Live At Montreux 1973 - CD, DVD

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CD/DVD Carole King: Live At Montreux 1973 Stereo Dolby 5.1 & Dts Digital Surround Sound Live

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CD/DVD Carole King: Live At Montreux 1973
CD/DVD Carole King: Live At Montreux 1973
CD/DVD Carole King: Live At Montreux 1973
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Stereo Dolby 5.1 & Dts Digital Surround Sound Live

Eagle Vision | Universal Music Group 25. května 2022 Evropa

Carole King: Live At Montreux 1973 verze na CD/DVD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Eagle Vision ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group dne 25. května 2022.

Carole King's lasting legacy as a singer and songwriter has been revitalized in recent years by compilations, an autobiography, and - most recently - the still-ongoing, Tony Award-winning jukebox musical Beautiful. One thing that's been notably absent? Previously unreleased content. With the exception of the excellent 2012 vault dive The Legendary Demos, and a few odd bonus tracks on reissues, King's archive has remained largely untouched. To the delight of fans worldwide, that will soon change. Eagle Rock Entertainment has announced the May 17 release of Live At Montreux 1973, a new set documenting her appearance at the Montreux Jazz Festival on July 15, 1973. The press release notes that this was her first-ever performance outside the U.S. - with the exception of a 1971 BBC taping. Recorded only a month after her conceptual Fantasy album, King's Montreux set featured seven tracks from that album, including „Corazon” and „Believe in Humanity.” Also on the setlist are seven of the twelve songs from her triumphant release Tapestry. In all, it serves as a snapshot of Carole King at the height of her powers, performing an energetic set of album cuts, hits, and fan favorites in a legendary venue..

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Folk, World, & Country a Funk / Soul. Stereo Dolby 5.1 & Dts Digital Surround Sound Live.

ID: 20816 EAN: 5051300210922 Discogs ID: 13782606
DVD-1 I Feel The Earth Move
DVD-2 Smackwater Jack
Written-By Goffin And King
DVD-3 Home Again
DVD-4 Beautiful
DVD-5 Up On The Roof
Written-By Goffin And King
DVD-6 It's Too Late
Written-By Carole King, Toni Stern
DVD-7 Fantasy Beginning
DVD-8 You've Been Around Too Long
DVD-9 Being At War With Each Other
DVD-10 That's How Things Go Down
DVD-11 Haywood
DVD-12 A Quiet Place To Live
DVD-13 You Light Up My Life
DVD-14 Corazon
DVD-15 Believe In Humanity
DVD-16 Fantasy End
DVD-17 You've Got A Friend
DVD-18 (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman
Written-By Carole King, Gerry Goffin, Jerry Wexler
CD-1 I Feel The Earth Move
CD-2 Smackwater Jack
Written-By Goffin And King
CD-3 Home Again
CD-4 Beautiful
CD-5 Up On The Roof
Written-By Goffin And King
CD-6 It's Too Late
Written-By Carole King, Toni Stern
CD-7 Fantasy Beginning
CD-8 You've Been Around Too Long
CD-9 Being At War With Each Other
CD-10 That's How Things Go Down
CD-11 Haywood
CD-12 A Quiet Place To Live
CD-13 You Light Up My Life
CD-14 Corazon
CD-15 Believe In Humanity
CD-16 Fantasy End
CD-17 You've Got A Friend
CD-18 (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman
Written-By Carole King, Gerry Goffin, Jerry Wexler
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Carole King

Carole King
Carole King je kultovní americká zpěvačka a skladatelka, jejíž kariéra trvá již několik desetiletí a díky níž se zařadila mezi nejuznávanější umělce hudebního průmyslu. Kingová se narodila 9. února 1942 na Manhattanu v New Yorku a svou kariéru zahájila v 60. letech 20. století jak...

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