One Of My Kind - CD, DVD

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CD/DVD Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band: One Of My Kind CD + DVD

339 Kč Na objednávku
CD/DVD Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band: One Of My Kind
CD/DVD Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band: One Of My Kind
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Team Love Records 23. září 2016 USA

Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band: One Of My Kind verze na CD/DVD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Team Love Records dne 23. září 2016. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Folk Rock. CD + DVD.

ID: 395006 EAN: 0810430015020 Discogs ID: 5241804
CD-1 One Of My Kind 3:43 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar Taylor Hollingsworth | Electric Guitar, Voice Nik Freitas | Synthesizer Nate Walcott | Voice, Electric Guitar Conor Oberst
CD-2 Gentleman's Pact 3:07 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | Organ Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric Guitars] Conor Oberst
CD-3 Corina, Corina 3:46 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar Taylor Hollingsworth | Piano [Porch Piano] Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar Conor Oberst | Written-By Traditional
CD-4 Synesthete Song 4:38 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | E-Bow [Ebow Guitar] Andy Lemaster | Electric Guitar Nik Freitas | Organ Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar Conor Oberst
CD-5 Breezy 5:15 min
Bass [Bass Feedback] Macey Taylor | Guitar Andy Lemaster, Jason Boesel, Phil Schaffart, Taylor Hollingsworth | Voice, Piano, Guitar Conor Oberst
CD-6 Central City 2:15 min
Bass, Voice Macey Taylor | Drums, Voice Jason Boesel | Guitar, Voice Conor Oberst, Nik Freitas | Keyboards [Keys] Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar Taylor Hollingsworth | Written-By Taylor Hollingsworth
CD-7 I Got The Reason #1 5:16 min
Bass, Voice Macey Taylor | Electric Guitar, Voice Nik Freitas, Taylor Hollingsworth | Guitar, Voice Conor Oberst | Organ, Electric Piano Nate Walcott | Voice, Drums Jason Boesel | Written-By Jason Boesel
CD-8 Phil's Song (Learn To Stop Time) 4:16 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums, Voice Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar, Voice Nik Freitas | Piano, Organ [Air Organ] Nate Walcott | Twelve-String Guitar [12 String Guitar] Taylor Hollingsworth | Voice, Guitar Phil Schaffart | Written-By Phil Schaffart
CD-9 Normal 4:09 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar [Electrical Guitar] Taylor Hollingsworth | Organ Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar Nik Freitas | Written-By Nik Freitas
CD-10 Kodachrome 2:19 min
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar [Electrical Guitar] Taylor Hollingsworth | Electric Guitar, Voice Nik Freitas | Piano, Electric Piano Nate Walcott | Voice, Guitar Conor Oberst | Written-By Paul Simon
CD-11 White Shoes (Reprise)
Bass Macey Taylor | Drums, Voice Jason Boesel | Electric Guitar Conor Oberst | Electric Guitar [Electrical Guitar] Taylor Hollingsworth | Electric Guitar, Voice Nik Freitas | Organ Nate Walcott
DVD-1 One Of My Kind, A Feature-Length Documentary Film
Film Director Phil Schaffart
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Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band

Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band
The Mystic Valley Band je název Conora Obersta a jeho doprovodné kapely. V listopadu 2007 bylo oznámeno, že Oberst bude pracovat na sólové desce s Jakem Bellowsem a že založí kapelu s M. Wardem a odehraje dva koncerty koncem prosince 2007 v Minneapolisu ve státě Minnesota. Na rozdí...

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