The Union - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 2 vydáních. Elton John The Union je společné album s Leonem Russellem vydané v roce 2010. Album produkoval T-Bone Burnett a hostují na něm Neil Young, Brian Wilson a Don Henley. Album bylo nominováno na cenu Grammy za nejlepší popovou spolupráci s vokály. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Balada a Soft Rock.

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2LP Elton John: The Union 2010

1 149 Kč Týden
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
2LP Elton John: The Union
Obrázky pochází z

Mercury 19. října 2010 Evropa

Elton John: The Union verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Mercury dne 19. října 2010.

Elton John The Union je společné album s Leonem Russellem vydané v roce 2010. Album produkoval T-Bone Burnett a hostují na něm Neil Young, Brian Wilson a Don Henley. Album bylo nominováno na cenu Grammy za nejlepší popovou spolupráci s vokály.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Balada a Soft Rock.

ID: 585879 EAN: 0602527504759 Discogs ID: 2773225
A1 If It Wasn't For Bad 3:42 min
A2 Eight Hundred Dollar Shoes 3:22 min
A3 Hey Ahab 5:39 min
A4 Gone To Shiloh 4:50 min
B1 Hearts Have Turned To Stone 3:46 min
B2 Jimmie Rodgers' Dream 3:42 min
B3 There's No Tomorrow 3:45 min
B4 Monkey Suit 4:46 min
C1 The Best Part Of The Day 4:45 min
C2 Dream Come True 5:06 min
C3 I Should Have Sent Roses 5:20 min
C4 When Love Is Dying 4:50 min
D1 My Kind Of Hell 3:15 min
D2 Mandalay Again 4:54 min
D3 Never Too Old (To Hold Somebody) 4:57 min
D4 In The Hands Of Angels 4:43 min
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CD Elton John: The Union 2022

177 Kč Týden
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
CD Elton John: The Union
Obrázky pochází z

Mercury 3. března 2022 Evropa a UK

Elton John: The Union verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Mercury dne 3. března 2022.

Britský legendární hudebník Elton John vydává nové album „The Union”, pod kterým však není podepsaný pouze on, ale i další legenda mezi hudebníky - americký skladatel, pianista, kytarista a hlavně zpěvák Leon Russell! Obě dvě legendy se na společném albu setkávají po dlouhých čtyřiceti letech, neb poslední společné nahrávky vytvořil Elton s Leonem v roce 1970. Aby spojení obou pánu bylo opravdu nevšední a jedinečné, pozvali si na pomoc i jednoho z nejlepších producentů světa - T Bone Burnetta! Ten je mimo jiné podepsán i pod deskou „Raising Sand” dua Robert Plant a Alison Krauss, která minulý rok získala hned několik prestižních cen Grammy. Těšit se můžeme celkem na šestnáct písní, které napsal Elton společně se svým celoživotním hudebním partnerem Bernie Taupinem. Deska se bude moci pyšnit i několika výjimečnými hosty, mezi kterými bude například Neil Young, Brian Wilson, legendární r & b varhaník Booker T. Jones nebo kytarista Robert Randolph. Celý projekt navíc podpoří i desetičlenný gospelový sbor.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Balada a Soft Rock.

ID: 38082 EAN: 0602527484808 Discogs ID: 2554454
1 If It Wasn't For Bad 3:42 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals] Leon Russell | Arranged By [Horns], Conductor [Conducted By] Darrell Leonard | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Rose Stone, Tata Vega | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Organ [B3] Booker T. Jones | Piano Leon Russell | Trombone Ira Nepus, Maurice Spears | Trombone, Baritone Horn George Bohanon | Trumpet, Bass Trumpet Darrell Leonard | Tuba William Roper | Vocals Elton John, Leon Russell
2 Eight Hundred Dollar Shoes 3:22 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals], Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Backing Vocals Bill Cantos, Jason Scheff, Lou Pardini, Tata Vega | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
3 Hey Ahab 5:39 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals], Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Bill Cantos, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Kellye Huff, Perry Morgan, Rose Stone, Tanya Balam, Tata Vega, Tiffany Smith | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Electric Guitar T-Bone Burnett | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Tambourine Mike Piersante | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
4 Gone To Shiloh 4:50 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Horns], Conductor [Horns Conducted By] Darrell Leonard | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Dulcimer Jason Wormer | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Trombone Ira Nepus, Maurice Spears | Trombone, Baritone Horn George Bohanon | Trumpet Darrell Leonard | Tuba William Roper | Vocals Neil Young | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
5 Jimmie Rodgers' Dream 3:42 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals], Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Backing Vocals Bill Cantos, Jason Scheff, Lou Pardini, Tata Vega | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Electric Guitar T-Bone Burnett | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Pedal Steel Guitar Russ Pahl | Percussion [Beaded Gourd] Debra Dobkin | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
6 There's No Tomorrow 3:45 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals] Leon Russell | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Tata Vega | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia, Marty Grebb | Pedal Steel Guitar Robert Randolph | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
7 Monkey Suit 4:45 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals], Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Arranged By [Horns], Conductor [Horns Conducted By] Darrell Leonard | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Bill Cantos, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Kellye Huff, Perry Morgan, Rose Stone, Tanya Balam, Tata Vega, Tiffany Smith | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Saxophone Jim Thompson, Joe Sublett, Tom Peterson (2) | Tambourine Mike Piersante | Trumpet, Bass Trumpet Darrell Leonard | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
8 The Best Part Of The Day 4:45 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals], Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Backing Vocals Bill Cantos, Jason Scheff, Lou Pardini, Tata Vega | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Organ [B3] Booker T. Jones | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
9 A Dream Come True 5:05 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Background Vocals] Leon Russell | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Rose Stone, Tata Vega | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Drums Jay Bellerose | Guitar Marc Ribot | Handclaps Jason Wormer, Kyle Ford, Mike Piersante | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Tambourine Rose Stone | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
10 When Love Is Dying 4:50 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Arranged By [Additional Background Vocals], Conductor [Additional Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Arranged By [Vocal Arrangement] Brian Wilson | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Bill Cantos, Brian Wilson, Jason Scheff, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Lou Pardini, Rose Stone, Tata Vega | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Electric Guitar T-Bone Burnett | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
11 I Should Have Sent Roses 5:18 min
Arranged By [Horns], Conductor [Horns Conducted By] Darrell Leonard | Bass Don Was | Drums Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Organ [B3] Booker T. Jones | Saxophone Jim Thompson, Joe Sublett, Tom Peterson (2) | Trombone Ira Nepus, Maurice Spears | Trombone, Baritone Horn George Bohanon | Trumpet, Bass Trumpet Darrell Leonard | Tuba William Roper | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
12 Hearts Have Turned To Stone 3:47 min
Arranged By [Background Vocals] Leon Russell | Arranged By [Horns], Conductor [Horns Conducted By] Darrell Leonard | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Tata Vega | Bass Davey Faragher, Don Was | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Organ [B3] Booker T. Jones | Piano Leon Russell | Saxophone Jim Thompson, Joe Sublett, Tom Peterson (2) | Trumpet Darrell Leonard | Vocals Elton John, Leon Russell
13 Never Too Old (To Hold Somebody) 4:57 min
Acoustic Bass Dennis Crouch | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Bill Cantos, Jason Scheff, Judith Hill, Lou Pardini, Tata Vega | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Drums, Percussion Jay Bellerose, Jim Keltner | Guitar Marc Ribot | Keyboards Keefus Ciancia | Vocals, Piano Elton John, Leon Russell
14 In The Hands Of Angels 4:43 min
Arranged By [Background Vocals] Leon Russell | Backing Vocals Alfie Silas Durio, Bill Cantos, Jean Witherspoon, Judith Hill, Kellye Huff, Perry Morgan, Rose Stone, Tanya Balam, Tata Vega, Tiffany Smith | Conductor [Background Vocals Conducted By] Bill Maxwell | Electric Bass Drew Lambert | Keyboards Marty Grebb | Vocals, Piano Leon Russell
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Elton John

Elton John
Elton John je uznávaný britský zpěvák, skladatel, klavírista a příležitostný herec, který má za sebou rozsáhlou a vlivnou kariéru v hudebním průmyslu. Narodil se jako Reginald Kenneth Dwight 25. března 1947 v Pinneru v anglickém Middlesexu a na počátku své kariéry přijal umělecké ...

Leon Russell

Leon Russell
Leon Russell byl známý americký hudebník a skladatel, jehož kariéra trvala více než 50 let. Narodil se 2. dubna 1942 v Lawtonu v Oklahomě a díky svému výraznému hlasu a všestrannému muzikantství se stal významnou osobností hudebního průmyslu. Russellovy schopnosti pianisty, kytari...

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