Let's Talk About Love - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 4 vydáních. Let's Talk About Love je album skupiny Céline Dion vydané v roce 1997. Stalo se jedním z nejprodávanějších alb v historii, celosvětově se ho prodalo přes 31 milionů kopií. Z alba vz...  Více

Dostupné ve 4 vydáních


2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love LTD | CLR Reissue Coloured Orange Opaque Vinyl Limited 25th Anniversary Edition

687 Kč Skladem
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love LTD | CLR
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love LTD | CLR
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love LTD | CLR
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Reissue Coloured Orange Opaque Vinyl Limited 25th Anniversary Edition

Sony Music | Columbia 18. listopadu 2022 Evropa

Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love LTD | CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v limitované kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Sony Music ve spolupráci s Columbia dne 18. listopadu 2022.

S písní "Falling Into You" se Celine Dion v Americe konečně stala superhvězdou a následná píseň "Let's Talk About Love" upevnila její pozici novopečené hvězdy. Album bylo postaveno jako trhák, s Dioninými charakteristickými melodramatickými baladami, několika pečlivě přizpůsobenými tanečně-popovými čísly, řadou duetů s umělci, jako jsou Barbra Streisand a Bee Gees, a produkcí a písněmi od guruů současné hudby Davida Fostera, Jima Steinmana a Waltera Afanasieffa.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Balada. Reissue Coloured Orange Opaque Vinyl Limited 25th Anniversary Edition.

Album Limited Edition Reissue Coloured Vinyl
ID: 381248 EAN: 0196587032517 Discogs ID: 25190302
A1 The Reason
A2 Immortality
A3 Treat Her Like A Lady
A4 Why Oh Why
B1 Love Is On The Way
B2 Tell Him
Vocals [Duet With] Barbra Streisand
B3 Where Is The Love
B4 When I Need You
C1 Miles To Go (Before I Sleep)
C2 Us
C3 Just A Little Bit Of Love
C4 My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From 'Titanic')
D1 I Hate You Then I Love You
Vocals [Duet With] Luciano Pavarotti
D2 To Love You More
D3 Let's Talk About Love
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2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love 2018

607 Kč Skladem
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
2LP Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Sony Music | Columbia 31. srpna 2018 Evropa

Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Sony Music ve spolupráci s Columbia dne 31. srpna 2018.

Let's Talk About Love je album skupiny Céline Dion vydané v roce 1997. Stalo se jedním z nejprodávanějších alb v historii, celosvětově se ho prodalo přes 31 milionů kopií. Z alba vzešla řada úspěšných singlů, například "The Power of Love", "My Heart Will Go On" a "To Love You More". Album Let's Talk About Love bylo v roce 1998 nominováno na cenu Grammy za album roku.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Balada.

Album Reissue
ID: 20209 EAN: 0190758639017 Discogs ID: 12432779
A1 The Reason
Bass Trevor Barry | Drums Ian Thomas | Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] Richard Cottle | Engineer [Recording] Rupert Coulson | Guitar Robbie McIntosh | Orchestrated By, Conductor George Martin | Piano Carole King | Producer George Martin | Producer [Assistant] Giles Martin | Written-By Carole King, Greg Wells, Mark Hudson
A2 Immortality
Arranged By, Keyboards, Synthesizer [Synth Bass], Drum Programming [Drum And Rhythm Programming], Organ [Hammond B-3] Walter Afanasieff | Backing Vocals Bee Gees | Backing Vocals [Additional] Alex Brown, Jim Gilstrap, Lynn Davis, Phillip Ingram | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Ethan Schofer, Glen Marchese, Greg Thompson, Mark Hagen, Stuart Brawley, Tony Gonzalez, Tyson Leeper | Guitar Michael Landau | Keyboards [Additional], Drum Programming [Additional Drum And Rhythm Programming], Technician [Sound Design], Computer [Programming] Dan Shea | Programmed By [Additional] Stuart Brawley | Recorded By David Gleeson, David Reitzas, Humberto Gatica, Jeff Balding, John Merchant | Written-By Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb & Maurice Gibb
A3 Treat Her Like A Lady
A4 Why Oh Why
Arranged By, Keyboards David Foster | Backing Vocals Sherree Ford-Payne | Guitar Al McKay | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Programmed By [Synclavier] Simon Franglen | Recorded By Felipe Elgueta, Humberto Gatica | Written-By Danny Sembello, Marti Sharron
B1 Love Is On The Way
B2 Tell Him
Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Arranged By, Keyboards [Additional] David Foster | Arranged By, Keyboards, Drum Programming Walter Afanasieff | Backing Vocals Claytoven Richardson, Conesha Owens, Jeanie Tracy, Leslie Ellis, Skyler Jett | Guitar Dann Huff | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Chris Brooke, Stuart Brawley | Programmed By [Synths] Dan Shea | Recorded By David Gleeson, David Reitzas, Felipe Elgueta, Humberto Gatica, Jeff Balding | Vocals Barbra Streisand | Written-By David Foster, Linda Thompson (2), Walter Afanasieff
B3 Where Is The Love
Backing Vocals Dorian Sherwood | Bass John Pierce | Drums Kenny Aronoff | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Doug Boehm, Ethan Schofer, Greg Thompson, Paul Falcone | Guitar Tim Pierce | Keyboards Corey Hart, Jeff Bova, Jeffery CJ Vanston | Percussion Rafael Padilla | Producer Corey Hart | Recorded By Alejandro Rodriguez | Written-By Corey Hart
B4 When I Need You
Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Arranged By, Keyboards David Foster | Electric Guitar Michael Thompson | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Chris Brooke | Programmed By [Synths] Dan Shea | Recorded By Al Schmitt, Felipe Elgueta | Written-By Albert Hammond, Carole Bayer Sager
C1 Miles To Go (Before I Sleep)
Backing Vocals Céline Dion, Dorian Sherwood | Bass, Guitar John Pierce | Drums Kenny Aronoff | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Doug Boehm, Ethan Schofer, Greg Thompson, Paul Falcone | Guitar Michael Thompson, Sylvain Quesnel | Keyboards Corey Hart, Jeff Bova, Jeffery CJ Vanston | Percussion Rafael Padilla | Producer Corey Hart | Recorded By Alejandro Rodriguez | Written-By Corey Hart
C2 Us
C3 Just A Little Bit Of Love
C4 My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From 'Titanic')
D1 I Hate You Then I Love You
Acoustic Guitar [Additional] Ramon Stagnaro | Arranged By Tony Renis | Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Arranged By, Keyboards David Foster | Bass Nathan East | Drums Vinnie Colaiuta | Electric Guitar Michael Landau | Engineer [Sound Engineer For Luciano Pavarotti] John Pellowe | Guitar Dean Parks | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Humberto Gatica, Tony Renis | Recorded By Al Schmitt, Humberto Gatica | Recorded By, Programmed By [Synths] Felipe Elgueta | Vocals Luciano Pavarotti | Written-By Alberto Testa, Fabio Testa, Manuel De Falla, Norman Newell, Tony Renis
D2 To Love You More
Bass Yoshinobu Takeshita | Guitar Michael Thompson | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By Humberto Gatica | Synthesizer Tsuneyoshi Saito | Violin Taro Hakase
D3 Let's Talk About Love
Arranged By David Foster | Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Bass Nathan East | Choir [Kids] Malibu High School Choir | Drums Mike Baird | Engineer [Lead Vocals] Humberto Gatica | Guitar Michael Landau, Michael Thompson | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Programmed By [Synths] Steve Porcaro | Recorded By [Additional] Felipe Elgueta
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CD Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love 2003

327 Kč Skladem
CD Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
CD Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
CD Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Columbia 28. srpna 2003 Evropa

Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Columbia dne 28. srpna 2003.

S písní "Falling Into You" se Celine Dion v Americe konečně stala superhvězdou a následná píseň "Let's Talk About Love" upevnila její pozici novopečené hvězdy. Album bylo postaveno jako trhák, s Dioninými charakteristickými melodramatickými baladami, několika pečlivě přizpůsobenými tanečně-popovými čísly, řadou duetů s umělci, jako jsou Barbra Streisand a Bee Gees, a produkcí a písněmi od guruů současné hudby Davida Fostera, Jima Steinmana a Waltera Afanasieffa.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Balada.

ID: 382962 EAN: 5099748915924 Discogs ID: 10310401
1 Céline Dion: The Reason 5:01 min
Bass Trevor Barry | Drums Ian Thomas | Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] Richard Cottle | Engineer Rupert Coulson | Guitar Robbie McIntosh | Orchestrated By, Conductor George Martin | Piano Carole King | Producer George Martin | Producer [Additional Vocal Production] Humberto Gatica | Producer [Assistant] Giles Martin | Written-By Carole King, Greg Wells, Mark Hudson
2 Céline Dion: Immortality 4:11 min
Backing Vocals Bee Gees | Backing Vocals [Additional] Alex Brown, Jim Gilstrap, Lynn Davis, Phillip Ingram | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Ethan Schofer, Glen Marchese, Greg Thompson, Mark Hagen, Stuart Brawley, Tony Gonzalez, Tyson Leeper | Guitar Michael Landau | Keyboards [Additional], Drum Programming [Additional Drum And Rhythm Programming], Technician [Sound Design], Computer [Programming] Dan Shea | Keyboards, Synthesizer [Synth Bass], Drum Programming [Drum And Rhythm Programming], Organ [Hammond B-3] Walter Afanasieff | Producer, Arranged By Walter Afanasieff | Programmed By [Additional] Stuart Brawley | Recorded By David Gleeson, David Reitzas, Humberto Gatica, Jeff Balding, John Merchant | Written-By Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb & Maurice Gibb
3 Céline Dion: Treat Her Like A Lady 4:05 min
Arranged By Ric Wake, Richie Jones | Coordinator [Production] David Barratt (3) | Drums Dennis Johnson, Richie Jones | Engineer [Assistant] Brian Harding (2), Chris Brooke, Greg Thompson, Juan Bohorquez | Engineer [Track] "Young" Dave Scheuer, Bob Cadway, Jean-Marie Horvat | Guitar David Spinozza | Keyboards Eric Kupper | Mixed By [Mix Engineer] Jean-Marie Horvat | Producer Ric Wake | Vocals [Guest] Brownstone, Diana King | Written-By Andy Marvel, Billy Mann, Céline Dion, Diana King
4 Céline Dion: Why Oh Why 4:51 min
Backing Vocals Sherree Ford-Payne | Guitar Al McKay | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Producer, Arranged By David Foster | Programmed By [Synclavier] Simon Franglen | Recorded By Felipe Elgueta, Humberto Gatica | Written-By Danny Sembello, Marti Sharron
5 Céline Dion: Love Is On The Way 4:26 min
Arranged By Peter Zizzo, Ric Wake | Arranged By [Strings] Leon Pendarvis | Backing Vocals Curtis King, Dana Calitri, Eric Troyer, Peter Zizzo, Rachele Cappelli, Vaneese Thomas | Bass Pino Palladino | Coordinator [Production] David Barratt (3) | Drum Programming Peter Zizzo | Drums Shawn Pelton | Engineer [Assistant] "Young" Dave Scheuer, Aya Takemura, Brian Harding (2), Chris Brooke, Greg Thompson, Juan Bohorquez, Mark Fraunfelder, Scott Young, Troy Halderson | Engineer [Track] "Young" Dave Scheuer, Bob Cadway, Mike Bigwood, Thomas R. Yezzi | Guitar David Spinozza, Marc Shulman, Peter Zizzo | Keyboards Jeff Bova, Peter Zizzo | Percussion Bashiri Johnson | Producer Ric Wake | Written-By Denise Rich, Peter Zizzo, Tina Shafer
6 Céline Dion, Barbra Streisand: Tell Him 4:51 min
Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Backing Vocals Claytoven Richardson, Conesha Owens, Jeanie Tracy, Leslie Ellis, Skyler Jett | Guitar Dann Huff | Keyboards [Additional] David Foster | Keyboards, Drum Programming Walter Afanasieff | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Chris Brooke, Stuart Brawley | Producer, Arranged By David Foster, Walter Afanasieff | Programmed By [Synths] Dan Shea | Recorded By David Gleeson, David Reitzas, Felipe Elgueta, Humberto Gatica, Jeff Balding | Vocals Barbra Streisand | Written-By David Foster, Linda Thompson (2), Walter Afanasieff
7 Céline Dion: Amar Haciendo El Amor 4:10 min
Acoustic Guitar [Nylon String] Chieli Minucci | Arranged By [Background Vocals] Manny Benito | Backing Vocals Angie Chirino, Olgui Chirino, Rita Quintero | Bass Gary Haase | Coordinator [Production] David Barratt (3) | Drums Omar Hakim | Engineer [Assistant] Brian Harding (2), Chris Brooke, Chris Wiggins, Greg Thompson, Juan Bohorquez | Engineer [Track] "Young" Dave Scheuer, Bob Cadway, Sebastian Krys | Keyboards [Additional] Shane Keister | Keyboards, Drum Programming Steve Skinner | Percussion Bashiri Johnson | Producer [Additional Vocal Production] Humberto Gatica | Producer, Arranged By Ric Wake | Written-By Billy Mann, Denise Rich, Manny Benito
8 Céline Dion: When I Need You 4:12 min
Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Electric Guitar Michael Thompson | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Chris Brooke | Producer, Arranged By David Foster | Programmed By [Synths] Dan Shea | Recorded By Al Schmitt, Felipe Elgueta | Written-By Albert Hammond, Carole Bayer Sager
9 Céline Dion: Miles To Go (Before I Sleep) 4:39 min
Backing Vocals Céline Dion, Dorian Sherwood | Bass John Pierce | Drums Kenny Aronoff | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Doug Boehm, Ethan Schofer, Greg Thompson, Paul Falcone | Guitar Michael Thompson, Sylvain Quesnel, Tim Pierce | Keyboards Corey Hart, Jeff Bova, Jeffery CJ Vanston | Percussion Rafael Padilla | Producer Corey Hart | Recorded By Alejandro Rodriguez | Written-By Corey Hart
10 Céline Dion: Us 5:46 min
Acoustic Guitar Michael Landau, Ramon Stagnaro | Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Bass Nathan East | Coordinator Cristina Abaroa | Drum Programming [Drum And Percussion Programming] Billy Pace | Drums Mike Baird, Vinnie Colaiuta | Electric Guitar Michael Landau, Michael Thompson | Engineer Billy Pace, Chris Brooke | Engineer [Additional], Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Billy Pace, Humberto Gatica | Producer [Additional Production] Jim Steinman | Written-By Billy Pace
11 Céline Dion: Just A Little Bit Of Love 4:06 min
Arranged By Ric Wake, Richie Jones | Backing Vocals Audrey Wheeler, Earl Robinson, Eddie Stockley, Keith Fluitt, Kenny Bobien, Maria Christensen, Nicki Richards | Coordinator [Production] David Barratt (3) | Drums, Programmed By [Additional] Richie Jones | Engineer [Assistant] Brian Harding (2), Chris Brooke, Greg Thompson, Juan Bohorquez | Engineer [Track] "Young" Dave Scheuer | Keyboards Eric Kupper | Producer Ric Wake | Written-By Arnie Roman, Arthur Jacobson, Maria Christensen
12 Céline Dion: My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From 'Titanic') 4:40 min
Backing Vocals Claytoven Richardson, Conesha Owens, Jeanie Tracy, Leslie Ellis, Skyler Jett | Co-producer James Horner | Contractor Emile Charlap | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Ethan Schofer, Glen Marchese, Greg Thompson, Tony Gonzalez, Tyson Leeper | Fiddle [Irish] Paul Peabody | Guitar Dann Huff | Keyboards [Additional], Drum Programming [Additional Drum And Rhythm Programming], Technician [Sound Design], Computer [Programming] Dan Shea | Keyboards, Synthesizer [Synth Bass], Drum Programming [Drum And Rhythm Programming], Organ [Hammond B-3] Walter Afanasieff | Orchestrated By, Conductor William Ross | Producer, Arranged By Walter Afanasieff | Recorded By David Gleeson, Humberto Gatica | Tin Whistle [Pennywhistle] Tony Hinnigan | Written-By James Horner, Will Jennings
13 Céline Dion: Where Is The Love 4:55 min
Backing Vocals Dorian Sherwood | Bass John Pierce | Drums Kenny Aronoff | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Brooke, Doug Boehm, Ethan Schofer, Greg Thompson, Paul Falcone | Guitar Tim Pierce | Keyboards Corey Hart, Jeff Bova, Jeffery CJ Vanston | Percussion Rafael Padilla | Producer Corey Hart | Recorded By Alejandro Rodriguez | Written-By Corey Hart
14 Céline Dion: Be The Man 4:39 min
Acoustic Guitar Dean Parks | Arranged By [Strings] Chris Boardman, David Foster | Backing Vocals Kuk Harrell, Sue Ann Carwell | Drums John Robinson (2) | Electric Guitar Michael Thompson | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Chris Brooke | Producer, Arranged By David Foster | Programmed By [Synths] Felipe Elgueta | Recorded By Chris Boardman, Felipe Elgueta | Written-By David Foster, Junior Miles
15 Céline Dion, Luciano Pavarotti: I Hate You Then I Love You 4:43 min
Acoustic Guitar [Additional] Ramon Stagnaro | Arranged By David Foster, Tony Renis | Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Bass Nathan East | Drums Vinnie Colaiuta | Electric Guitar Michael Landau | Guitar Dean Parks | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer David Foster | Programmed By [Synths] Felipe Elgueta | Recorded By Al Schmitt, Felipe Elgueta, Humberto Gatica | Vocals Luciano Pavarotti | Written-By Alberto Testa, Fabio Testa, Manuel De Falla, Norman Newell, Tony Renis
16 Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love 5:12 min
Arranged By [Strings] William Ross | Bass Nathan East | Choir [Kids] Malibu High School Choir | Drums Mike Baird | Guitar Michael Landau, Michael Thompson | Keyboards David Foster | Mixed By [Mix Assisted By] Stuart Brawley | Producer, Arranged By David Foster | Programmed By [Synths] Steve Porcaro | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Felipe Elgueta | Written-By Bryan Adams, Eliot Kennedy, Jean-Jacques Goldman
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CD Céline Dion: Let's Talk About Love 2014

299 Kč 2 týdny

Céline Dion

Céline Dion
Céline Dion je kanadská zpěvačka proslulá svým silným a technicky zdatným vokálem. Narodila se 30. března 1968 v Charlemagne v Quebecu a v 80. letech 20. století se ve své zemi stala hvězdou teenagerů díky řadě francouzsky vydaných alb. Mezinárodní uznání si Dion poprvé získala ví...

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