Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2 - CD

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2CD Doris Day: Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2 2013

459 Kč 2 týdny
2CD Doris Day: Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2
2CD Doris Day: Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2
2CD Doris Day: Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2
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Zone Records (7) 12. srpna 2013 Velká Británie

Doris Day: Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Volume 2 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Zone Records (7) dne 12. srpna 2013. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Stage & Screen, Vokál, Dialogue, Comedy a Public Broadcast.

ID: 286127 EAN: 5060105741722 Discogs ID: 14260111
Show Date: 9 May 1952, Guests: Gordon MacRae And Mary Wickes
1-1 Doris Day & Orchestra: Introduction And It's Magic
1-2 Doris Day: It's A Lovely Day Today
1-3 Doris Day: Just You, Just Me
1-4 Mary Wickes: Mary Wickes Introduction
1-5 Doris Day: Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered
1-6 Doris Day: I Could Write A Book
1-7 Ray Milland: 'Amos & Andy CBS Radio Show' Advertisement
1-8 Gordon MacRae: Gordon MacRae Introduction
1-9 Gordon MacRae: If Someone Had Told Me (From The Motion Picture: About Face)
1-10 Doris Day, Gordon MacRae: Cuddle Up A Little Closer
1-11 Doris Day, Gordon MacRae: Till We Meet Again
1-12 Doris Day & Orchestra: Love To Be With You
1-13 No Artist: National Association Of Mental Health Appeal
Show Date: 16 May 1952, Guests: Guy Mitchell And Harry James
1-14 Introduction And It's Magic
1-15 Doris Day: 'S Wonderful
1-16 Harry James: Harry James Introduction
1-17 Doris Day, Harry James: I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're Wonderful
1-18 Doris Day, Harry James: With A Song In My Heart
1-19 David Niven: CBS Radio Show "Stars Over Hollywood" Advertisement
1-20 Guy Mitchell: Guy Mitchell Introduction
1-21 Doris Day, Guy Mitchell: Gently Johnny
1-22 Doris Day, Guy Mitchell: 'Western' Comedy Sketch
1-23 Doris Day, Guy Mitchell: A Little Kiss Goodnight
1-24 Love To Be With You
1-25 No Artist: National Girls Club Week Announcement
Show Date: 23 May 1952, Guests: Dennis Day And Ray Noble
2-1 Introduction And It's Magic
2-2 Doris Day: Moonlight Bay
2-3 Ray Noble: Ray Noble Introduction
2-4 Doris Day, Ray Noble: Save A little Sunbeam (For A Rainy, Rainy Day)
2-5 Doris Day: The Very Thought Of You
2-6 No Artist: CBS Radio Series "My Friend Erma" Advertisement
2-7 Dennis Day: Dennis Day Introduction
2-8 Dennis Day: I Hear A Rhapsody
2-9 Doris Day, Ray Noble, Dennis Day: 'Paris' Comedy Sketch
2-10 Doris Day: A Guy Is A Guy
2-11 Love To Be With You
2-12 No Artist: The History Of American Conventions Advertisement
Show Date: 1 June 1952, Guests: Bob Crosby And Ronald Reagan
2-13 Introduction And It's Magic
2-14 Doris Day: Who Who Who
2-15 No Artist: Rexall Advertisement
2-16 Doris Day: Lullaby Of Broadway
2-17 Bob Crosby: Bob Crosby Introduction
2-18 Bob Crosby: Just A Little Lovin'
2-19 Doris Day: Be Anything (But Be Mine)
2-20 Ronald Reagan: Ronald Reagan Introduction
2-21 Doris Day, Bob Crosby, Ronald Reagan: Take Me Out To The Ballgame
2-22 Doris Day, Bob Crosby, Ronald Reagan: 'Baseball' Comedy Sketch
2-23 Doris Day: Ol' Saint Nicholas
2-24 Love To Be With You
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Doris Day

Doris Day
Doris Day byla americká herečka, zpěvačka a aktivistka za ochranu zvířat, jejíž kariéra začala koncem 30. let 20. století a trvala téměř dvě desetiletí, než se stala jednou z největších filmových hvězd 50. a 60. let. Narodila se jako Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoffová 3. dubna 1922 v C...

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