Blushing - Vinyl

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2LP Copeland: Blushing 2019

1 289 Kč Na objednávku
2LP Copeland: Blushing
2LP Copeland: Blushing
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Tooth & Nail Records 22. března 2019 USA

Copeland: Blushing verze na vinylu 2LP v 45 RPM edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Tooth & Nail Records dne 22. března 2019. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Indie Rock.

45 RPM Album
ID: 649228 EAN: 0810488023718 Discogs ID: 13507081
A1 Pope
Drums Jonathan Bucklew | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Guitar, Synth Stephen Laurenson | Viola Stephanie Brooks | Violin Rachel Plating | Vocals [Monologue] Young Summer | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Vibraphone Aaron Marsh
A2 Lay Here
Drums Jordan Butcher | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Synth Stephen Laurenson | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Synth [Melotron] Aaron Marsh
A3 As Above, So Alone
Bass, Piano Stephen Nichols | Drums Jordan Butcher | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Guitar, Synth Stephen Laurenson | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Guitar Aaron Marsh
B1 Suddenly
Bass, Synth, Programmed By The 83rd | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Programmed By, Synth Ski | Saxophone Mikel Larrinaga | Synth Stephen Laurenson | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Synth [Melotron], Drums, Trombone, Percussion Aaron Marsh
B2 Night Figures
Cello Matt Davis (15) | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Synth, Programmed By, Guitar Stephen Laurenson | Violin, Viola Joshua Dampier | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Synth [Melotron], Drums Aaron Marsh
B3 Skywriter
Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Synth [Keys], Programmed By Stephen Laurenson | Viola Stephanie Brooks | Violin Rachel Plating | Vocals Young Summer | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Percussion Aaron Marsh
C1 Colorless
Drums Jordan Butcher | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Guitar, Synth, Programmed By Stephen Laurenson | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Guitar, Trombone, Percussion, Synth [Melotron] Aaron Marsh
C2 On Your Worst Day
Synth, Programmed By Stephen Laurenson | Viola Stephanie Brooks | Violin Rachel Plating | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Programmed By Aaron Marsh
D1 Strange Flower
Drums Jonathon Bucklew, Jordan Butcher | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Synth [Keys], Programmed By Stephen Laurenson | Viola Stephanie Brooks | Violin Rachel Plating | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Percussion, Guitar Aaron Marsh
D2 It Felt So Real
Synth Stephen Laurenson | Vocals [Monologue] Young Summer | Vocals, Synth, Programmed By, Vibraphone Aaron Marsh
D3 Waltz On Water
Drums Jordan Butcher | Guitar Bryan Laurenson | Synth, Piano, Programmed By Stephen Laurenson | Viola Stephanie Brooks | Violin Rachel Plating | Vocals, Piano, Synth, Bass, Programmed By, Percussion Aaron Marsh
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