Shades - Vinyl, CD

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2LP Doyle Bramhall II: Shades 180g Gatefold Vinyl

680 Kč Předprodej
2LP Doyle Bramhall II: Shades
2LP Doyle Bramhall II: Shades
2LP Doyle Bramhall II: Shades
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180g Gatefold Vinyl

Provogue 5. října 2018 Evropa

Doyle Bramhall II: Shades verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Provogue dne 5. října 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Blues a Blues Rock. 180g Gatefold Vinyl.

ID: 614856 EAN: 0819873017578 Discogs ID: 12629042
A1 Love And Pain
Bass [2nd] Adam Minkoff | Drums, Percussion Carla Azar | Guitar, Bass, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Mixed By, Percussion Tchad Blake | Percussion Abraham Rounds | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By, Piano, Vocals Akie Bermiss
A2 Hammer Ring
Bass [Mustang], Chorus, Vocals Adam Minkoff | Drums, Percussion Abraham Rounds, Carla Azar | Guitar [Airline] Chris Bruce | Oud, Resonator Guitar, Vocals, Bass [2nd], Electric Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II
A3 Everything You Need
Drums Anthony Cole (3) | Featuring, Guitar Eric Clapton | Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Piano Akie Bermiss | Written-By Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II, Gabby Sherba | Written-By, Bass, Clavinet, Vocals [Bridge], Organ [B3] Adam Minkoff
B1 London To Tokyo
Acoustic Guitar Chris Bruce | Cello Clara Kennedy | Drums, Percussion Carla Azar | Percussion Abraham Rounds | Trombone Brian Drye | Trumpet Dan Brantigan | Viola Alissa Smith | Violin Christina Courtin, Guillaume Pirard | Vocals, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass [Verse] Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By, Bass, Piano [Plucked Strings], Piano Adam Minkoff
B2 Searching For Love
Bass [Upright] Adam Minkoff | Drums Steve Jordan | Featuring, Written-By, Vocals, Piano Norah Jones | Organ [B3] Todd Caldwell | Vocals, Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II
B3 Live Forever
Bass [Key] Anthony Farrell | Co-producer, Written-By Andrew Trube | Drums Ed Miles | Featuring Greyhounds (2) | Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Mellotron Adam Minkoff | Piano Charlie Sexton | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II
C1 Break Apart To Mend
Bass [Moog Bass 2nd Verse] Adam Minkoff | Bass, Vocals Byron Isaacs | Drums Yuval Lion | Guitar [Synth] Blake Mills | Vocals Akie Bermiss | Vocals, Electric Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By, Piano, Vocals Elizabeth Ziman
C2 She'll Come Around
Bass Ted Pecchio | Drums Anthony Cole (3) | Electric Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Mellotron Adam Minkoff | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II, Elizabeth Ziman
C3 The Night
Bass, Organ, Claves [Muted], Chorus Adam Minkoff | Chorus Abby Ahmad, Gabby Sherba, Nayanna Holley, Sam Theuring, Stacy Werdin | Drums, Triangle Carla Azar | Electric Guitar Chris Bruce | Vocals, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Whistle Gordon Morgan | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By, Chorus Althea Grace
D1 Parvanah
Bass, Cabasa Ted Pecchio | Cello Clara Kennedy | Drums, Percussion Conrad Choucroun | Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Viola Alissa Smith | Violin Christina Courtin, Guillaume Pirard | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II, Elizabeth Ziman | Written-By, Bongos, Piano Adam Minkoff
D2 Consciousness
Drums, Bass [Hofner], Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Guitar [Leslie], Piano, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Piano Michael Harris (10) | Piano, Harmonium, Vibraphone, Resonator Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Clavinet Adam Minkoff | Trombone Brian Drye | Trumpet Dan Brantigan | Written-By Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II
D3 Going Going Gone
Arranged By [Horn] Jay Collins | Backing Vocals Alecia Chakour, Mark Rivers, Mike Mattison | Bass Tim Lefebvre | Co-producer, Lead Guitar Derek Trucks | Drums J.J. Johnson (8), Tyler Greenwell | Featuring Tedeschi Trucks Band | Guitar, Vocals Susan Tedeschi | Lead Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Piano, Organ Kofi Burbridge | Saxophone Kebbi Williams | Trombone Elizabeth Lea | Trumpet Ephraim Owens | Written-By Bob Dylan
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CD Doyle Bramhall II: Shades DIGI Digisleeve

317 Kč Na objednávku
CD Doyle Bramhall II: Shades DIGI
CD Doyle Bramhall II: Shades DIGI
CD Doyle Bramhall II: Shades DIGI
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Provogue | Mascot Label Group 5. října 2018 Evropa

Doyle Bramhall II: Shades DIGI verze na CD v digisleeve edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Provogue ve spolupráci s Mascot Label Group dne 5. října 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Blues a Blues Rock. Digisleeve.

Album Digisleeve
ID: 109148 EAN: 0819873017585 Discogs ID: 12619754
1 Love And Pain 4:10 min
Drums, Percussion Carla Azar | Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals [Background Vocals], Guitar, Bass Doyle Bramhall II | Organ [Farfisa], Bass [2nd Bass], Vibraphone [Vibes] Adam Minkoff | Percussion Abraham Rounds, Tchad Blake | Piano, Vocals, Electric Piano [Electric Wurlitzer] Akie Bermiss | Written-By Akie Bermiss, Doyle Bramhall II
2 Hammer Ring 3:47 min
Bass [Mustang Bass], Chorus [Chorus Vocals] Adam Minkoff | Drums, Percussion Abraham Rounds, Carla Azar | Guitar [Airline Guitar] Chris Bruce | Oud, Resonator Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Bass [2nd Bass] Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II
3 Everything You Need 5:02 min
Drums Anthony Cole (3) | Electric Bass, Clavinet, Organ [B3], Vocals [Bridge Vocals] Adam Minkoff | Featuring, Guitar Eric Clapton | Piano Akie Bermiss | Vocals, Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Adam Minkoff, Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II, Gabby Sherba
4 London To Tokyo 4:36 min
Acoustic Guitar Chris Bruce | Cello Clara Kennedy | Drums, Percussion Carla Azar | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Bass [Verse Bass] Doyle Bramhall II | Percussion Abraham Rounds | Piano [Plucked Piano Strings], Bass, Piano Adam Minkoff | Trombone Brian Drye | Trumpet Dan Brantigan | Viola Alissa Smith | Violin Christina Courtin, Guillaume Pirard | Written-By Adam Minkoff, Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II
5 Searching For Love 6:24 min
Double Bass [Upright Bass] Adam Minkoff | Drums Steve Jordan | Featuring, Piano, Vocals Norah Jones | Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Organ [B3] Todd Caldwell | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II, Norah Jones
6 Live Forever 3:54 min
Bass [Key Bass] Anthony Farrell | Drums Ed Miles | Featuring Greyhounds (2) | Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Mellotron Adam Minkoff | Piano Charlie Sexton | Written-By Andrew Trube, Doyle Bramhall II
7 Break Apart To Mend 5:26 min
Bass [Moog Bass 2nd Verse] Adam Minkoff | Drums Yuval Lion | Electric Bass, Vocals Byron Isaacs | Electric Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Guitar Synthesizer [Synth Guitars] Blake Mills | Piano, Vocals Elizabeth Ziman | Vocals Akie Bermiss | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II, Elizabeth Ziman
8 She'll Come Around 4:42 min
Drums Anthony Cole (3) | Electric Bass Ted Pecchio | Electric Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Mellotron, Electric Piano [Wurlitzer] Adam Minkoff | Written-By Doyle Bramhall II, Elizabeth Ziman
9 The Night 4:38 min
Chorus [Choir Chorus Vocals] Abby Ahmad, Althea Grace, Gabby Sherba, Nayanna Holley, Sam Theuring, Stacy Werdin | Drums, Triangle Carla Azar | Electric Guitar Chris Bruce | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Doyle Bramhall II | Organ, Bass [Club Bass], Vibraphone [Vibes], Clavinet [Muted Clav], Chorus [Choir Chorus Vocals] Adam Minkoff | Whistle Morgan McOwen | Written-By Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II
10 Parvanah 3:55 min
Cabasa, Bass Ted Pecchio | Cello Clara Kennedy | Drums, Percussion Anthony Cole (3) | Piano, Bongos, Electric Guitar [Jaguar] Adam Minkoff | Shaker, Percussion Conrad Choucroun | Viola Alissa Smith | Violin Christina Courtin, Guillaume Pirard | Vocals, Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Adam Minkoff, Doyle Bramhall II, Elizabeth Ziman
11 Consciousness 4:40 min
Drums, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Electric Bass [Hofner Bass], Guitar [Leslie Guitar], Vocals [All Vocals] Doyle Bramhall II | Piano Michael Harris (10) | Piano, Harmonium, Vibraphone, Clavinet, Organ [Farfisa], Resonator Guitar [Resonator], Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic] Adam Minkoff | Trombone Brian Drye | Trumpet Dan Brantigan | Written-By Althea Grace, Doyle Bramhall II
12 Going Going Gone 4:38 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Alecia Chakour, Mark Rivers, Mike Mattison | Drums J.J. Johnson (8), Tyler Greenwell | Electric Bass Tim Lefebvre | Featuring Tedeschi Trucks Band | Lead Guitar Derek Trucks | Piano, Organ Kofi Burbridge | Saxophone Kebbi Williams | Trombone Elizabeth Lea | Trumpet Ephraim Owens | Vocals, Guitar Susan Tedeschi | Vocals, Lead Guitar Doyle Bramhall II | Written-By Bob Dylan
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