Peace In The Valley: The Complete Gospel Recordings - CD

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3CD Elvis Presley: Peace In The Valley (The Complete Gospel Recordings) 2000

612 Kč 2 týdny
3CD Elvis Presley: Peace In The Valley (The Complete Gospel Recordings)
3CD Elvis Presley: Peace In The Valley (The Complete Gospel Recordings)
3CD Elvis Presley: Peace In The Valley (The Complete Gospel Recordings)
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RCA | BMG 12. září 2000 Evropa

Elvis Presley: Peace In The Valley (The Complete Gospel Recordings) verze na 3CD v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství RCA ve spolupráci s BMG dne 12. září 2000. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Folk, World, & Country.

Compilation Remastered
ID: 486853 EAN: 0078636799124 Discogs ID: 7013863
1-1 His Hand In Mine
1-2 I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
1-3 In My Father's House
1-4 Milky White Way
1-5 Known Only To Him
1-6 I Believe In The Man In The Sky
1-7 Joshua Fit The Battle
1-8 He Knows Just What I Need
1-9 Swing Down, Sweet Chariot
1-10 Mansion Over The Hilltop
1-11 If We Never Meet Again
1-12 Working On The Building
1-13 Crying In The Chapel
1-14 How Great Thou Art
1-15 In The Garden
1-16 Somebody Bigger Than You And I
1-17 Farther Along
1-18 Stand By Me
1-19 Without Him
1-20 So High
1-21 Where Could I Go But To The Lord
1-22 By And By
1-23 If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side
1-24 Run On
1-25 Where No One Stands Alone
1-26 We Call On Him
1-27 You'll Never Walk Alone
1-28 Who Am I?
1-29 Life
2-1 Only Believe
2-2 He Touched Me
2-3 I've Got Confidence
2-4 Amazing Grace
2-5 Seeing Is Believing
2-6 He Is My Everything
2-7 Bosom Of Abraham
2-8 An Evening Prayer
2-9 Lead Me, Guide Me
2-10 There Is No God But God
2-11 A Thing Called Love
2-12 I, John
2-13 Reach Out To Jesus
2-14 Miracle Of The Rosary
2-15 Put Your Hand In The Hand
2-16 I've Got A Feelin' In My Body
2-17 Help Me
2-18 If That Isn't Love
2-19 Help Me (Live Version)
2-20 Why Me Lord (Live Version)
2-21 How Great Thou Art (Live Version)
2-22 Farther Along
2-23 Oh Happy Day
2-24 I, John
2-25 Bosom Of Abraham
2-26 You Better Run
2-27 Lead Me, Guide Me
2-28 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus / Nearer My God To Thee
3-1 When The Saints Go Marchin' In
3-2 Just A Little Talk With Jesus
3-3 Jesus Walked That Lonesome Valley
3-4 I Shall Not Be Moved
3-5 (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)
3-6 Down By The Riverside
3-7 Farther Along
3-8 Blessed Jesus (Hold My Hand)
3-9 On The Jericho Road
3-10 I Just Can't Make It By Myself
3-11 I Hear A Sweet Voice Calling
3-12 When The Saints Go Marchin' In
3-13 Softly And Tenderly
3-14 (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)
3-15 It Is No Secret (What God Can Do)
3-16 I Believe
3-17 Take My Hand, Precious Lord
3-18 I Asked The Lord
3-19 He
3-20 Oh How I Love Jesus
3-21 Show Me Thy Ways, O Lord
3-22 Hide Thou Me
3-23 Down By The Riverside / When The Saints Go Marchin' In
3-24 Sing You Children
3-25 Swing Down, Sweet Chariot
3-26 Let Us Pray
3-27 Gospel Medley
3-27.1 Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
3-27.2 Where Could I Go But To The Lord
3-27.3 Up Above My Head
3-27.4 Saved
3-28 The Lord's Prayer
3-29 How Great Thou Art (Live Version)
3-30 (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)
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Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley , často známý jen jako "Elvis" a přezdívaný "král rokenrolu", byl v polovině 20. století osobností, která změnila populární hudbu a kulturu. Narodil se 8. ledna 1935 v Tupelu ve státě Mississippi a ve 13 letech se s rodinou přestěhoval do Memphisu ve státě Tennessee....

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