Instrument Soundtrack - Vinyl, CD

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LP Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack 2017

557 Kč Skladem
LP Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
LP Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
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Dischord Records 11. srpna 2017 USA

Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack verze na vinylu LP v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Dischord Records dne 11. srpna 2017.

Informace o produktu:
Název kapely je odvozen od zkratky Fugazi, což je americký slangový výraz z doby vietnamské války. Fugazi byla zkratka pro: "Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In" a označoval beznadějnou bojovou situaci.
Fugazi pochází z washingtonské punkové a hardcorové scény 80. let. Vydává je nahrávací společnost Dischord, jejímž zakladatelem je člen Fugazi Ian MacKaye, který se předtím proslavil s různými washingtonskými punkovými kapelami (např. Minor Threat). Kapela využívá svobody jednání, kterou jí nekomerční vydavatelství poskytuje, k zachování určitých zásad, jako jsou nízké ceny koncertů, koncerty bez věkového omezení a žádné masové akce. Tímto způsobem je možné pořádat i různé bezplatné koncerty (např. protestní akce na začátku druhé války v Zálivu v roce 1992 před Bílým domem ve Washingtonu). Přesto všechno se Fugazi těší velkému uznání na hardcore punkové scéně nejen v USA, ale téměř na všech kontinentech. Fugazi jsou vzorem pro mnoho dalších hudebních skupin na této scéně.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Stage & Screen, Punk a Soundtrack.

Album Remastered Reissue
ID: 18081 EAN: 0718751962019 Discogs ID: 2289628
A1 Pink Frosty Demo
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
A2 Lusty Scripps
Bass Joe Lally | Clarinet Guy Picciotto | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer, Mixed By Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye
A3 Arpeggiator Demo
Engineer, Mixed By Brendan Canty, Guy Picciotto | Guitar, Drum Machine [Drum Machine Bass Drum] Guy Picciotto | Guitar, Drums, Bass Brendan Canty
A4 Afterthought
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Keyboards Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Brendan Canty
A5 Trio's
Bass Joe Lally | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Melodica Brendan Canty | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
A6 Turkish Disco
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi
A7 Me And Thumbelina
Clarinet Guy Picciotto | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Mixed By Brendan Canty, Ian MacKaye | Vocals Ian MacKaye
A8 Floating Boy Demo
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
A9 Link Track
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Don Zientara | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Don Zientara, Fugazi
B1 Little Debbie
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer, Mixed By Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto | Vocals, Guitar Ian MacKaye
B2 H.B.
Bass Ian MacKaye | Drums Brendan Canty | Mixed By Brendan Canty
B3 I'm So Tired
Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Mixed By Brendan Canty, Ian MacKaye | Vocals, Piano Ian MacKaye
B4 Rend It Demo
Mixed By Guy Picciotto | Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Percussion [Dehumidifier Percussion] Guy Picciotto
B5 Closed Captioned Demo
Engineer, Mixed By Brendan Canty, Guy Picciotto | Guitar Guy Picciotto | Guitar, Bass, Drums Brendan Canty
B6 Guilford Fall Demo
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
B7 Swingset
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi
B8 Shaken All Over
Engineer Don Zientara | Guitar, Vocals Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi | Thumb Piano, Vocals Guy Picciotto | Vocals Brendan Canty
B9 Slo Crostic
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
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CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack DoCData $10

298 Kč Týden
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
CD Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack
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DoCData $10

Dischord Records | [PIAS] 11. srpna 2017 Velká Británie

Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Dischord Records ve spolupráci s [PIAS] dne 11. srpna 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Stage & Screen, Punk a Soundtrack.

ID: 18080 EAN: 0718751962026 Discogs ID: 614845
1 Pink Frosty Demo 3:47 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Guitar, Mixed By Guy Picciotto
2 Lusty Scripps 3:42 min
Bass Joe Lally | Clarinet Guy Picciotto | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer, Mixed By Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye
3 Arpeggiator Demo 2:54 min
Guitar, Drum Machine, Bass Drum, Engineer, Mixed By Guy Picciotto | Guitar, Drums, Bass, Engineer, Mixed By Brendan Canty
4 Afterthought 1:29 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums, Mixed By Brendan Canty | Keyboards Ian MacKaye
5 Trio's 2:16 min
Bass Joe Lally | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Melodica Brendan Canty | Mixed By Guy Picciotto
6 Turkish Disco 2:35 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi
7 Me And Thumbelina 0:46 min
Clarinet Guy Picciotto | Drums, Mixed By Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Vocals, Mixed By Ian MacKaye
8 Floating Boy Demo 3:35 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye
9 Link Track 1:27 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer, Mixed By Don Zientara | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi
10 Little Debbie 1:49 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer, Mixed By Fugazi | Guitar Guy Picciotto | Vocals Ian MacKaye
11 H.B. 1:19 min
Bass Ian Mackaye | Drums, Mixed By Brendan Canty
12 I'm So Tired 1:59 min
Drums, Mixed By Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Vocals, Piano, Mixed By Ian MacKaye
13 Rend It Demo 3:32 min
Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Percussion [Dehumidifier], Mixed By Guy Picciotto
14 Closed Captioned Demo 5:50 min
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Engineer, Mixed By Brendan Canty | Guitar, Engineer, Mixed By Guy Picciotto
15 Guilford Fall Demo 3:29 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Guitar, Mixed By Guy Picciotto
16 Swingset 1:38 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Guitar Guy Picciotto, Ian MacKaye | Mixed By Fugazi
17 Shaken All Over 0:58 min
Engineer Don Zientara | Guitar, Vocals Ian MacKaye | Kalimba [Thumb Piano], Vocals Guy Picciotto | Mixed By Fugazi | Vocals Brendan Canty
18 Slo Crostic 2:40 min
Bass Joe Lally | Drums Brendan Canty | Engineer Fugazi | Guitar Ian MacKaye | Guitar, Mixed By Guy Picciotto
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Fugazi je vlivná americká post-hardcorová kapela, která vznikla v roce 1987 ve Washingtonu. Kapela je známá svou DIY etikou, nezkrotnou pódiovou prezentací a zvukem, který kombinuje punk rock se složitými rytmy a různorodou dynamikou. Fugazi založil zpěvák/kytarista Ian MacKaye, d...

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