The Song Of Sway Lake - CD

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CD Ethan Gold: The Song Of Sway Lake 2018

439 Kč Na objednávku

Lakeshore Records 30. listopadu 2018 USA

Ethan Gold: The Song Of Sway Lake verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Lakeshore Records dne 30. listopadu 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Stage & Screen a Partitura.

ID: 502006 EAN: 0784103529728 Discogs ID: 14167684
1 Ethan Gold: Sway Lake (Lost Record Version)
2 Sway Lake (Big Band Version)
3 Ethan Gold: Pure Water Opening
4 Ethan Gold: An Empty Lodge
5 Ethan Gold: Ghost At The Lodge
7 Ethan Gold: Ollie's Dream
8 Ethan Gold: Hal's Hand
9 Ethan Gold: Starlight Reveries
10 Ethan Gold: Guide Boat Daylight
11 Ethan Gold: Guide Boat Moonlight
12 Ethan Gold: Nikolai's Dream
13 Ethan Gold: Hallways
14 Nikolai's Dream
15 Ethan Gold: Pure Water Pills
16 Ethan Gold: Charlie's Shame
17 Ethan Gold: Dust
18 Ethan Gold: Hidden In The Attic
19 Ethan Gold: Ghost In The Mirror
20 Ethan Gold: Orphan Waking
21 Ethan Gold: Kiss On Point
22 Ethan Gold: Wet Walk
23 Ethan Gold: Orphan Usurper
24 Ethan Gold: Betrayal Reveries
25 Ethan Gold: Pure Water Tears
26 Ethan Gold: The Old Watch
27 Ethan Gold: Blood In The Water
28 Ethan Gold: Sway Lake Finale
29 Ethan Gold: Issa Intermezzi (Issa El-Saieh)
30 Ethan Gold: Bittersweet J
31 Ethan Gold: Bittersweet Orchestra
32 Ethan Gold: Bittersweet Finale
33 Ethan Gold: Drone Symphone
34 Ethan Gold: Orphan Orchestra
35 Ethan Gold: Orphan Finale
36 Ethan Gold: Pure Water Dark Opening
37 Ethan Gold: Quiet Lake Orchestra
38 Ethan Gold: Quiet Lake Finale
39 Ethan Gold: Small Combo
40 Ethan Gold: Family Piano Exercise
41 Ethan Gold: Orphan Steps
42 Ethan Gold: Mice
43 Ethan Gold: Hymns On The Lake
44 Ethan Gold: Ripples Electric
45 Ethan Gold: Timmy Theme 1
46 Ethan Gold: Timmy Theme 2
47 Ethan Gold: Ghost Theme
48 Sway Lake (Swing Demo)
49 Sway Lake (Rhumba Demo)
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