The Essential Cypress Hill - CD

Album dostupné na CD ve 2 vydáních. The Essential Cypress Hill je kompilační album vydané v roce 2014. Obsahuje písně z prvních čtyř alb skupiny a dvě nové skladby. Album bylo vydáno u příležitosti 25. výročí založení kapely. Album...  Více

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill 2015

217 Kč Skladem
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
Obrázky pochází z

Columbia | Legacy | Sony Music 2. ledna 2015 Evropa

Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Columbia ve spolupráci s Legacy a Sony Music dne 2. ledna 2015.

The Essential Cypress Hill je kompilační album vydané v roce 2014. Obsahuje písně z prvních čtyř alb skupiny a dvě nové skladby. Album bylo vydáno u příležitosti 25. výročí založení kapely.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop a Hardcore Hip-Hop.

ID: 11572 EAN: 0888750289926 Discogs ID: 6865135
1-1 How I Could Just Kill A Man 4:08 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-2 Insane In The Brain 3:28 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-3 Roll It Up, Light It Up 3:31 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-4 Throw Your Set In The Air 3:25 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-5 (Rap) Superstar 4:15 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-6 Latin Lingo 4:00 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-7 When The Sh** Goes Down 3:09 min
Performer [Deep Gully] The Outlaw Blues Band | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes | Written-By [Deep Gully] Lawrence Dickens
1-8 Boom Biddy Bye Bye 4:02 min
Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-9 Dr. Greenthumb 3:09 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-10 Kronologik 4:20 min
Featuring Kurupt | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Ricardo Brown, Senen Reyes
1-11 Illusions 4:29 min
Performer [Las Vegas Tango] Gary Burton | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese | Written-By [Las Vegas Tango] Gil Evans
1-12 Hand On The Pump 4:04 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Brett Bouldin, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-13 Highlife 3:53 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-14 Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk 2:41 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-1 Hits From The Bong 2:41 min
Performer [Son Of A Preacher Man] Dusty Springfield | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes | Written-By [Son Of A Preacher Man] John Hurley, Ronnie Wilkins
2-2 Tequila Sunrise 4:17 min
Featuring Barron Ricks | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Barron Ricks, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-3 The Phuncky Feel One 3:29 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-4 Lowrider 4:36 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes, Sergio Reyes (2)
2-5 I Ain't Goin' Out Like That 4:11 min
Performer [The Wizard] Black Sabbath | Producer T-Ray | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Todd Ray | Written-By [The Wizard] Bill Ward, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi
2-6 Real Estate (Video Version) 3:50 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-7 Scooby Doo 3:40 min
Co-producer DJ Muggs | Producer T-Ray | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-8 Audio X 3:20 min
Featuring Barron Ricks | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Barron Ricks, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-9 Latin Thugs 3:47 min
Featuring Tego Calderón | Producer Alchemist | Written-By Alan Maman, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes, Tego Calderón
2-10 A To The K 3:28 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-11 Killa Hill Niggas 3:27 min
Featuring [Uncredited] RZA, U-God | Producer RZA | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Robert Diggs
2-12 Lick A Shot 3:24 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-13 Stank Ass Hoe 4:15 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-14 Smuggler's Blues 4:21 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-15 Shoot Em Up 3:39 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-16 What's Your Number? 3:51 min
Featuring Tim Armstrong | Producer DJ Muggs | Vocals [Uncredited] Skinhead Rob | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Paul Simonon | Written-By [The Guns Of Brixton] Paul Simonon
2-17 Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk (Reprise) 3:22 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
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2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill 2014

499 Kč 2 týdny
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
2CD Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill
Obrázky pochází z

Columbia | Legacy | Sony Music 14. října 2014 Austrálie

Cypress Hill: The Essential Cypress Hill verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Austrálii ve vydavatelství Columbia ve spolupráci s Legacy a Sony Music dne 14. října 2014.

The Essential Cypress Hill je kompilační album vydané v roce 2014. Obsahuje písně z prvních čtyř alb skupiny a dvě nové skladby. Album bylo vydáno u příležitosti 25. výročí založení kapely.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Hip Hop a Hardcore Hip-Hop.

ID: 606318 EAN: 0887654557827 Discogs ID: 18981040
1-1 How I Could Just Kill A Man 4:08 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-2 Insane In The Brain 3:28 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-3 Roll It Up, Light It Up 3:31 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-4 Throw Your Set In The Air 3:25 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-5 (Rap) Superstar 4:15 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-6 Latin Lingo 4:00 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-7 When The Sh** Goes Down 3:09 min
Performer [Deep Gully] The Outlaw Blues Band | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes | Written-By [Deep Gully] Lawrence Dickens
1-8 Boom Biddy Bye Bye (Fugees Remix) 4:02 min
Featuring Fugees | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-9 Dr. Greenthumb 3:09 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-10 Kronologik 4:20 min
Featuring Kurupt | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Ricardo Brown, Senen Reyes
1-11 Illusions 4:29 min
Performer [Las Vegas Tango] Gary Burton | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese | Written-By [Las Vegas Tango] Gil Evans
1-12 Hand On The Pump 4:04 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Brett Bouldin, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
1-13 Highlife 3:53 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
1-14 Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk 2:41 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-1 Hits From The Bong 2:41 min
Performer [Son Of A Preacher Man] Dusty Springfield | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes | Written-By [Son Of A Preacher Man] John Hurley, Ronnie Wilkins
2-2 Tequila Sunrise 4:17 min
Featuring Barron Ricks | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Barron Ricks, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-3 The Phuncky Feel One 3:29 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-4 Lowrider 4:36 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes, Sergio Reyes (2)
2-5 I Ain't Goin' Out Like That 4:11 min
Performer [The Wizard] Black Sabbath | Producer T-Ray | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Todd Ray | Written-By [The Wizard] Bill Ward, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi
2-6 Real Estate (Video Version) 3:50 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-7 Scooby Doo 3:40 min
Co-producer DJ Muggs | Producer T-Ray | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-8 Audio X 3:20 min
Featuring Barron Ricks | Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Barron Ricks, Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-9 Latin Thugs 3:47 min
Featuring Tego Calderón | Producer Alchemist | Written-By Alan Maman, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes, Tego Calderón
2-10 A To The K 3:28 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-11 Killa Hill Niggas 3:27 min
Featuring [Uncredited] RZA, U-God | Producer RZA | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Robert Diggs
2-12 Lick A Shot 3:24 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-13 Stank Ass Hoe 4:15 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-14 Smuggler's Blues 4:21 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
2-15 Shoot Em Up 3:39 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Senen Reyes
2-16 What's Your Number? 3:51 min
Featuring Tim Armstrong | Producer DJ Muggs | Vocals [Uncredited] Skinhead Rob | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese, Paul Simonon | Written-By [The Guns Of Brixton] Paul Simonon
2-17 Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk (Reprise) 3:22 min
Producer DJ Muggs | Written-By Larry Muggerud, Louis Freese
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Cypress Hill

Cypress Hill
Cypress Hill je americká hiphopová skupina, která vznikla v roce 1988 v South Gate v Kalifornii. Skupina je známá tím, že jako jedna z prvních hiphopových skupin začala ve své hudbě výrazně uplatňovat latinskoamerické vlivy, což se odráží v jejich rytmech i dvojjazyčných textech. ...

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