Greatest Hits - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Bruce Springsteen 's Greatest Hits je kompilační album vydané v roce 1995. Je to kolekce Springsteenových největších hitů z jeho prvních čtyř alb a dvou nových skladeb. Album získalo ...  Více

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits 180gr. Vinyl

617 Kč Skladem
2LP Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
2LP Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
2LP Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
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180gr. Vinyl

Columbia | Sony Music 6. července 2018 Evropa

Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits verze na vinylu 2LP v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Columbia ve spolupráci s Sony Music dne 6. července 2018.

Bruce Springsteen opět objíždí zemi s kapelou E-Street Band a na tomto CD najdete jeho 16 největších hitů a dvě raritní živé bonusové skladby z roku 1975 ("Fire" a "Because The Night"). Charismatický vokál, zemitý rock, nadčasové melodie a politická prohlášení z něj již po desetiletí dělají jednu z nejvýznamnějších amerických top hvězd.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop Rock, Singer-Songwriter a Heartland Rock. 180gr. Vinyl.

Compilation Reissue Remastered
ID: 14932 EAN: 0190758206615 Discogs ID: 12213768
A1 Born To Run
Bass Guitar Garry Tallent | Drums Ernest Carter | Engineer Louis Lahav | Guitar, Vocals Bruce Springsteen | Keyboards David Sancious | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Organ Danny Federici | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Mike Appel | Remastered By Bob Ludwig | Saxophone Clarence Clemons
A2 Thunder Road
Backing Vocals Bruce Springsteen, Mike Appel, Roy Bittan, Steve Van Zandt | Bass Guitar Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Engineer Jimmy Iovine | Glockenspiel, Organ [Fender Rhodes] Roy Bittan | Guitar, Vocals, Harmonica Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Mike Appel | Remastered By Bob Ludwig | Saxophone Clarence Clemons
A3 Badlands
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Guitar Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Mike Reese | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Jimmy Iovine | Organ Danny Federici | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau | Remastered By Bob Ludwig | Saxophone Clarence Clemons | Vocals, Lead Guitar, Harmonica Bruce Springsteen
A4 The River
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Guitar Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Ken Perry | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Toby Scott | Organ Danny Federici | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Neil Dorfsman | Remastered By Bob Ludwig | Saxophone Clarence Clemons | Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen
B1 Hungry Heart
Backing Vocals Flo & Eddie | Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Guitar Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Ken Perry | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Neil Dorfsman | Remastered By Bob Ludwig | Saxophone Clarence Clemons | Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen
B2 Atlantic City
Consultant [Mastering Consultant] Bob Ludwig, Stephen Marcussen | Mastered By Dennis King | Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen
B3 Dancing In The Dark
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Lead Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion Clarence Clemons | Synthesizer, Piano Roy Bittan
B4 Born In The U.S.A.
Acoustic Guitar Steve Van Zandt | Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Lead Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ, Glockenspiel, Piano Danny Federici | Percussion Clarence Clemons | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Toby Scott | Synthesizer, Piano Roy Bittan
B5 My Hometown
Acoustic Guitar Steve Van Zandt | Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Lead Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Percussion Clarence Clemons | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Toby Scott | Synthesizer, Piano Roy Bittan
C1 Glory Days
Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Harmony Vocals Steve Van Zandt | Bass, Backing Vocals Garry Tallent | Drums, Backing Vocals Max Weinberg | Lead Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ, Glockenspiel Danny Federici | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion, Backing Vocals Clarence Clemons | Synthesizer, Piano, Backing Vocals Roy Bittan
C2 Brilliant Disguise
Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards, Bass Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Percussion Max Weinberg | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
C3 Human Touch
Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums, Percussion Jeff Porcaro | Guitar, Vocals Bruce Springsteen | Harmony Vocals Patti Scialfa | Keyboards Roy Bittan | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Roy Bittan | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
C4 Better Days
Backing Vocals Lisa Lowell, Patti Scialfa | Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums Gary Mallaber | Lead Vocals, Baritone Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
C5 Streets Of Philadelphia
Mastered By Bernie Grundman | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Performer Bruce Springsteen | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
D1 Secret Garden
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Engineer [Assistant] Carl Glanville, Jay Militscher, Peter Keppler, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Guitar Nils Lofgren | Keyboards [Electronic Keyboards] Danny Federici | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion Clarence Clemons | Vocals, Guitar Bruce Springsteen
D2 Murder Incorporated
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals Steve Van Zandt | Bass, Backing Vocals Garry Tallent | Drums, Backing Vocals Max Weinberg | Electric Guitar, Vocals, Backing Vocals Bruce Springsteen | Engineer [Assistant] Carl Glanville, Jay Militscher, Peter Keppler, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ, Backing Vocals Danny Federici | Piano, Synthesizer, Backing Vocals Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau, Steve Van Zandt | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion, Backing Vocals Clarence Clemons
D3 Blood Brothers
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Engineer [Assistant] Carl Glanville, Jay Militscher, Peter Keppler, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Guitar Nils Lofgren | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Percussion Frank Pagano | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion Clarence Clemons | Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica Bruce Springsteen
D4 This Hard Land
Bass Garry Tallent | Drums Max Weinberg | Engineer [Assistant] Carl Glanville, Jay Militscher, Peter Keppler, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Guitar Nils Lofgren | Guitar, Harmonica, Vocals Bruce Springsteen | Mandolin Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Organ Danny Federici | Percussion Frank Pagano | Piano, Keyboards [Electronic Keyboards] Roy Bittan | Producer Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Plotkin, Jon Landau | Recorded By Toby Scott | Saxophone, Percussion Clarence Clemons
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CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits 2021

177 Kč Skladem
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
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CBS/Sony 26. února 2021 Evropa

Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství CBS/Sony dne 26. února 2021.

Bruce Springsteen 's Greatest Hits je kompilační album vydané v roce 1995. Je to kolekce Springsteenových největších hitů z jeho prvních čtyř alb a dvou nových skladeb. Album získalo patnáctkrát platinový certifikát RIAA, což z něj činí jedno z nejprodávanějších alb všech dob. První singl z alba, "Streets of Philadelphia", byl vydán v roce 1994 a získal Oscara za nejlepší původní píseň. Píseň byla napsána pro film Philadelphia z roku 1993, ve kterém hráli Tom Hanks a Denzel Washington. Druhý singl alba, "Dead Man Walking", byl vydán v roce 1995 a byl rovněž napsán pro film Philadelphia. Třetí singl alba, "Human Touch", byl vydán v roce 1992 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova stejnojmenného alba. Čtvrtý singl alba, "I'm on Fire", byl vydán v roce 1985 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova alba Born in the U.S.A. Pátý a poslední singl alba, "Glory Days", byl vydán v roce 1985 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova alba Born in the U.S.A.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop Rock, Singer-Songwriter a Heartland Rock.

ID: 14771 EAN: 5099747855528 Discogs ID: 9965613
1 Born To Run 4:30 min
Drums Ernest Carter | Engineer Louis Lahav | Keyboards David Sancious | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Producer Mike Appel | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
2 Thunder Road 4:48 min
Backing Vocals Mike Appel, Steve Van Zandt | Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Glockenspiel Roy Bittan | Engineer Jimmy Iovine | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Mixed By Jimmy Iovine | Producer Mike Appel | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
3 Badlands 4:02 min
Engineer Jimmy Iovine | Mastered By Mike Reese | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Jimmy Iovine | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
4 The River 5:00 min
Engineer Neil Dorfsman | Mastered By Ken Perry | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Toby Scott | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
5 Hungry Heart 3:20 min
Engineer Neil Dorfsman | Mastered By Ken Perry | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
6 Atlantic City 3:57 min
Consultant [Mastering Consultant] Bob Ludwig, Stephen Marcussen | Mastered By Dennis King | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
7 Dancing In The Dark 4:03 min
Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Recorded By Toby Scott
8 Born In The U.S.A. 4:41 min
Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Piano, Glockenspiel Danny Federici | Recorded By Toby Scott
9 My Hometown 4:12 min
Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Recorded By Toby Scott
10 Glory Days 3:49 min
Backing Vocals Clarence Clemons, Garry Tallent, Max Weinberg | Glockenspiel Danny Federici | Harmony Vocals, Mandolin Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Recorded By Toby Scott
11 Brilliant Disguise 4:15 min
Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Percussion Max Weinberg | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
12 Human Touch 5:10 min
Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums, Percussion Jeff Porcaro | Harmony Vocals Patti Scialfa | Keyboards Roy Bittan | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Producer Roy Bittan | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
13 Better Days 3:44 min
Backing Vocals Lisa Lowell, Patti Scialfa, Soozie Tyrell | Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums Gary Mallaber | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott
14 Streets Of Philadelphia 3:16 min
Mastered By Bernie Grundman | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Recorded By, Engineer Toby Scott | Remastered By Bob Ludwig
15 Secret Garden 4:27 min
Backing Vocals, Keyboards Danny Federici | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Mixed By [Assistant Engineer] Jay Militscher, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Recorded By Toby Scott | Recorded By [Assistant Engineer] Carl Glanville, Peter Keppler
16 Murder Incorporated 3:57 min
Backing Vocals Clarence Clemons, Garry Tallent, Max Weinberg, Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Mixed By [Assistant Engineer] Jay Militscher, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Recorded By Toby Scott | Recorded By [Assistant Engineer] Carl Glanville, Peter Keppler
17 Blood Brothers 4:34 min
Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Mixed By [Assistant Engineer] Jay Militscher, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Percussion Frank Pagano | Recorded By Toby Scott | Recorded By [Assistant Engineer] Carl Glanville, Peter Keppler
18 This Hard Land 4:51 min
Keyboards Roy Bittan | Mandolin Steve Van Zandt | Mastered By Bob Ludwig | Mixed By Bob Clearmountain | Mixed By [Assistant Engineer] Jay Militscher, Ryan Freeland, Tony Duino-Black | Percussion Frank Pagano | Recorded By Toby Scott | Recorded By [Assistant Engineer] Carl Glanville, Peter Keppler
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CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits Pitman Pressing

279 Kč Na objednávku
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
CD Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits
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Pitman Pressing

Columbia 28. února 1995 USA

Bruce Springsteen: Greatest Hits verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Columbia dne 28. února 1995.

Bruce Springsteen 's Greatest Hits je kompilační album vydané v roce 1995. Je to kolekce Springsteenových největších hitů z jeho prvních čtyř alb a dvou nových skladeb. Album získalo patnáctkrát platinový certifikát RIAA, což z něj činí jedno z nejprodávanějších alb všech dob. První singl z alba, "Streets of Philadelphia", byl vydán v roce 1994 a získal Oscara za nejlepší původní píseň. Píseň byla napsána pro film Philadelphia z roku 1993, ve kterém hráli Tom Hanks a Denzel Washington. Druhý singl alba, "Dead Man Walking", byl vydán v roce 1995 a byl rovněž napsán pro film Philadelphia. Třetí singl alba, "Human Touch", byl vydán v roce 1992 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova stejnojmenného alba. Čtvrtý singl alba, "I'm on Fire", byl vydán v roce 1985 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova alba Born in the U.S.A. Pátý a poslední singl alba, "Glory Days", byl vydán v roce 1985 a byl hlavním singlem ze Springsteenova alba Born in the U.S.A.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop Rock, Singer-Songwriter a Heartland Rock. Pitman Pressing.

ID: 578910 EAN: 0074646706022 Discogs ID: 461744
1 Born To Run 4:30 min
Drums Ernest Carter | Engineer Louis Lahav | Keyboards David Sancious | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Producer Mike Appel
2 Thunder Road 4:48 min
Backing Vocals Bruce Springsteen, Mike Appel, Steve Van Zandt | Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Glockenspiel Roy Bittan | Engineer, Mixed By Jimmy Iovine | Mastered By Greg Calbi | Producer Mike Appel
3 Badlands 4:02 min
Guitar [Lead] Bruce Springsteen | Mastered By Mike Reese | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Jimmy Iovine | Recorded By Jimmy Iovine
4 The River 5:00 min
Mastered By Ken Perry | Mixed By Chuck Plotkin, Toby Scott | Recorded By Neil Dorfsman
5 Hungry Heart 3:20 min
Mastered By Ken Perry | Recorded By Neil Dorfsman
6 Atlantic City 3:56 min
7 Dancing In The Dark 4:03 min
8 Born In The U.S.A. 4:41 min
Piano, Glockenspiel Danny Federici
9 My Hometown 4:12 min
10 Glory Days 3:49 min
Backing Vocals Clarence Clemons, Garry Tallent, Max Weinberg | Glockenspiel Danny Federici | Mandolin, Guitar [Harmony] Steve Van Zandt
11 Brilliant Disguise 4:15 min
Bass, Keyboards Bruce Springsteen | Percussion Max Weinberg
12 Human Touch 5:10 min
Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums, Percussion Jeff Porcaro | Harmony Vocals Patti Scialfa | Producer, Keyboards Roy Bittan
13 Better Days 3:44 min
Backing Vocals Lisa Lowell, Patti Scialfa, Soozie Tyrell | Bass Randy Jackson (2) | Drums Gary Mallaber | Percussion, Keyboards Bruce Springsteen
14 Streets Of Philadelphia 3:16 min
Mastered By Bernie Grundman | Performer Bruce Springsteen
15 Secret Garden 4:27 min
Keyboards Danny Federici
16 Murder Incorporated 3:57 min
Backing Vocals Bruce Springsteen, Clarence Clemons, Danny Federici, Garry Tallent, Max Weinberg, Steve Van Zandt | Electric Guitar Bruce Springsteen
17 Blood Brothers 4:34 min
Percussion Frank Pagano
18 This Hard Land 4:51 min
Keyboards Roy Bittan | Mandolin Steve Van Zandt | Percussion Frank Pagano
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Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen , často označovaný jako "The Boss", je kultovní americký zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník, známý díky své práci s kapelou E Street Band. Jeho kariéra se vyznačovala jak uznáním kritiky, tak i úspěchem u lidí, a to díky charakteristické značce heartland rocku protkané...

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