Some Rap Songs - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 2 vydáních. Some Rap Songs je třetí studiové album amerického rappera Earl Sweatshirt . Bylo vydáno 30. listopadu 2018 společností Columbia Records. Na albu hostují mimo jiné Anderson .paak, Knxwledge, Navy Blue a Ty Dolla Sign. Album bylo podpořeno singly "Burgundy" a "The Mint". Po vydání získalo album Some Rap Songs vesměs pozitivní hodnocení hudebních kritiků. Na serveru Metacritic, který recenzím z mainstreamových publikací přiděluje normalizované hodnocení ze 100, získalo album na základě 16 recenzí průměrné skóre 78 bodů. Sheldon Pearce z časopisu Pitchfork v pozitivní recenzi uvedl: "Some Rap Songs je hutný a náročný poslech, ale jeho přínos je značný. Earl vytvořil jedno z nejnápaditějších a nejnekompromisnějších hiphopových alb tohoto roku a jedno z nejzásadnějších rapových alb poslední doby." "Lanre Bakare z deníku The Guardian řekl: "Je to náročný poslech, ale také odměna. Je to album, které se nebojí riskovat, a o to je lepší." "Calum Slingerland z časopisu Exclaim! řekl Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop a Conscious Hip Hop.

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


LP Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs 2019

599 Kč Skladem
LP Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs
LP Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs
LP Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs
Obrázky pochází z

Tan Cressida | Columbia | Sony Music 25. ledna 2019 Evropa

Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Tan Cressida ve spolupráci s Columbia a Sony Music dne 25. ledna 2019.

Some Rap Songs je třetí studiové album amerického rappera Earla Sweatshirta.
Na albu hostují skupiny Navy Blue, Standing on the Corner a vokální samply od Earlovy matky Cheryl Harris, Earlova otce Keorapetse Kgositsileho, který je na albu oceněn posmrtně, a instrumentální sampl od Hugha Masekely, který je na albu oceněn rovněž posmrtně.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop a Conscious Hip Hop.

ID: 371174 EAN: 0190758980515 Discogs ID: 13101991
A1 Shattered Dreams
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Mixed By, Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Shattered Dreams" Samples] The Endeavors | Written-By John Thomas (30)
A2 Red Water
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Mixed By, Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
A3 Cold Summers
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Mixed By, Producer, Engineer, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Road Man (Mystic)" Sample] Mighty Flames | Written-By Emmanuel Baloka, Jimmy Stormy, Willy N'For
A4 Nowhere2go
Engineer, Mixed By, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Producer Adé Hakim | Producer, Written-By Darryl Joseph | Written-By Adé Hakim
A5 December 24
Engineer, Mixed By, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Producer Denmark Vessey | Written-By Denmark Vessey
A6 Ontheway!
Bass Guitar, Mixed By Shamel (4) | Featuring Standing On The Corner | Mixed By, Producer, Engineer, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Trust In Me Baby" Sample] Soul Superiors | Written-By Giovanni Cortez, Sherman Willis
A7 The Mint
Engineer, Mixed By, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Featuring Navy Blue (5) | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Producer Black Noi$e | Written-By Robert Mansel, Sage Elsesser
B1 The Bends
Engineer, Mixed By, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Performer ["After Loving You" Sample] Linda Clifford | Producer Sage Elsesser | Written-By Lowrell Simon, Rich Tufo, Sage Elsesser
B2 Loosie
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Written-By, Producer, Engineer, Mixed By Thebe Kgositsile
B3 Azucar
Engineer, Mixed By, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Performer ["I'm Just A Shoulder To Cry On" Sample] Soul Children | Producer, Written-By Sage Elsesser | Written-By Albert James Vance, Don Davis (2), Harvey Scales
B4 Eclipse
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Written-By, Producer, Engineer, Mixed By Thebe Kgositsile
B5 Veins
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Mixed By, Producer, Engineer, Written-By Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["I Made A Mistake" Sample] Billy Jones (3) | Written-By Curtis Mayfield
B6 Playing Possum
Featuring Cheryl Harris, Keorapetse Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4) | Written-By, Producer, Engineer, Mixed By Thebe Kgositsile
B7 Peanut
Mixed By Shamel (4) | Written-By, Producer, Engineer, Mixed By Thebe Kgositsile
B8 Riot!
Engineer, Written-By, Producer, Mixed By Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Riot!" Sample], Written-By Hugh Masekela | Producer, Mixed By Shamel (4) | Written-By Giovanni Cortez
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CD Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs 2018

305 Kč Týden

Tan Cressida | Columbia | Sony Music 14. prosince 2018 Evropa

Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Tan Cressida ve spolupráci s Columbia a Sony Music dne 14. prosince 2018.

Some Rap Songs je třetí studiové album amerického rappera Earla Sweatshirta.
Na albu hostují skupiny Navy Blue, Standing on the Corner a vokální samply od Earlovy matky Cheryl Harris, Earlova otce Keorapetse Kgositsileho, který je na albu oceněn posmrtně, a instrumentální sampl od Hugha Masekely, který je na albu oceněn rovněž posmrtně.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop a Conscious Hip Hop.

ID: 380085 EAN: 0190758980423 Discogs ID: 12972261
1 Shattered Dreams 2:21 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Shattered Dreams" Samples] The Endeavors | Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By John Thomas (30), Thebe Kgositsile
2 Red Water 1:44 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
3 Cold Summers 1:06 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Road Man (Mystic)" Sample] Mighty Flames | Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By Emmanuel Baloka, Jimmy Stormy, Thebe Kgositsile, Willy N'For
4 Nowhere2go 1:54 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Producer Adé Hakim, Darryl Joseph | Written-By Adé Hakim, Darryl Joseph, Thebe Kgositsile
5 December 24 1:47 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Producer Denmark Vessey | Written-By Denmark Vessey, Thebe Kgositsile
6 Ontheway! 1:42 min
Bass Guitar Shamel (4) | Featuring Standing On The Corner | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Trust In Me Baby" Sample] Soul Superiors | Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By Giovanni Cortez, Sherman Willis, Thebe Kgositsile
7 The Mint 2:45 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Featuring Navy Blue (5) | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Producer Black Noi$e | Written-By Robert Mansel, Sage Elsesser, Thebe Kgositsile
8 The Bends 1:35 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["After Loving You" Sample] Linda Clifford | Producer Sage Elsesser | Written-By Lowrell Simon, Rich Tufo, Sage Elsesser, Thebe Kgositsile
9 Loosie 0:59 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
10 Azucar 1:26 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["I'm Just A Shoulder To Cry On" Sample] Soul Children | Producer Sage Elsesser | Written-By Albert James Vance, Don Davis (2), Harvey Scales, Sage Elsesser, Thebe Kgositsile
11 Eclipse 1:34 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
12 Veins 2:00 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["I Made A Mistake" Sample] Billy Jones (3) | Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By Curtis Mayfield, Thebe Kgositsile
13 Playing Possum 1:35 min
Featuring Cheryl Harris, Keorapetse Kgositsile | Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
14 Peanut 1:14 min
Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By, Producer, Engineer Thebe Kgositsile
15 Riot! 1:06 min
Engineer Thebe Kgositsile | Performer ["Riot!" Sample] Hugh Masekela | Producer, Mixed By Shamel (4), Thebe Kgositsile | Written-By Giovanni Cortez, Hugh Masekela, Thebe Kgositsile
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Earl Sweatshirt

Earl Sweatshirt
Earl Sweatshirt , narozený 24. února 1994 jako Thebe Neruda Kgositsile, je americký rapper a hudební producent, který se poprvé proslavil jako člen losangeleského hiphopového kolektivu Odd Future. V roce 2013 vyšlo jeho debutové studiové album "Doris", které se setkalo s příznivým...

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