Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 4 vydáních. The Marshall Mathers LP2 je osmé studiové album amerického rappera Eminem , vydané 5. listopadu 2013 společnostmi Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records a Interscope Records. Album slouží jako pokračování alba Eminem 's z roku 2000 The Marshall Mathers LP. Produkovali ho především Eminem a Dr. Dre, další produkci obstarali Alex da Kid, Boi-1da, DJ Premier a Rick Rubin. Na albu hostují Skylar Grey, Rihanna, Nate Ruess a Kendrick Lamar. Album Marshall Mathers LP2 získalo vesměs pozitivní recenze od hudebních kritiků, kteří chválili technické rapperské schopnosti Eminem a textovou hloubku alba. Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, debutovalo na prvním místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200 a během prvního týdne se ho prodalo 792 000 kopií. Stalo se sedmým po sobě jdoucím albem Eminem 'na prvním místě ve Spojených státech a získalo dvojnásobnou platinovou desku od Americké asociace nahrávacího průmyslu (RIAA). Album se dostalo na první místo hitparád také v Kanadě a ve Spojeném království. Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop.
Aftermath Entertainment | Shady Records | Interscope Records | Web Entertainment
10. srpna 2015
Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP 2 verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Shady Records, Interscope Records a Web Entertainment dne 10. srpna 2015.
Recenze "Zuřivé rýmy: rapová superstar opět všem ukazuje." (Rolling Stone, leden 2014)
,,Na svém novém albu se rapové superstar podařilo znovu navázat na své staré slavné časy." (musikexpress, leden 2014)
,,S pitoreskními kytarami a syntezátorovými zvuky různých barev se z hiphopového maratonu (...) vyklubala docela zábavná záležitost." (musikexpress, leden 2014) (Audio, leden 2014)
Chorus, Vocals [Part 1] Sarah Jaffe | Co-producer Vinny Venditto | Keyboards [Additional Part 1] Luis Resto | Keyboards [Additional Part 2] I.L.O. (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer [Part 1 - Hocus Pokus] Walter Murphy | Performer [Part 2 - Ode To Billie Joe] Lou Donaldson | Producer [Part 1] M-Phazes, Symbolyc One | Producer [Part 2] Streetrunner | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Recorded By [Chorus Vocals] Maurice Alexander (2) | Written-By [Part 1 - Hocus Pokus] Walter Murphy | Written-By [Part 1] Larry Griffin, Mark Landon (2), Marshall Mathers, Sarah Jaffe, Walter Murphy | Written-By [Part 2 - Soana] Gian Piero Reverberi, Laura Giordano | Written-By [Part 2] Gian Piero Reverberi, Laura Giordano, Marshall Mathers, Mike Aiello, Nicholas Warwar, Stephen Hacker (3), Vinny Venditto
Parking Lot (Skit)
0:55 min
Producer Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers
Rhyme Or Reason
5:01 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem, Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers, Rod Argent | Written-By [Time Of The Season] Rod Argent
So Much Better
4:21 min
Bass Guitar Mike Strange | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
4:32 min
Chorus, Vocals Liz Rodrigues | Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
4:56 min
Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional] Polina (2) | Written-By David Brook (2), Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers, Polina (2)
4:48 min
Featuring Skylar Grey | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Additional] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Josh Mosser, Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
3:58 min
Edited By [Digital Editing], Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional] Mike Strange | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Feel Me Flow] Naughty By Nature | Performer [Fight For Your Right] Beastie Boys | Performer [The Stroke] Billy Squier | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Feel Me Flow] Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Fight For Your Right] Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Rick Rubin | Written-By [The Stroke] Billy Squier
Rap God
6:03 min
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Instruments [All Instruments Played By] Develop | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By [Additional] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3) | Written-By [Supersonic] Dania Maria Birks, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel | Written-By [The Show] Douglas E. Davis, Ricky Walters
4:46 min
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
Stronger Than I Was
5:36 min
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
The Monster
4:10 min
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
So Far...
5:17 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Brent Kolatalo, Jason Lader, Ken Lewis | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Performer [Life's Been Good] Joe Walsh | Performer [P.S.K. Whut Does It Mean] Schoolly D | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By J.B. Weaver, Jr., Joe Walsh, Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Life's Been Good] Joe Walsh | Written-By [P.S.K. Whut Does It Mean] J.B. Weaver, Jr.
Love Game
4:56 min
Chorus [Additional], Vocals [Additional] Keira Marie | Edited By [Digital Editing] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Kendrick Lamar | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Game Of Love] Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Clint Ballard Jr., Coy Poe, Jimmy Grier, Kendrick Lamar, Marshall Mathers, Pinky Tomlin | Written-By [Game Of Love] Clint Ballard Jr. | Written-By [The Object Of My Affection] Coy Poe, Jimmy Grier, Pinky Tomlin
5:43 min
Featuring Nate Ruess | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Additional] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Nate Ruess
Evil Twin
7:27 min
Guitar [Additional] Mike Strange | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer [Eyeless Dream] Wolfgang Düren | Performer [The Reunion] Bad Meets Evil | Producer Sid Roams | Producer [Additional] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Joey Chavez, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Tavish Graham, Wolfgang Düren | Written-By [Eyeless Dream] Wolfgang Düren
Eminem: The Marshall Mathers Lp 2 (limited 10th Anniversary Edition) verze na vinylu 4LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Universal dne 9. února 2024.
Speciální limitovaná edice k 10. výročí alba na čtyřech vinylech
Aftermath Entertainment | Shady Records | Interscope Records | Web Entertainment
7. listopadu 2013
Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP2 verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Shady Records, Interscope Records a Web Entertainment dne 7. listopadu 2013.
Více než tři roky nás americký rapper Eminem nechal čekat na nový materiál.Že je Marshall Bruce Mathers III aka Eminem jedním z nejúspěšnějších amerických umělců poslední dekády, o tom není pochyb. Desítky miliónů prodaných alb, vyprodaná turné a obrovské množství nezapomenutelných hitů ho řadí mezi naprostou elitu. Tento kontroverzní hudebník ani ve svých jednačtyřiceti letech nepolevuje a již 5. listopadu vydá svoji osmou studiovou desku!Pilotním singlem byl track „Berzerk”, který v rádiích i prodejích velmi slušně zabodoval. Nyní je v rádiích další skvělá věc - navíc s hvězdným hostem! Za druhý singl z desky „The Marshall Mathers LP2” byla vybrána skladba „The Monster”, na jejíž natáčení si blonďatý rapper pozval barbadoskou krásku Rihannu. Zmiňovaná píseň si svými hitovými ambicemi nic nezavdá se zhruba tři roky starým hitem „Love The Way You Lie”, s kterým oba umělci dobyli přední příčky hitparád po celém světě...Dodejme, že producentem nové desky Eminema je legendární Rick Rubin, který stojí i za produkcí slavných alb od Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, Black Sabbath, Metallicy, Linkin Park nebo Red Hot Chili Peppers. Již díky těmto informacím je jasné, že album „The Marshall Mathers LP2” je jedním z nejočekávanějších titulů letošního podzimu...
Co-producer [Part 2] Vinny Venditto | Keyboards [Additional - Part 1] Luis Resto | Keyboards [Additional - Part 2] I.L.O. (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer [Part 1] M-Phazes, Symbolyc One | Producer [Part 2] Streetrunner | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Recorded By [Chorus Vocals - Part 1] Maurice Alexander (2) | Vocals [Chorus Vocals - Part 1] Sarah Jaffe | Written-By [Part 1] Larry Griffin, Mark Landon (2), Marshall Mathers, Sarah Jaffe, Walter Murphy | Written-By [Part 2] Gian Piero Reverberi, Laura Giordano, Marshall Mathers, Michael Aiello, Nicholas Warwar, Stephen Hacker (3), Vinny Venditto
Parking Lot (Skit)
0:55 min
Producer Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers
Rhyme Or Reason
5:02 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem, Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers, Rod Argent
So Much Better
4:21 min
Bass Guitar Mike Strange | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
4:34 min
Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Chorus Vocals] Liz Rodrigues | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
4:56 min
Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Vocals] Polina Goudieva | Written-By David Brook (2), Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers, Polina Goudieva
4:27 min
Featuring Skylar Grey | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Additional Production] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Josh Mosser, Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
3:59 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange | Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vincent Brown (2)
Rap God
6:04 min
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer, Instruments Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3)
4:47 min
Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production], Keyboards Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
Stronger Than I Was
5:37 min
Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production], Keyboards Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
The Monster
4:10 min
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
So Far...
5:18 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Brent Kolatalo, Jason Lader, Ken Lewis | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By J.B. Weaver, Jr., Joe Walsh, Marshall Mathers
Love Game
4:57 min
Edited By [Digital Editing] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Kendrick Lamar | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Chorus Vocals] Keira Marie | Written-By Clint Ballard Jr., Coy Poe, Jimmy Grier, Kendrick Lamar, Marshall Mathers, Pinky Tomlin
5:43 min
Featuring Nate Ruess | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Additional Production] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Nate Ruess
Evil Twin
5:57 min
Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange | Keyboards [Additional] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Sid Roams | Producer [Additional Production] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Joey Chavez, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Tavish Graham, Wolfgang Düren
2CD Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP 2
10th Anniversary Edition
457 Kč
Na objednávku
Obrázky pochází z
10th Anniversary Edition
Aftermath Entertainment | Interscope Records | UMe | Web Entertainment | Shady Records
9. února 2024
Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP 2 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Interscope Records, UMe, Web Entertainment a Shady Records dne 9. února 2024.
The Marshall Mathers LP2 je osmé studiové album amerického rappera Eminem , vydané 5. listopadu 2013 společnostmi Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records a Interscope Records. Album slouží jako pokračování alba Eminem 's z roku 2000 The Marshall Mathers LP. Produkovali ho především Eminem a Dr. Dre, další produkci obstarali Alex da Kid, Boi-1da, DJ Premier a Rick Rubin. Na albu hostují Skylar Grey, Rihanna, Nate Ruess a Kendrick Lamar. Album Marshall Mathers LP2 získalo vesměs pozitivní recenze od hudebních kritiků, kteří chválili technické rapperské schopnosti Eminem a textovou hloubku alba. Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, debutovalo na prvním místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200 a během prvního týdne se ho prodalo 792 000 kopií. Stalo se sedmým po sobě jdoucím albem Eminem 'na prvním místě ve Spojených státech a získalo dvojnásobnou platinovou desku od Americké asociace nahrávacího průmyslu (RIAA). Album se dostalo na první místo hitparád také v Kanadě a ve Spojeném království.
Chorus [Chorus Vocals By, Part 1], Vocals [Chorus Vocals By, Part 1] Sarah Jaffe | Co-producer [Part 2] Vinny Venditto | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By, Part 1] Luis Resto | Keyboards [Additional Keys By, Part 2] I.L.O. (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer [Part 1 - Elements Of "Hocus Pokus"] Walter Murphy | Performer [Part 2 - Elements Of "Ode To Billie Joe"] Lou Donaldson | Producer [Part 1] M-Phazes, Symbolyc One | Producer [Part 2] Streetrunner | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Recorded By [Chorus Vocals Recorded By, Part 1] Maurice Alexander (2) | Written-By [Part 1 - Elements Of "Hocus Pokus"] Walter Murphy | Written-By [Part 1] Larry Griffin, Mark Landon (2), Marshall Mathers, Sarah Jaffe, Walter Murphy | Written-By [Part 2 - Elements Of "Soana"] Gian Piero Reverberi, Laura Giordano | Written-By [Part 2] Gian Piero Reverberi, Laura Giordano, Marshall Mathers, Mike Aiello, Nicholas Warwar, Stephen Hacker (3), Vinny Venditto
Parking Lot (Skit)
0:55 min
Producer Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers
Rhyme Or Reason
5:01 min
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer [Elements Of "Time Of The Season"] The Zombies | Producer Eminem, Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Marshall Mathers, Rod Argent | Written-By [Elements Of "Time Of The Season"] Rod Argent
So Much Better
4:21 min
Bass Guitar Mike Strange | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
4:32 min
Chorus [Chorus Vocals By], Vocals [Chorus Vocals By] Liz Rodrigues | Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
4:56 min
Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By, Uncredited] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Vocals By, Uncredited] Polina (2) | Written-By David Brook (2), Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers, Polina Goudieva
4:48 min
Featuring Skylar Grey | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Josh Mosser, Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
3:58 min
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange | Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Naughty By Nature | Performer [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Beastie Boys | Performer [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Rick Rubin | Written-By [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier
Rap God
6:03 min
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Instruments [All Instruments Played By] Develop | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By], Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3) | Written-By [Interpolations Of "Supersonic"] Dania Maria Birks, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel | Written-By [Interpolations Of "The Show"] Douglas E. Davis, Ricky Walters
4:46 min
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
Stronger Than I Was
5:36 min
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
The Monster
4:10 min
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional Instrumentation By] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
So Far...
5:17 min
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Brent Kolatalo, Jason Lader, Ken Lewis | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards [Keys By] Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Performer [Excerpts Of "P.S.K. Whut Does It Mean"] Schoolly D | Performer [Samples From "Life's Been Good"] Joe Walsh | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By J.B. Weaver, Jr., Joe Walsh, Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Samples From "Life's Been Good"] Joe Walsh | Written-By [Samples From "P.S.K. What Does It Mean"] J.B. Weaver, Jr.
Love Game
4:56 min
Chorus [Additional Chorus Vocals By], Vocals [Additional Chorus Vocals By] Keira Marie | Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Kendrick Lamar | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Samples Of "Game Of Love"] Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Clint Ballard Jr., Coy Poe, Jimmy Grier, Kendrick Lamar, Marshall Mathers, Pinky Tomlin | Written-By [Elements Of "Game Of Love"] Clint Ballard Jr. | Written-By [Interpolations Of "The Object Of My Affection"] Coy Poe, Jimmy Grier, Pinky Tomlin
5:43 min
Featuring Nate Ruess | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Nate Ruess
Evil Twin
5:56 min
Guitar [Additional Guitars By] Mike Strange | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer [Elements Of "Eyeless Dream"] Wolfgang Düren | Performer [Elements Of "The Reunion"] Bad Meets Evil | Producer Sid Roams | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Joey Chavez, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Tavish Graham, Wolfgang Düren | Written-By [Elements Of "Eyeless Dream"] Wolfgang Düren
Anniversary Bonus Tracks
4:23 min
Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] Kyle VandeKerkhoff | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Keyboards Luis Resto, Mike Strange | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange
3:57 min
Bass [Additional Bass By] James Dee (3) | Chorus [Chorus Background Vocals By], Backing Vocals [Chorus Background Vocals By] Benjamin Markham, Gus Collins, James Dee (3), Jamie N Commons | Chorus [Lead Chorus Vocal], Lead Vocals [Lead Chorus Vocal], Guitar, Tambourine Jamie N Commons | Drums [Additional Drums By] George Cook (6) | Featuring Jamie N Commons | Guitar [Additional Guitar By] Johnny Browz | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Percussion [Additional Percussion By] Benjamin Markham, George Cook (6), Gus Collins | Piano [Additional Piano By] Gus Collins | Producer Alex Da Kid | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Josh Mosser, Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Jamie N Commons, Marshall Mathers
Groundhog Day
4:53 min
Co-producer Eminem | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] Kyle VandeKerkhoff, RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Samples From "Big Menu"] Sam Kinison | Performer [Samples Of "Sleight Of Hand"] Menahan Street Band | Producer Cardiak (2), Frank Dukes | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Adam Feeney, Carl McCormick, Dave Guy, Homer Steinweiss, Jared Tankel, Leon Michels, Marshall Mathers, Thomas Brenneck | Written-By [Samples Of "Sleight Of Hand"] Dave Guy, Homer Steinweiss, Jared Tankel, Leon Michels, Thomas Brenneck
Beautiful Pain
4:25 min
Co-producer Eminem | Featuring Sia | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Emile Haynie, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Sia Furler
Wicked Ways
6:31 min
Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Alex Da Kid | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Josh Mosser, Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Josh Mosser, Marshall Mathers
Eminem , narozený 17. října 1972 jako Marshall Bruce Mathers III, je americký rapper, skladatel a hudební producent, který je všeobecně považován za jednoho z největších a nejvlivnějších umělců v historii hip hopu. Vzešel z detroitské rapové scény na konci 90. let 20. století a Em...
Datum doručení závisí na dodržení termínu naším dodavatelem a přepravní společností.
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Legenda dostupností:
Položka je skladem a připravená k okamžité expedci či vyzvednutí.
Na cestě
Položka je na cestě od našeho přímého dodavatele a brzy ji naskladníme. Expedice probíhá standardně do týdne.
Položka je skladem u našeho přímého dodavatele a můžeme ji objednat. Dorazí k nám za 3 až 10 dní.
2 týdny
Položka je skladem u vydavatele a můžeme ji přes jednoho z našich dodavatelů objednat. Dorazí k nám za 10 až 20 dní.
Na objednávku
Položku můžeme objednat u dodavatele, ovšem s dlouhým termínem dodání (týdny až měsíce). Bližší informace nám budou dostupné po objednání.
Položka zatím nebyla vydána. Bude dostupná až v termínu, který udává vydavatel. Položky objednané minimálně týden před termínem jsme schopni doručit v den vydání.
Položka je krátkodobě nedostupná, ale stále je možnost ji objednat. Položky, které jsou u dodavatele nedostupné více než 3 měsíce z naší nabídky odstraňujeme.
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