Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014 - Vinyl, CD

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3LP DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 2014

891 Kč Na objednávku
3LP DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2
3LP DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2
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Pampa Records 24. října 2014 Německo

DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 verze na vinylu 3LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Pampa Records dne 24. října 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, House, Techno a Tech House.

33 ⅓ RPM Compilation
ID: 343401 EAN: 0673799291012 Discogs ID: 6220821
A1 DJ Koze: Intro 1:36 min
Speech Dr. Mini | Written-By DJ Koze
A2 Super Flu: Jo Gurt (DJ Koze Remix) 4:07 min
Written-By, Producer Felix Thielemann, Mathias Schwarz
A3 Moderat: Bad Kingdom (DJ Koze Remix) 7:46 min
Written-By, Producer Gernot Bronsert, Sascha Ring, Sebastian Szary
B1 Matthew Herbert: It's Only (DJ Koze Remix) 8:25 min
Written-By, Producer Matthew Herbert
B2 Matthew Herbert: You Saw It All (DJ Koze Remix) 4:09 min
Written-By, Producer Matthew Herbert
C Mount Kimbie: Made To Stray (DJ Koze Remix) 8:11 min
Written-By Mount Kimbie
D1 Caribou: Found Out (DJ Koze Remix) 7:27 min
Written-By, Producer Dan Snaith
D2 Ada: Faith (DJ Koze's Grungerwomen Remix) 4:45 min
Composed By, Producer Jill Cunniff, Kate Schellenbach, Vivian Trimble | Producer Michaela Dippel
E1 WhoMadeWho: Keep Me In My Plane (DJ Koze's Hudson River Dub) 7:19 min
Lyrics By Uzi Frank | Written-By Jeppe Kjellberg, Tomas Barfod, Tomas Høffding
E2 Zwanie Jonson: Golden Song (DJ Koze Remix) 5:48 min
Written-By, Producer Christoph Kähler
F1 The Big Crunch Theory: Distortion (DJ Koze Remix) 4:20 min
Composed By Gilbert Cohen | Written-By, Composed By Lisa Li-Lund
F2 Gonzales: Knight Moves (DJ Koze Remix) 3:05 min
Producer Boys Noize | Written-By Alexander Ridha, Jason Beck
F3 Soap&Skin: Marche Funebre (DJ Koze Remix) 5:13 min
Written-By, Producer Anja Plaschg
F4 Apparat: Black Water (DJ Koze Remix) 5:19 min
Producer Joshua Eustis, Nackt | Written-By Alfredo Noguiera | Written-By, Producer Sascha Ring
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CD DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014 2014

499 Kč 2 týdny
CD DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014
CD DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014
CD DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014
Obrázky pochází z

Pampa Records 24. října 2014 Německo

DJ Koze: Reincarnations Part 2 - The Remix Chapter 2009 - 2014 verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Pampa Records dne 24. října 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, House, Techno a Tech House.

ID: 473982 EAN: 0673799291029 Discogs ID: 6224207
1 DJ Koze: Intro 1:36 min
Voice Actor [Spoken By] Dr. Mini | Written-By DJ Koze
2 Super Flu: Jo Gurt (DJ Koze Remix) 4:07 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Felix Thielemann, Mathias Schwarz
3 Moderat: Bad Kingdom (DJ Koze Remix) 7:46 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Gernot Bronsert, Sascha Ring, Sebastian Szary
4 Matthew Herbert: It's Only (DJ Koze Remix) 8:24 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Matthew Herbert
5 Matthew Herbert: You Saw It All (DJ Koze Remix) 4:09 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Matthew Herbert
6 Mount Kimbie: Made To Stray (DJ Koze Remix) 8:10 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By Mount Kimbie
7 WhoMadeWho: Keep Me In My Plane (DJ Koze's Hudson River Dub) 5:49 min
Lyrics By Uzi Frank | Remix DJ Koze | Written-By Jeppe Kjellberg, Tomas Barfod, Tomas Høffding
8 Caribou: Found Out (DJ Koze Remix) 7:19 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Dan Snaith
9 Zwanie Jonson: Golden Song (DJ Koze Remix) 3:06 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Christoph Kähler
10 Gonzales: Knight Moves (DJ Koze Remix) 4:45 min
Producer Boys Noize | Remix DJ Koze | Written-By Alexander Ridha, Jason Beck
11 The Big Crunch Theory: Distortion (DJ Koze Remix) 4:20 min
Composed By Gilbert Cohen, Lisa Li-Lund | Remix DJ Koze | Written-By Lisa Li-Lund
12 Ada: Faith (DJ Koze's Grungerwomen Remix) 7:27 min
Composed By Jill Cunniff, Kate Schellenbach, Vivian Trimble | Producer Jill Cunniff, Kate Schellenbach, Michaela Dippel, Vivian Trimble | Remix DJ Koze
13 Soap&Skin: Marche Funebre (DJ Koze Remix) 5:12 min
Remix DJ Koze | Written-By, Producer Anja Plaschg
14 Apparat: Black Water (DJ Koze Remix) 5:17 min
Producer Joshua Eustis, Nackt, Sascha Ring | Remix DJ Koze | Written-By Alfredo Noguiera, Sascha Ring
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DJ Koze

DJ Koze
DJ Koze , vlastním jménem Stefan Kozalla, je německý DJ a hudební producent známý svým eklektickým a experimentálním přístupem k elektronické hudbě. Svou kariéru zahájil v 90. letech jako člen hiphopové skupiny Fischmob, poté přešel na elektronickou hudební scénu. DJ Koze získal m...

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