Dance With Me - CD

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CD Carol Welsman: Dance With Me 2020

359 Kč Na objednávku

Justin Time 2. října 2020 Kanada

Carol Welsman: Dance With Me verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Kanadě ve vydavatelství Justin Time dne 2. října 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Jazz a Latinská hudba.

ID: 412493 EAN: 0068944862320 Discogs ID: 25718590
1 Carol Welsman: You And The Night And The Music
Written-By Schwartz & Dietz
2 Carol Welsman: A Taste Of Paradise
Written-By Randy Bachman
3 Carol Welsman: Femme Fatale - Amor Fugaz
Adapted By Carol Welsman, Jo Perry (2) | Written-By Beny Moré
4 Carol Welsman, Juan Luis Guerra: Dance With Me - Si Tú No Bailas Conmigo
Adapted By Carol Welsman | Written-By Juan Luis Guerra
5 Carol Welsman: Time To Dance Cha Cha Cha - Ya Llegó La Hora)
Adapted By Carol Welsman, Jo Perry (2) | Written-By Justiz Permenio Salazar, Regina Gomez (2)
6 Carol Welsman: Yesterday - Como Fue
Adapted By Carol Welsman, Jo Perry (2) | Written-By Ernesto Duarte Brito
7 Carol Welsman: Island Lullaby
Written-By Carol Welsman, Jimmy Branly, Jo Perry (2)
8 Carol Welsman: I Think Of You - Y Hoy Como Ayer
Adapted By Carol Welsman, Jo Perry (2) | Written-By Pedro Vega
9 Carol Welsman: I Won't Dance
Written-By Dorothy Fields, Jerome Kern, Jimmy McHugh, Oscar Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach
10 Carol Welsman: Revelations
Written-By Carol Welsman
11 Carol Welsman: Yesterday I Heard The Rain - Esta Tarde Vi llover
Adapted By Gene Lees | Written-By Armando Manzanero
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