Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra) - CD

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CD hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra) 2017

499 Kč Na objednávku
CD hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra)
CD hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra)
CD hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra)
CD hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra)
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In+Out Records 21. srpna 2017 Německo

hr Bigband: Meeting Of The Spirits (A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství In+Out Records dne 21. srpna 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Jazz, Fusion, Jazz-Rock a Big Band.

ID: 492661 EAN: 0798747708623 Discogs ID: 6918858
1 Hope 1:55 min
2 Birds Of Fire 6:24 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Billy Cobham, Martin Scales, Oliver Leicht
3 Miles Beyond 4:40 min
Soloist Günter Bollmann, Heinz-Dieter Sauerborn, Martin Auer
4 Resolution 4:19 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Billy Cobham
5 Cosmic Strut 3:42 min
Soloist Heinz-Dieter Sauerborn, Martin Auer, Peter Reiter
6 Dawn 9:08 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Johannes Enders, Martin Scales, Peter Reiter
7 Eternity's Breath Parts 1 & 2 6:41 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Billy Cobham, Martin Scales, Oliver Leicht, Peter Feil
8 Sanctuary 9:54 min
Soloist Billy Cobham, Johannes Enders, Martin Scales, Peter Reiter
9 Celestial Terrestrial Commuters 3:18 min
Soloist Günter Bollmann, Heinz-Dieter Sauerborn, Johannes Enders
10 You Know, You Know 5:20 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Billy Cobham, Martin Scales, Oliver Leicht, Peter Reiter
11 One Word 11:47 min
Soloist Billy Cobham, Günter Bollmann, Martin Scales, Oliver Leicht, Peter Feil, Peter Reiter, Thomas Heidepriem
12 Meeting Of The Spirits 6:58 min
Soloist Axel Schlosser, Martin Scales, Oliver Leicht, Tobias Weidinger
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