Frances: Things I've Never Said verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Cookie Records (3) dne 24. března 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop a Elektronická hudba.
Frances: Things I've Never Said verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Austrálii ve vydavatelství Cookie Records (3) dne 24. března 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop a Elektronická hudba.
Backing Vocals [Additional] Ben Parker (5) | Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Darren Heelis | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano, Organ, Synthesizer [Juno Bass], Backing Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
Love Me Again
2:47 min
Drum Programming [Additional], Bass, Keyboards Ben Ash (2) | Drum Programming [Additional], Synthesizer [Juno Keys Played], Recorded By, Recorded By [Backing Vocals] Darren Heelis | Drums, Percussion Earl Harvin | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional], Synthesizer [Juno Keys Played] Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By [Backing Vocals, Assisted By] Charles Wong, Daniel Moyner | Vocals [Additional] Ben Parker (5) | Written-By Ollie Green (2) | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano, Synthesizer [Korg Bass] Sophie Frances Cooke
3:43 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor Simon Hale | Drum Programming [Additional] Dave McCracken | Drums, Percussion Earl Harvin | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Drum Programming [Additional], Synthesizer [Juno Keys Played], Recorded By, Recorded By [Backing Vocals] Darren Heelis | Guitar, Bass Guitar Ben Parker (5) | Producer [Additional Production], Keyboards Ben Ash (2) | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By [Backing Vocals, Assisted By] Charles Wong, Daniel Moyner, Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano, Keyboards, Synth [Bass] Sophie Frances Cooke
Cloud 9
3:27 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor Simon Hale | Drums, Percussion Earl Harvin | Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Drum Programming [Additional], Synthesizer [Juno Bass], Recorded By Darren Heelis | Guitar, Bass Guitar Ben Parker (5) | Percussion [Additional] Jimmy Napes | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By [Lead Vocals] Gus Pirelli | Recorded By [Strings, Assisted By] Jeremy Murphy | Recorded By [Strings] Steve Price (6) | Written-By James Napier | Written-By, Vocals, Piano Sophie Frances Cooke
Let It Out
3:52 min
Co-producer Two Inch Punch | Drums Earl Harvin | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Recorded By [Backing Vocals], Synthesizer [Korg Bass], Recorded By Darren Heelis | Engineer [Assistant Recording Engineer] Manon Grandjean | Guitar [Additional] Ben Parker (5) | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Synth [Additional Pad], Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Charles Wong | Written-By Jonny Lattimer | Written-By, Co-producer, Piano, Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
No Matter
3:29 min
Mixed By [Mix Down] Wez Clarke | Producer Mojam Music | Written-By Dario Darnell | Written-By, Guitar, Bass Samuel Vouga | Written-By, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke | Written-By, Programmed By, Instrumentation By, Recorded By [Additional Vocals], Engineer James Murray (3), Mustafa Omer
Under Our Feet
4:53 min
Bass Guitar Ben Parker (5) | Drum Programming [Additional], Bass, Recorded By Darren Heelis | Drums, Percussion Earl Harvin | Engineer [Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Producer [Additional Production], Drum Programming, Bass, Keyboards Dave McCracken, Mark Ralph | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By, Percussion [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Written-By Dan McDougall, Rachel Furner | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano Sophie Frances Cooke
3:59 min
Mixed By [Mix Assistant] Charles Wong | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By [Backing Vocals & Bass], Bass [Percussive] Darren Heelis | Recorded By [Recording Assistant] Manon Grandjean | Written-By Alexander Davies, Benjamin Francis Leftwich | Written-By, Co-producer, Piano, Vocals, Bass Guitar Sophie Frances Cooke
Say It Again
3:18 min
Drum Programming [Additional], Synthesizer [Juno Bass], Recorded By Darren Heelis | Producer [Additional Production], Drum Programming [Additional] Craze & Hoax | Producer [Additional Production], Mixed By, Recorded By [Additional Vocals], Drum Programming [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By Alex Pasco, Julian Burg | Written-By, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Producer, Recorded By Greg Kurstin | Written-By, Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
4:11 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor Simon Hale | Engineer [Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy, Robbie Nelson (2) | Guitar Ben Parker (5) | Keyboards [Additional] Charles Wong, Dave McCracken | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Synthesizer [Juno Bass], Bass Guitar, Drums [Additional], Synth, Recorded By, Recorded By [Backing Vocals] Darren Heelis | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano, Synthesizer [Korg Bass], Drum Programming [Additional] Sophie Frances Cooke
The Last Word
3:28 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor Simon Hale | Backing Vocals [Additional] Ben Parker (5) | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Darren Heelis | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Recorded By [Recording Assistant] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Recorded By [String Recording Assistant] Jeremy Murphy | Recorded By [Strings] Steve Price (6) | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer], Organ, Synthesizer [Juno Bass] Sophie Frances Cooke
When It Comes To Us
4:09 min
Bass [Fender], Recorded By Darren Heelis | Featuring R I T U A L | Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional] Steve Fitzmaurice | Producer, Instruments [All] R I T U A L | Written-By Adam Midgley, Gerard O'Connell, Tommy Baxter | Written-By, Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
It Isn't Like You
4:37 min
Bass Ben Parker (5) | Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Darren Heelis | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Written-By James Napier | Written-By, Co-producer, Piano, Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
Cry Like Me
3:12 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Synth [Additional] Darren Heelis | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Synth [Additional] Dave McCracken | Written-By, Co-producer, Piano, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer], Synthesizer [Juno Bass], Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
Borrowed Time
3:18 min
Mixed By, Drum Programming [Additional], Recorded By Steve Fitzmaurice | Synthesizer [Additional Juno Bass], Keyboards, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer], Recorded By Darren Heelis | Written-By, Producer, Programmed By Howard Lawrence | Written-By, Producer, Vocals Sophie Frances Cooke
The Smallest Thing
3:32 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Isabel Gracefield Grundy | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Darren Heelis | Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By Steve Fitzmaurice | Written-By Simon Aldred | Written-By, Co-producer, Vocals, Piano Sophie Frances Cooke
Frances je zpěvačka a skladatelka hrající na klavír, původem z Newbury, Berkshire, Spojené království. nar. 27. června 1993.
Poštovné od 69 Kč
a zdarma již od
2 000 Kč!
U nás najdete vše!
165 000
LP a
241 000
CD v nabídce
Věrnostní sleva až 5%
Pro registrované zákazníky
Mějte přehled!
Nejpokročilejší sledování
dostupnosti i objednávek
Dostupnost položky
Způsob dopravy
Termín doručení
Osobní převzetí v Liberci
Zaslání na adresu
Datum doručení závisí na dodržení termínu naším dodavatelem a přepravní společností.
Máte zájem o podrobnější informace? Napište nám.
Legenda dostupností:
Položka je skladem a připravená k okamžité expedci či vyzvednutí.
Na cestě
Položka je na cestě od našeho přímého dodavatele a brzy ji naskladníme. Expedice probíhá standardně do týdne.
Položka je skladem u našeho přímého dodavatele a můžeme ji objednat. Dorazí k nám za 3 až 10 dní.
2 týdny
Položka je skladem u vydavatele a můžeme ji přes jednoho z našich dodavatelů objednat. Dorazí k nám za 10 až 20 dní.
Na objednávku
Položku můžeme objednat u dodavatele, ovšem s dlouhým termínem dodání (týdny až měsíce). Bližší informace nám budou dostupné po objednání.
Položka zatím nebyla vydána. Bude dostupná až v termínu, který udává vydavatel. Položky objednané minimálně týden před termínem jsme schopni doručit v den vydání.
Položka je krátkodobě nedostupná, ale stále je možnost ji objednat. Položky, které jsou u dodavatele nedostupné více než 3 měsíce z naší nabídky odstraňujeme.
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