 Chorus: He Sent A Thick Darkness Over The Land 3:03 min
1-22 Chorus: He Smote All The First-Born Of Egypt 2:49 min
2-01 Chorus: But As For His People, He Led Them Forth Like Sheep 4:43 min
2-02 Chorus: Egypt Was Glad When They Departed 2:34 min
2-03 Chorus: He Rebuked The Red Sea, And It Was Dried Up 0:38 min
2-04 He Led Them Through The Deep 1:25 min
2-05 But The Waters Overwhelmed Their Enemies 1:12 min
2-06 Chorus: And Israel Saw The Great Work 0:45 min
2-07 And Believed The Lord And His Servant Moses 3:01 min
Part Three
Moses' Song
2-08 Introitus, Chorus: Moses And The Children Of Israel Sung This Song 0:55 min
2-09 I Will Sing Unto The Lord 2:38 min
2-10 Duet, Soprano 1 & 2: The Lord Is My Strenght And My Song 4:09 min
2-11 Chorus: He Is My God 0:52 min
2-12 And I Will Exalt Him 2:17 min
2-13 Duet, Basses 1 & 2: The Lord Is A Man Of War 6:17 min
2-14 Chorus: The Depths Have Covered Them 2:08 min
2-15 Chorus: Thy Right Hand, O Lord, Is Become Glorious 1:25 min
2-16 And In The Greatness Of Thine Exellency 0:28 min
2-17 Thou Sentest Forth Thy Wrath 1:43 min
2-18 Chorus: And With The Blast Of The Nostrils 2:42 min
2-19 Air, Tenor: The Enemy Said, I Will Persue 2:13 min
2-20 Air, Soprano 1: Thou Didst Blow With The Wind 1:59 min
2-21 Chorus: Who Is Like Unto Thee, O Lord 1:05 min
2-22 The Earth Swallowed Them 0:58 min
2-23 Duet, Alto, Tenor: Thou In Thy Mercy Hast, Led Forth Thy People 4:31 min
2-24 Chorus: The People Shall Hear, And Be Afraid 6:16 min
2-25 Air, Alto: Thou Shalt Bring Them In 3:54 min
2-26 Chorus: The Lord Shall Reign For Ever And Ever 0:41 min
2-27 Recitative, Tenor: For The Horse Of Pharaoh Went In 0:30 min
2-28 Chorus: The Lord Shall Reign For Ever And Ever 0:41 min
2-29 Recitative, Tenor: And Miriam The Prophetess 0:21 min
2-30 Solo, Soprano 1 And Chrus: Sing Ye To The Lord
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2CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt 2014

949 Kč Týden

ArteVisio s.r.o. 28. listopadu 2014 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství ArteVisio s.r.o. dne 28. listopadu 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

ID: 322344 EAN: 8711801115177

CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt (in Der Adaption Von Jeannette Sorrell) 2023

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Avie Records 10. listopadu 2023 Evropa

Georg Friedrich Händel: Israel In Egypt (in Der Adaption Von Jeannette Sorrell) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Avie Records dne 10. listopadu 2023. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba, Barokní hudba a Oratorio.

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