Emotion - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 4 vydáních. Barbra Streisand Album Emotion, které vyšlo v roce 1984, zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch. Na albu se objevil Streisandové charakteristický silný vokál a emotivní balady. Singly z alba, ...  Více

Dostupné ve 4 vydáních


LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion 2020

200 Kč Skladem
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Supraphon | CBS 9. října 2020 Československo

Barbra Streisand: Emotion verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Československu ve vydavatelství Supraphon ve spolupráci s CBS dne 9. října 2020.

Barbra Streisand Album Emotion, které vyšlo v roce 1984, zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch. Na albu se objevil Streisandové charakteristický silný vokál a emotivní balady. Singly z alba, včetně písní "The Way We Were" a "Woman in Love", obsadily přední příčky hitparád a pomohly albu prodat více než 10 milionů kopií. Emotion si musí poslechnout fanoušci Streisandové a všichni, kdo mají rádi emotivní balady.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Vokál a Balada.

ID: 42035 Discogs ID: 8996283
A1 - Emotion (Vzrušení) 4:24min
A2 - Make No Mistake, He's Mine (Dej Si Pozor, On Je Můj) 4:12min
A3 - Time Machine (Stroj Času) 4:54min
A4 - Best I Could (Nejlíp Jak Jsem Uměla) 4:20min
A5 - Left In The Dark (Sama Ve Tmě) 6:19min
B1 - Heart Don't Change My Mind (Srdce, Neměň Mé Rozhodnutí) 4:54min
B2 - When I Dream (Když Sním) 4:40min
B3 - You're A Step In The Right Direction (Ty Jsi Krok Správným Směrem) 3:54min
B4 - Clear Sailing (Klidná Plavba) 3:56min
B5 - Here We Are At Last (Konečně) 3:20min
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LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion 1985

200 Kč Skladem
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Supraphon | CBS 1985 Československo

Barbra Streisand: Emotion verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Československu ve vydavatelství Supraphon ve spolupráci s CBS roku 1985.

Barbra Streisand Album Emotion, které vyšlo v roce 1984, zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch. Na albu se objevil Streisandové charakteristický silný vokál a emotivní balady. Singly z alba, včetně písní "The Way We Were" a "Woman in Love", obsadily přední příčky hitparád a pomohly albu prodat více než 10 milionů kopií. Emotion si musí poslechnout fanoušci Streisandové a všichni, kdo mají rádi emotivní balady.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Vokál a Balada.

ID: 43186 Discogs ID: 3398950
A1 Emotion = Vzrušení 4:24 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Pointer Sisters | Written-By Peter Bliss
A2 Make No Mistake, He's Mine = Dej Si Pozor, On Je Můj 4:12 min
Vocals [Duet] Kim Carnes | Written-By Kim Carnes
A3 Time Machine = Stroj Času 4:54 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Written-By Brian Fairweather, Martin Page, Maurice White
A4 Best I Could = Nejlíp Jak Jsem Uměla 4:20 min
Written-By Bobby Whiteside, Richard Parker (4)
A5 Left In The Dark = Sama Ve Tmě 6:19 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Eric Troyer, Holly Sherwood, Rory Dodd | Written-By Jim Steinman
B1 Heart Don't Change My Mind = Srdce, Neměň Mé Rozhodnutí 4:54 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Written-By Diane Warren, Robbie Buchanan
B2 When I Dream = Když Sním 4:40 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Written-By Kathy Wakefield, Michel Colombier, Richard Baskin
B3 You're A Step In The Right Direction = Ty Jsi Krok Správným Směrem 3:54 min
Backing Vocals [Sbory] Monty Byrom | Written-By Barbra Streisand, John Cougar Mellencamp
B4 Clear Sailing = Klidná Plavba 3:56 min
Written-By Anne Black Montgomery, Peter McIan
B5 Here We Are At Last = Konečně 3:20 min
Written-By Barbra Streisand, Richard Baskin
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LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion Pitman Pressing Vinyl

300 Kč Skladem
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
LP Barbra Streisand: Emotion
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Pitman Pressing Vinyl

Columbia 1984 USA

Barbra Streisand: Emotion verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Columbia roku 1984.

Barbra Streisand Album Emotion, které vyšlo v roce 1984, zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch. Na albu se objevil Streisandové charakteristický silný vokál a emotivní balady. Singly z alba, včetně písní "The Way We Were" a "Woman in Love", obsadily přední příčky hitparád a pomohly albu prodat více než 10 milionů kopií. Emotion si musí poslechnout fanoušci Streisandové a všichni, kdo mají rádi emotivní balady.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Vokál a Balada. Pitman Pressing Vinyl.

ID: 674040 EAN: 0007464394801 Discogs ID: 1879129
A1 Emotion 4:59 min
Backing Vocals Pointer Sisters | Bass Nathan East | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Brad Rosenberger | Drum Programming Peter Bliss | Engineer Gary Skardina | Engineer [Additional] Alex Schmoll, Roger Paglia | Engineer [Assistant] Alex Schmoll, David Dubow | Engineer [Vocals And Overdubs] John Arrias | Guitar Dennis Herring, Howie Rice, Peter Bliss | Mixed By [Remixed By] John Arrias | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Richard Perry | Synthesizer Howie Rice, Richard Ruttenberg, Stephen Mitchell | Written-By Peter Bliss
A2 Make No Mistake, He's Mine 4:12 min
Arranged By [Strings] Bill Cuomo | Bass Leland Sklar | Cello Ray Kelley | Concertmaster Sidney Sharp | Drums Gary Mallaber | Engineer John Richards, Mike Hatcher, Niko Bolas, Rik Pekkonen | Engineer [Second] Glen Holguin, Judy Clapp, Richard Bosworth, Steve Crimmel | Guitar Craig Hull | Mixed By John Arrias | Piano Bill Cuomo | Producer Bill Cuomo, Kim Carnes | Strings, Synthesizer Bill Cuomo | Vocals [Duet] Kim Carnes | Written-By Kim Carnes
A3 Time Machine 4:54 min
Arranged By [Horns] Robbie Buchanan | Arranged By [Rhythm] Brian Fairweather, Martin Page, Maurice White | Arranged By [Vocals] Maurice White | Backing Vocals Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Bass Abraham Laboriel | Drums John Robinson (2) | Engineer [Assistant] Mitch Gibson, Murray Dvorkin, Paul Ericksen, Sharon Rice (2) | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Keyboards Michel Colombier, Robbie Buchanan | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Maurice White | Programmed By [Additional Synthesizer] Gary Chang | Recorded By Dennis McCade, Jeremy Smith (2) | Synthesizer, Programmed By [Synthesizer] Robbie Buchanan | Written-By Brian Fairweather, Martin Page, Maurice White
A4 Best I Could 4:20 min
Arranged By, Conductor Bobby Whiteside | Bass Bob Lizik | Concertmaster Endre Granat | Drum Programming Vincent Gutman | Drums Tom Radtke | Electric Piano [Rhodes] Ed Tossing | Engineer John Arrias | Engineer [Assistant] Glen Holguin, Hugh Davies (2) | Guitar Bruce Gaitsch, George Doering | Percussion Steve Forman | Producer Barbra Streisand, Charles Koppelman | Synthesizer Randy Waldman | Written-By Bobby Whiteside, Richard Parker (4)
A5 Left In The Dark 6:19 min
Arranged By Jim Steinman | Backing Vocals, Arranged By [Vocals] Eric Troyer, Holly Sherwood, Rory Dodd | Bass Steve Buslowe | Co-producer [Associated Producer] John Jansen | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Don Ketteler | Drums Max Weinberg | Engineer Neil Dorfsman | Engineer [Assistant] Bruce Lampcov, Dave Greenberg, Nelson Ayres, Steve Hirsch | Guitar [Additional] Jeff Southworth | Lead Guitar Rick Derringer | Mixed By Jim Steinman, John Jansen, Neil Dorfsman | Percussion Jimmy Maelen | Piano Roy Bittan | Producer Jim Steinman | Synthesizer Larry Fast | Written-By Jim Steinman
B1 Heart Don't Change My Mind 4:54 min
Arranged By [Horns] Robbie Buchanan | Arranged By [Vocals] Maurice White | Backing Vocals Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Bass Abraham Laboriel | Drums John Robinson (2) | Engineer [Assistant] Mitch Gibson, Murray Dvorkin, Paul Ericksen, Sharon Rice (2) | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Keyboards Michel Colombier, Robbie Buchanan | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Maurice White | Programmed By [Additional Synthesizer] Gary Chang | Recorded By Dennis McCade, Jeremy Smith (2) | Soloist [Guitar], Guitar Dann Huff | Synthesizer, Programmed By [Synthesizer] Robbie Buchanan | Written-By Diane Warren, Robbie Buchanan
B2 When I Dream 4:40 min
Arranged By [Strings] Maurice White, Michel Colombier | Backing Vocals Clydene Jackson, Julia Tillman Waters, Maurice White, Maxine Willard Waters | Bass Abraham Laboriel | Drums John Robinson (2) | Engineer [Assistant] Mitch Gibson, Murray Dvorkin, Paul Ericksen, Sharon Rice (2) | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Keyboards Michel Colombier, Robbie Buchanan | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Maurice White | Programmed By [Additional Synthesizer] Gary Chang | Recorded By Dennis McCade, Jeremy Smith (2) | Soloist [Saxophone], Saxophone Lon Price | Synthesizer, Programmed By [Synthesizer] Robbie Buchanan | Written-By Kathy Wakefield, Michel Colombier, Richard Baskin
B3 You're A Step In The Right Direction 3:54 min
Backing Vocals Monty Byrom | Bass Nathan East | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Ivy Skoff | Drums Russ Kunkel | Engineer Jack Joseph Puig | Engineer [Additional] Don Gehman | Engineer [Assistant] David Schober, Greg Droman, Judy Clapp, Mark Ettel | Guitar Don Felder, Steve Lukather | Keyboards Albhy Galuten, James Newton Howard | Mixed By Albhy Galuten, Don Gehman, Jack Joseph Puig | Percussion Joe Porcaro | Producer Albhy Galuten | Synthesizer [Vocal Synthesizer] Albhy Galuten | Written-By Barbra Streisand, John Cougar Mellencamp
B4 Clear Sailing 3:56 min
Arranged By [Strings] Albhy Galuten, James Newton Howard | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Ivy Skoff | Engineer Jack Joseph Puig | Engineer [Additional] Don Gehman | Engineer [Assistant] David Schober, Greg Droman, Judy Clapp, Mark Ettel | Keyboards Albhy Galuten, James Newton Howard | Mixed By Albhy Galuten, Don Gehman, Jack Joseph Puig | Producer Albhy Galuten | Synthesizer [Vocal Synthesizer] Albhy Galuten | Written-By Anne Black Montgomery, Peter McIan
B5 Here We Are At Last 3:20 min
Arranged By [Orchestra], Conductor Lee Holdridge | Arranged By [Rhythm] Michel Colombier | Bass Neil Stubenhaus | Concertmaster Sidney Sharp | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Kim Skalecki | Drums John Robinson (2), Vinnie Colaiuta | Engineer Ed Cherney, John Arrias, Mick Guzauski | Engineer [Assistant] Paul Wertheimer | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Guitar [Volume Pedal] Art Johnson | Producer Barbra Streisand, Richard Baskin | Saxophone Jerry Peterson, John Phillips (6) | Synthesizer Michel Colombier, Robbie Buchanan | Written-By Barbra Streisand, Richard Baskin
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CD Barbra Streisand: Emotion 2014

369 Kč Skladem

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand je kultovní americká zpěvačka, herečka a režisérka, jejíž kariéra trvá již více než šest desetiletí. Dosáhla obrovských úspěchů v mnoha oblastech zábavy a jako jedna z mála umělců získala ceny Emmy, Grammy, Oscar a Tony . Hudební kariéra Streisandové se vyznačuje ...

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