Big Machine Label Group | Big Loud Mountain
28. října 2016
Florida Georgia Line: Dig Your Roots verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Big Machine Label Group ve spolupráci s Big Loud Mountain dne 28. října 2016. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Country.
Acoustic Guitar, Dobro, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Jordan Schmidt, Nicolle Galyon, Tyler Hubbard
Dig Your Roots
3:35 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Written-By Brett James, Brian Kelley (3), Ernest Keith Smith, Jerry Flowers (2), Tyler Hubbard, Will Weatherly
Life Is A Honeymoon
3:05 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Big Loud Choir, Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Sarah Buxton, Tyler Hubbard, Ziggy Marley | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Featuring, Lead Vocals Ziggy Marley | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Cary Barlowe, David Marley, Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
3:15 min
Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Mike Busbee, Nate Cyphert, William Wiik Larsen
2:42 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Jordan Schmidt, Matthew McGinn, Ryan Hurd
May We All
3:47 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Featuring, Lead Vocals Tim McGraw | Keyboards Jamie Moore | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Jamie Moore, Joey Moi | Written-By Jamie Moore, Rodney Clawson
3:00 min
Acoustic Guitar, Dobro, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Jesse Frasure, Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Chris Tompkins, Jesse Frasure, Tyler Hubbard
4:27 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Jordan Schmidt | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
Good Girl, Bad Boy
3:53 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Zach Crowell | Written-By Matt Jenkins (3), Rodney Clawson, Zach Crowell
Wish You Were On It
3:06 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Hunter Phelps (2), Jameson Rodgers, Smith Ahnquist, Will Weatherly
God, Your Mama, And Me
3:04 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Backstreet Boys, Brian Kelley (3) | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Engineer [Assistant] Mike Gaydusek | Featuring, Lead Vocals Backstreet Boys | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Gordie Sampson, Hillary Lindsey, Josh Kear
Music Is Healing
3:33 min
Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky, Joey Moi | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Jordan Schmidt | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Craig Wiseman, Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
Florida Georgia Line: Dig Your Roots verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Big Machine Label Group dne 2. září 2016. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Country.
Acoustic Guitar, Dobro, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Jordan Schmidt, Nicolle Galyon, Tyler Hubbard
Dig Your Roots
3:35 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Brett James, Brian Kelley (3), Ernest Keith Smith, Jerry Flowers (2), Tyler Hubbard, Will Weatherly
Life Is A Honeymoon
3:05 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Big Loud Choir, Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Sarah Buxton, Tyler Hubbard, Ziggy Marley | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Featuring, Lead Vocals Ziggy Marley | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Cary Barlowe, David Marley, Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
3:15 min
Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Mike Busbee, Nate Cyphert, William Wiik Larsen
2:42 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Jordan Schmidt, Matthew McGinn, Ryan Hurd
May We All
3:47 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Featuring, Lead Vocals Tim McGraw | Keyboards Jamie Moore | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Jamie Moore, Joey Moi | Written-By Jamie Moore, Rodney Clawson
3:00 min
Acoustic Guitar, Dobro, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Jesse Frasure, Joey Moi | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Chris Tompkins, Jesse Frasure, Tyler Hubbard
4:27 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge, Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Jordan Schmidt | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
Good Girl, Bad Boy
3:53 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Zach Crowell | Written-By Matt Jenkins (3), Rodney Clawson, Zach Crowell
Wish You Were On It
3:06 min
Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Joey Moi, Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Hunter Phelps (2), Jameson Rodgers, Smith Ahnquist, Will Weatherly
God, Your Mama, And Me
3:04 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Backstreet Boys, Brian Kelley (3) | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Engineer [Assistant] Mike Gaydusek | Featuring, Lead Vocals Backstreet Boys | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion, Programmed By Joey Moi | Written-By Gordie Sampson, Hillary Lindsey, Josh Kear
Music Is Healing
3:33 min
Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Brian Kelley (3), Tyler Hubbard | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Electric Guitar Ilya Toshinsky, Joey Moi | Keyboards Charles Judge | Percussion Joey Moi | Programmed By Joey Moi, Jordan Schmidt | Written-By Brian Kelley (3), Craig Wiseman, Jordan Schmidt, Tyler Hubbard
Florida Georgia Line je americké country duo, které tvoří zpěváci Tyler Hubbard a Brian Kelley. Vznikli v roce 2010 a poprvé se proslavili svým debutovým singlem "Cruise", který se stal velkým hitem a přispěl k popularizaci žánru bro-country. Jejich debutové album "Here's to the G...
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Položka zatím nebyla vydána. Bude dostupná až v termínu, který udává vydavatel. Položky objednané minimálně týden před termínem jsme schopni doručit v den vydání.
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