Curtain Call 2 - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Eminem's "Curtain Call 2", vydané v roce 2022, je kompilační album, které slouží jako pokračování jeho alba největších hitů "Curtain Call" z roku 2005: The Hits". Tato kolekce pokrývá...  Více

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2 180g Vinyl

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2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2
2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2
2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2
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180g Vinyl

Aftermath Entertainment | Shady Records | Interscope Records 4. listopadu 2022 Evropa, USA a Kanada

Eminem: Curtain Call 2 verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, USA a Kanadě ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Shady Records a Interscope Records dne 4. listopadu 2022.

Téměř sedmnáct let po prvním dílu je nyní "Curtain Call 2" věnováno výmluvné tvorbě, kterou legendární detroitský MC vydal od roku 2006: Nové best of album přináší všechny vrcholy od éry Relapse až po nejnovější album "Music To Be Murdered By - Side B" - kromě klíčových skladeb ze sólových alb, různých vedlejších projektů, hostování a dokonce i písní ze soundtracku. Předchůdce "Curtain Call: The Hits" teprve v březnu 2021 překonal rekord v americké hitparádě: byl prvním hiphopovým albem, které se udrželo v první dvoustovce albového žebříčku Billboard po celou dekádu. "Curtain Call" obsahuje celkem 3 nové skladby, včetně "From The D 2 The LBC", kterou Eminem nahrál společně se Snoop Doggem, a "The King and I", u níž Eminemovi sekunduje CeeLo Green. Další exkluzivní skladba bude odhalena v době vydání.

Eminem, celosvětově proslulý svou jedinečnou flow, je již více než 20 let jednou z největších těžkých vah ve světě hip-hopu - a ikonou popkultury. Krátce po vydání "The Slim Shady LP" v roce 1999 se stal nejprodávanějším rapperem v hudební historii. Se 130 miliony prodaných alb a přibližně třikrát tolik prodaných singlů získal Eminem již 15 cen GRAMMY a Oscara.

Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop. 180g Vinyl.

ID: 399292 EAN: 0602448000248 Discogs ID: 25048738
A1 Eminem: Godzilla
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Julio Ulloa, Tony Campana | Featuring Juice WRLD | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer D.A. Got That Dope | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Alejandro Villasana | Recorded By Mike Strange, Victor Luevanos | Written-By Alejandro Villasana, David D.A. Doman, Jared Higgins, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
A2 Eminem: Crack A Bottle
A3 Eminem: Walk On Water
Arranged By [String Arrangement By] Jason Lader | Bass, Drum Programming, Synthesizer [Moog], Synth Jason Lader | Co-producer Skylar Grey | Edited By [Digital Editing By] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel, Tony Campana | Featuring Beyoncé | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Piano Skylar Grey | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Stuart White | Strings Daphne Chen, Eric Gorfain, Leah Katz, Richard Dodd (2), The Section Quartet | Turntables Rick Rubin | Written-By Beyoncé Knowles, Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
A4 Eminem: Gnat
A5 Eminem: Space Bound
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Jason Wilkie, Joe Strange (2), Matt Huber | Guitar Steve McEwan | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Danny Morris | Keyboards, Programmed By Jim Jonsin | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Producer Jim Jonsin | Recorded By Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Steve McEwan | Written-By James Scheffer, Marshall Mathers, Steve McEwan
B1 Eminem: Love The Way You Lie
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Spike Lindsey | Featuring Rihanna | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] J. Brow | Mixed By Alex Da Kid, Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Vocal Production By] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Marcos Tovar, Mike Strange | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
B2 Eminem: Rap God
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Instruments [All Instruments Played By] DVLP | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By], Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DVLP, Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3) | Written-By [Interpolations Of "Supersonic"] Dania Maria Birks, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel | Written-By [Interpolations Of "The Show"] Douglas E. Davis, Ricky Walters
B3 Eminem: No Love
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Lil Wayne | Mixed By Eminem, Just Blaze, Mike Strange, Ryan West | Performer [Samples From "What Is Love"] Haddaway | Producer Just Blaze | Recorded By Mike Strange, Ryan West | Written-By Dee Dee Halligan, Dwayne Carter, Junior Torello, Justin Smith (3), Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Elements Of "What Is Love"] Dee Dee Halligan, Junior Torello
B4 Eminem: From The D 2 The LBC
Featuring Snoop Dogg | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Fredwreck Nassar, Mike Strange, Shonlawon Brooks, Tony Campana | Written-By Calvin Broadus, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
B5 Eminem: River
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar Ed Sheeran | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Wall | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers
C1 Eminem: Not Afraid
Drums Matthew Jehu Samuels | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Boi-1da | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem, Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Recorded By Matthew Jehu Samuels, Mike Strange | Recorded By [Choir Vocals Recorded By] Robert Reyes | Strings Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Vocals [Choir Vocals By] Christal Garrick II, Kip Blackshire, Kristen Ashley Cole, Rich King, Sly Jordan, Terry Dexter | Written-By Jordan Evans, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Burnett, Matthew Jehu Samuels
C2 Eminem: Venom
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
C3 Bad Meets Evil: Lighters
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Bruno Mars | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Battle Roy, Eminem, The SmeeZingtons | Recorded By Ari Levine, Asar, Mike Strange | Written-By Ari Levine, Marshall Mathers, Peter Hernandez (2), Phillip Lawrence, Roy Battle, Ryan Montgomery
C4 Eminem: Survival
Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Chorus Vocals By] Liz Rodrigues | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
C5 Eminem: Higher
Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto, Mike Strange | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Sly Pyper | Written-By Andre Brissett, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Sylvester Jordan
D1 Eminem: The Monster
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional Instrumentation By] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
D2 Eminem: Lucky You
Featuring Joyner Lucas | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By, Part 2] Luis Resto | Mixed By [Part 1] Eminem, Mike Strange, Nox Beatz | Mixed By [Part 2] Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer [Additional Production By, Part 2] Eminem | Producer [Part 1] Boi-1da, Jahaan Sweet | Producer [Part 2] illa Da Producer | Recorded By [Part 1 & 2] Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Gary M. Lucas, Jr., Jahaan Sweet, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Jehu Samuels, Ray Fraser (2)
D3 Eminem: Is This Love ('09)
Engineer Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri, Mike Strange, Tony Campana, Victor Luevanos | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Robert Reyes | Featuring 50 Cent | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Dr. Dre, Mark Batson, Trevor Lawrence Jr. | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Written-By Andre Young, Curtis Jackson, Luis Resto, Mark Batson, Marshall Mathers, Sly Pyper, Trevor Lawrence Jr.
D4 Eminem: Berzerk
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] Mike Strange | Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Naughty By Nature | Performer [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Beastie Boys | Performer [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Scratches [Cuts By] Scram Jones | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Rick Rubin | Written-By [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier
D5 Eminem: Beautiful
Bass, Guitar Jeff Bass | Co-producer Jeff Bass | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Keyboards Jeff Bass, Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer ["Reaching Out" Performed By] Paul Rodgers, Queen | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Andy Hill, Don Black, Jeff Bass, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Excerpts From "Reaching Out"] Andy Hill, Don Black
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2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2 CLR | LTD Coloured Orange Fluorescent Vinyl Limited Edition

1 739 Kč Na objednávku
2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2 CLR | LTD
2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2 CLR | LTD
2LP Eminem: Curtain Call 2 CLR | LTD
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Coloured Orange Fluorescent Vinyl Limited Edition

Aftermath Entertainment | Shady Records | Interscope Records 13. ledna 2023 Evropa a USA

Eminem: Curtain Call 2 CLR | LTD verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a USA ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Shady Records a Interscope Records dne 13. ledna 2023.

Téměř sedmnáct let po prvním dílu je nyní "Curtain Call 2" věnováno výmluvné tvorbě, kterou legendární detroitský MC vydal od roku 2006: Nové best of album přináší všechny vrcholy od éry Relapse až po nejnovější album "Music To Be Murdered By - Side B" - kromě klíčových skladeb ze sólových alb, různých vedlejších projektů, hostování a dokonce i písní ze soundtracku. Předchůdce "Curtain Call: The Hits" teprve v březnu 2021 překonal rekord v americké hitparádě: byl prvním hiphopovým albem, které se udrželo v první dvoustovce albového žebříčku Billboard po celou dekádu. "Curtain Call" obsahuje celkem 3 nové skladby, včetně "From The D 2 The LBC", kterou Eminem nahrál společně se Snoop Doggem, a "The King and I", u níž Eminemovi sekunduje CeeLo Green. Další exkluzivní skladba bude odhalena v době vydání.

Eminem, celosvětově proslulý svou jedinečnou flow, je již více než 20 let jednou z největších těžkých vah ve světě hip-hopu - a ikonou popkultury. Krátce po vydání "The Slim Shady LP" v roce 1999 se stal nejprodávanějším rapperem v hudební historii. Se 130 miliony prodaných alb a přibližně třikrát tolik prodaných singlů získal Eminem již 15 cen GRAMMY a Oscara.

Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop. Coloured Orange Fluorescent Vinyl Limited Edition.

Coloured Vinyl Compilation Limited Edition Stereo
ID: 514043 EAN: 0602445944460 Discogs ID: 25051930
A1 Eminem: Godzilla
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Julio Ulloa, Tony Campana | Featuring Juice WRLD | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer D.A. Got That Dope | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Alejandro Villasana | Recorded By Mike Strange, Victor Luevanos | Written-By Alejandro Villasana, David D.A. Doman, Jared Higgins, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
A2 Eminem: Crack A Bottle
A3 Eminem: Walk On Water
Arranged By [String Arrangement By] Jason Lader | Bass, Drum Programming, Synthesizer [Moog], Synth Jason Lader | Co-producer Skylar Grey | Edited By [Digital Editing By] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel, Tony Campana | Featuring Beyoncé | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Piano Skylar Grey | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Stuart White | Strings Daphne Chen, Eric Gorfain, Leah Katz, Richard Dodd (2), The Section Quartet | Turntables Rick Rubin | Written-By Beyoncé Knowles, Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
A4 Eminem: Gnat
A5 Eminem: Space Bound
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Jason Wilkie, Joe Strange (2), Matt Huber | Guitar Steve McEwan | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Danny Morris | Keyboards, Programmed By Jim Jonsin | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Producer Jim Jonsin | Recorded By Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Steve McEwan | Written-By James Scheffer, Marshall Mathers, Steve McEwan
B1 Eminem: Love The Way You Lie
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Spike Lindsey | Featuring Rihanna | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] J. Brow | Mixed By Alex Da Kid, Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Vocal Production By] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Marcos Tovar, Mike Strange | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
B2 Eminem: Rap God
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Instruments [All Instruments Played By] DVLP | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By], Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DVLP, Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3) | Written-By [Interpolations Of "Supersonic"] Dania Maria Birks, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel | Written-By [Interpolations Of "The Show"] Douglas E. Davis, Ricky Walters
B3 Eminem: No Love
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Lil Wayne | Mixed By Eminem, Just Blaze, Mike Strange, Ryan West | Performer [Samples From "What Is Love"] Haddaway | Producer Just Blaze | Recorded By Mike Strange, Ryan West | Written-By Dee Dee Halligan, Dwayne Carter, Junior Torello, Justin Smith (3), Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Elements Of "What Is Love"] Dee Dee Halligan, Junior Torello
B4 Eminem: From The D 2 The LBC
Featuring Snoop Dogg | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Fredwreck Nassar, Mike Strange, Shonlawon Brooks, Tony Campana | Written-By Calvin Broadus, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
B5 Eminem: River
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar Ed Sheeran | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Wall | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers
C1 Eminem: Not Afraid
Drums Matthew Jehu Samuels | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Boi-1da | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem, Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Recorded By Matthew Jehu Samuels, Mike Strange | Recorded By [Choir Vocals Recorded By] Robert Reyes | Strings Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Vocals [Choir Vocals By] Christal Garrick II, Kip Blackshire, Kristen Ashley Cole, Rich King, Sly Jordan, Terry Dexter | Written-By Jordan Evans, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Burnett, Matthew Jehu Samuels
C2 Eminem: Venom
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
C3 Bad Meets Evil: Lighters
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Bruno Mars | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Battle Roy, Eminem, The SmeeZingtons | Recorded By Ari Levine, Asar, Mike Strange | Written-By Ari Levine, Marshall Mathers, Peter Hernandez (2), Phillip Lawrence, Roy Battle, Ryan Montgomery
C4 Eminem: Survival
Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Chorus Vocals By] Liz Rodrigues | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
C5 Eminem: Higher
Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto, Mike Strange | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Sly Pyper | Written-By Andre Brissett, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Sylvester Jordan
D1 Eminem: The Monster
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional Instrumentation By] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
D2 Eminem: Lucky You
Featuring Joyner Lucas | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By, Part 2] Luis Resto | Mixed By [Part 1] Eminem, Mike Strange, Nox Beatz | Mixed By [Part 2] Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer [Additional Production By, Part 2] Eminem | Producer [Part 1] Boi-1da, Jahaan Sweet | Producer [Part 2] illa Da Producer | Recorded By [Part 1 & 2] Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Gary M. Lucas, Jr., Jahaan Sweet, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Jehu Samuels, Ray Fraser (2)
D3 Eminem: Is This Love ('09)
Engineer Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri, Mike Strange, Tony Campana, Victor Luevanos | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Robert Reyes | Featuring 50 Cent | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Dr. Dre, Mark Batson, Trevor Lawrence Jr. | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Written-By Andre Young, Curtis Jackson, Luis Resto, Mark Batson, Marshall Mathers, Sly Pyper, Trevor Lawrence Jr.
D4 Eminem: Berzerk
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] Mike Strange | Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Naughty By Nature | Performer [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Beastie Boys | Performer [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Scratches [Cuts By] Scram Jones | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Rick Rubin | Written-By [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier
D5 Eminem: Beautiful
Bass, Guitar Jeff Bass | Co-producer Jeff Bass | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Keyboards Jeff Bass, Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer ["Reaching Out" Performed By] Paul Rodgers, Queen | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Andy Hill, Don Black, Jeff Bass, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Excerpts From "Reaching Out"] Andy Hill, Don Black
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2CD Eminem: Curtain Call 2 2022

379 Kč Skladem
2CD Eminem: Curtain Call 2
2CD Eminem: Curtain Call 2
2CD Eminem: Curtain Call 2
Obrázky pochází z

Aftermath Entertainment | Shady Records | Interscope Records 5. srpna 2022 Evropa

Eminem: Curtain Call 2 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Aftermath Entertainment ve spolupráci s Shady Records a Interscope Records dne 5. srpna 2022.

Druhý díl kompilace největších hitů rapové ikony na dvou CD

Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop.

ID: 377774 EAN: 0602448171078 Discogs ID: 24108278
1-1 Eminem: Godzilla 3:34 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Julio Ulloa, Tony Campana | Featuring Juice WRLD | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer D.A. Got That Dope | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Alejandro Villasana | Recorded By Mike Strange, Victor Luevanos | Written-By Alejandro Villasana, David D.A. Doman, Jared Higgins, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
1-2 Eminem: Lucky You 4:06 min
Featuring Joyner Lucas | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By, Part 2] Luis Resto | Mixed By [Part 1] Eminem, Mike Strange, Nox Beatz | Mixed By [Part 2] Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer [Additional Production By, Part 2] Eminem | Producer [Part 1] Boi-1da, Jahaan Sweet | Producer [Part 2] illa Da Producer | Recorded By [Part 1 & 2] Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Gary M. Lucas, Jr., Jahaan Sweet, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Jehu Samuels, Ray Fraser (2)
1-3 Bad Meets Evil: Lighters 5:03 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Bruno Mars | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Battle Roy, Eminem, The SmeeZingtons | Recorded By Ari Levine, Asar, Mike Strange | Written-By Ari Levine, Marshall Mathers, Peter Hernandez (2), Phillip Lawrence, Roy Battle, Ryan Montgomery
1-4 Eminem: Gnat 3:50 min
1-5 Eminem: Cinderella Man 4:39 min
Drum Programming Nick Low-Beer | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Script Shepherd | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Marshall Mathers
1-6 Eminem: Walk On Water 4:57 min
Arranged By [String Arrangement By] Jason Lader | Bass, Drum Programming, Synthesizer [Moog], Synth Jason Lader | Co-producer Skylar Grey | Edited By [Digital Editing By] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Johnnie Burik, Rob Bisel, Tony Campana | Featuring Beyoncé | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Piano Skylar Grey | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Stuart White | Strings Daphne Chen, Eric Gorfain, Leah Katz, Richard Dodd (2), The Section Quartet | Turntables Rick Rubin | Written-By Beyoncé Knowles, Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
1-7 Eminem: Rap God 6:03 min
Co-producer Filthy (4) | Instruments [All Instruments Played By] DVLP | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By], Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DVLP, Develop | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Bigram Zayas, Dania Maria Birks, Douglas E. Davis, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Del Giorno, Ricky Walters, Stephen Hacker (3) | Written-By [Interpolations Of "Supersonic"] Dania Maria Birks, Fatima Shaheed, Juana Michelle Burns, Juanita A. Lee, Kim Nazel | Written-By [Interpolations Of "The Show"] Douglas E. Davis, Ricky Walters
1-8 Eminem: Love The Way You Lie 4:23 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Spike Lindsey | Featuring Rihanna | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] J. Brow | Mixed By Alex Da Kid, Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Alex Da Kid | Producer [Vocal Production By] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Marcos Tovar, Mike Strange | Written-By Alex Grant (2), Holly Hafermann, Marshall Mathers
1-9 Eminem: Won't Back Down 4:25 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring P!NK | Guitar Erik Alcock | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By], Drum Programming [Additional Drum Programming By] Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Keyboards, Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Rahki | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Columbus Smith, Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers
1-10 Eminem: Higher 3:43 min
Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto, Mike Strange | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Sly Pyper | Written-By Andre Brissett, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Sylvester Jordan
1-11 Eminem: Berzerk 3:57 min
Edited By [Digital Editing By] Jason Lader | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Dave Covell, Eric Lynn, Phillip Broussard, Sean Oakley | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Guitar [Additional Guitars By] Mike Strange | Guitar, Keyboards Jason Lader | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Performer [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Naughty By Nature | Performer [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Beastie Boys | Performer [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Scratches [Cuts By] Scram Jones | Written-By Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Billy Squier, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Marshall Mathers, Rick Rubin, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Feel Me Flow"] Anthony Shawn Criss, Art Neville, Cyril Neville, Joseph Modeliste, Kier Gist, Vinnie Brown | Written-By [Elements Of "Fight For Your Right"] Adam Horovitz, Adam Yauch, Rick Rubin | Written-By [Elements Of "The Stroke"] Billy Squier
1-12 Eminem: Not Afraid 4:09 min
Drums Matthew Jehu Samuels | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Boi-1da | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem, Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Recorded By Matthew Jehu Samuels, Mike Strange | Recorded By [Choir Vocals Recorded By] Robert Reyes | Strings Jordan Evans, Matthew Burnett | Vocals [Choir Vocals By] Christal Garrick II, Kip Blackshire, Kristen Ashley Cole, Rich King, Sly Jordan, Terry Dexter | Written-By Jordan Evans, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Matthew Burnett, Matthew Jehu Samuels
1-13 Eminem: From The D 2 The LBC 3:33 min
Featuring Snoop Dogg | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Fredwreck Nassar, Mike Strange, Shonlawon Brooks, Tony Campana | Written-By Calvin Broadus, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
1-14 Eminem: Nowhere Fast 4:24 min
Cello [Cello Performed By] Cameron Stone | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Featuring Kehlani | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Mark Batson | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Hit-Boy, Rock Mafia | Recorded By Adam Comstock, Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Steve Hammons | Written-By Antonina Armato, Mark Batson, Marshall Mathers, Thomas Armato Sturges, Tim James
1-15 Eminem: Fall 4:22 min
Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange, Mike Will, Stephen Hybicki | Producer Mike WiLL Made It | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By BJ Burton, Justin Vernon, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Michael Williams (28)
1-16 Eminem: Phenomenal 4:41 min
1-17 Bad Meets Evil: Fast Lane 4:09 min
Backing Vocals [Additional Background Vocals By] Dwayne Chin-Quee, Jason Gilbert | Co-producer Eminem, Jason Gilbert | Drum Programming, Arranged By [Drum Arrangement By] Dwayne Chin-Quee | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Keyboards Jason Gilbert | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Dwayne Chin-Quee | Recorded By Mike Strange | Vocals [Chorus Vocals By] Sly Jordan | Written-By Dwayne Chin-Quee, Jason Gilbert, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Ryan Montgomery, Sylvester Jordan
1-18 Eminem: You're Never Over 5:05 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Mixed By Eminem, Just Blaze, Mike Strange, Ryan West | Performer [Samples From "Cry Little Sister"] Gerard McMann | Producer Just Blaze | Recorded By Mike Strange, Ryan West | Written-By Gerard McMann, Justin Smith (3), Marshall Mathers, Mike Mainieri | Written-By [Elements Of "Cry Little Sister"] Gerard McMann, Mike Mainieri
2-1 Eminem: 3 AM 5:19 min
Bass [Intro Bass By], Guitar [Intro Guitar By] Mike Elizondo | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Robert Reyes | Keyboards Dawaun Parker, Mark Batson, Mike Elizondo, Trevor Lawrence Jr. | Mixed By Dr. Dre | Producer Dr. Dre | Recorded By Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri, Mike Strange | Written-By Andre Young, Dawaun Parker, Mark Batson, Marshall Mathers, Mike Elizondo, Trevor Lawrence Jr.
2-2 Eminem: Space Bound 4:38 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Jason Wilkie, Joe Strange (2), Matt Huber | Guitar Steve McEwan | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Danny Morris | Keyboards, Programmed By Jim Jonsin | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Producer Jim Jonsin | Recorded By Mike Strange, Robert Marks | Vocals [Additional Vocals By] Steve McEwan | Written-By James Scheffer, Marshall Mathers, Steve McEwan
2-3 Eminem: Beautiful 6:32 min
Bass, Guitar Jeff Bass | Co-producer Jeff Bass | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Keyboards Jeff Bass, Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Performer ["Reaching Out" Performed By] Paul Rodgers, Queen | Producer Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Andy Hill, Don Black, Jeff Bass, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Excerpts From "Reaching Out"] Andy Hill, Don Black
2-4 Eminem: The Monster 4:10 min
Backing Vocals Bebe Rexha | Co-producer Aalias | Engineer [Assistant Mix Engineer] RJ Colston | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Featuring Rihanna | Instrumentation By [Additional Instrumentation By] Maki Athanasiou | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Dr. Dre, Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri | Producer Frequency (5) | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Aaron Kleinstub, Bebe Rexha, Bryan Fryzel, Jon Bellion, Maki Athanasiou, Marshall Mathers, Robyn Fenty
2-5 Eminem: Venom 4:24 min
Keyboards Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Eminem | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
2-6 Eminem: Crack A Bottle 4:57 min
2-7 Eminem: Is This Love ('09) 3:32 min
Engineer Mauricio "Veto" Iragorri, Mike Strange, Tony Campana, Victor Luevanos | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Robert Reyes | Featuring 50 Cent | Mixed By Mike Strange | Producer Dr. Dre, Mark Batson, Trevor Lawrence Jr. | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Written-By Andre Young, Curtis Jackson, Luis Resto, Mark Batson, Marshall Mathers, Sly Pyper, Trevor Lawrence Jr.
2-8 Eminem: River 3:43 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Tony Campana | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar Ed Sheeran | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Wall | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Emile Haynie, Marshall Mathers
2-9 Eminem: Survival 4:31 min
Drum Programming Khalil Abdul-Rahman | Guitar Erik Alcock | Guitar [Additional Guitars] Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer DJ Khalil | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Vocals [Chorus Vocals By] Liz Rodrigues | Written-By Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Marshall Mathers, Mike Strange, Pranam Injeti
2-10 Yelawolf: Best Friend 5:10 min
Co-producer Eminem | Featuring Eminem | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Musician, Bass Rob Cureton | Musician, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Luis Resto | Musician, Keyboards, Synthesizer [Pads], Drums, Programmed By WLPWR | Producer WLPWR | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Matthew Hayes (3), Mike Strange | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Michael Atha, William Washington
2-11 Eminem: Darkness 5:38 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Tony Campana | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Performer [Excerpts From "The Sound Of Silence"] Nouela Johnston | Producer Eminem, Royce Da 5'9" | Producer [Additional Production By] Luis Resto | Recorded By Brian "B Jones" Jones, Mike Strange | Written-By Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Paul Simon, Ryan Montgomery | Written-By [Elements Of "The Sound Of Silence"] Paul Simon
2-12 Eminem: Kings Never Die 4:57 min
Backing Vocals Herschel Boone, Terena Boone | Bass Chin Injeti | Drum Programming DJ Khalil, Erik Alcock | Featuring Gwen Stefani | Guitar Daniel Seeff, Erik Alcock | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto, Sam Barsh | Mixed By Mike Strange | Piano, Strings Daniel Tannenbaum | Producer DJ Khalil | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Chin Injeti, Erik Alcock, Khalil Abdul-Rahman, Liz Rodrigues, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers
2-13 Eminem: No Love 4:59 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2) | Featuring Lil Wayne | Mixed By Eminem, Just Blaze, Mike Strange, Ryan West | Performer [Samples From "What Is Love"] Haddaway | Producer Just Blaze | Recorded By Mike Strange, Ryan West | Written-By Dee Dee Halligan, Dwayne Carter, Junior Torello, Justin Smith (3), Marshall Mathers | Written-By [Elements Of "What Is Love"] Dee Dee Halligan, Junior Torello
2-14 Eminem: Headlights 5:43 min
Featuring Nate Ruess | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Eminem, Mike Strange | Producer Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Additional Production By] Eminem | Recorded By Joe Strange (2), Mike Strange, Tony Campana | Written-By Emile Haynie, Jeff Bhasker, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Nate Ruess
2-15 Eminem: The King And I 3:12 min
Engineer Mike Strange, Quentin Gilkey, Tony Campana | Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Victor Luevanos | Featuring Cee-Lo | Mixed By Mike Strange | Performer [Sample Of "Jailhouse Rock"] Elvis Presley | Producer Dr. Dre, Eminem | Written-By Andre Young, Jerry Leiber, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Mike Stoller, Thomas Callaway | Written-By [Portions Of "Jailhouse Rock"] Leiber & Stoller
2-16 Eminem: Farwell 4:12 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Joe Strange (2), Tony Campana | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] Luis Resto | Mixed By Mike Strange | Performer [Excerpts From "No Games"] Serani | Producer Ricky Racks | Producer [Additional Production] Eminem | Recorded By Mike Strange | Written-By Craig Serani Marsh, Dave Kelly, Luis Resto, Marshall Mathers, Ricky Harrell, Jr. | Written-By [Elements Of "No Games"] Craig Serani Marsh, Dave Kelly
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Eminem , narozený 17. října 1972 jako Marshall Bruce Mathers III, je americký rapper, skladatel a hudební producent, který je všeobecně považován za jednoho z největších a nejvlivnějších umělců v historii hip hopu. Vzešel z detroitské rapové scény na konci 90. let 20. století a Em...

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