The Essential Asha Puthli - Vinyl, CD

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2LP Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli 2022

672 Kč Skladem

Mr Bongo 17. června 2022 Velká Británie

Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Mr Bongo dne 17. června 2022. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Elektronická hudba, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Fusion, Avant-garde Jazz, Soul, Funk, Disco a AOR.

ID: 342382 EAN: 7119691281711 Discogs ID: 23677658
A1 Asha Puthli, The Savages: Pain
Written-By Hemant Rao
A2 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Sound Of Silence
Written-By Paul Simon
A3 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Sunny
A4 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Fever
Written-By Eddie Cooley, John Davenport
A5 Ornette Coleman: What Reason Could I Give
Written-By Ornette Coleman
B1 Ornette Coleman: All My Life
Written-By Ornette Coleman
B2 Charlie Mariano: Mirror
Written-By Charlie Mariano
B3 Asha Puthli: Right Down Here
Written-By J.J. Cale
B4 Asha Puthli: Lies
Written-By J.J. Cale
B5 Asha Puthli: Devil Is Loose
Written-By Asha Puthli, Dieter Zimmermann
C1 Asha Puthli: Space Talk
Written-By Asha Puthli, Dave King
C2 Asha Puthli: One Night Affair
Written-By Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff
C3 Asha Puthli: I'm Gonna Dance
Written-By Jan van Loo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
C4 Asha Puthli: Music Machine (Dedication To Studio 54)
Written-By Jan van Loo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
C5 Asha Puthli: Peek-A-Boo-Boogie
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch
D1 Asha Puthli: Mister Moonlight
Written-By Jan van Loo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
D2 Asha Puthli: Prism Of The Sun (Song For Dieter)
Written-By Asha Puthli, Thor Baldursson
D3 Asha Puthli: 1001 Nights Of Love (Reprise)
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch, Uve Schikora
D4 Asha Puthli: We're Gonna Bury The Rock With The Roll Tonight
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch
D5 Asha Puthli: Chipko Chipko
Written-By Asha Puthli | Written-By [Uncredited] Michael Jackson
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CD Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli 2022

289 Kč Týden
CD Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli
CD Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli
Obrázky pochází z

Mr Bongo 24. června 2022 Velká Británie

Asha Puthli: The Essential Asha Puthli verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Mr Bongo dne 24. června 2022. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Elektronická hudba, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Fusion, Avant-garde Jazz, Soul, Funk, Disco a AOR.

ID: 347405 EAN: 7119691281827 Discogs ID: 23658914
1 Asha Puthli, The Savages: Pain 2:46 min
Written-By Hemant Rao
2 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Sound Of Silence 3:12 min
Written-By Paul Simon
3 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Sunny 3:42 min
Written-By Bobby Hebb
4 Asha Puthli, The Surfers: Fever 2:07 min
Written-By Eddie Cooley, John Davenport
5 Ornette Coleman: What Reason Could I Give 3:06 min
Written-By Ornette Coleman
6 Ornette Coleman: All My Life 3:55 min
Written-By Ornette Coleman
7 Charlie Mariano: Mirror 8:33 min
Written-By Charlie Mariano
8 Asha Puthli: Right Down Here 4:03 min
Written-By J.J. Cale
9 Asha Puthli: Lies 3:47 min
Written-By J.J. Cale
10 Asha Puthli: Devil Is Loose 3:31 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Dieter Zimmermann
11 Asha Puthli: Space Talk 5:27 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Dave King
12 Asha Puthli: One Night Affair 2:10 min
Written-By Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff
13 Asha Puthli: I'm Gonna Dance 6:24 min
Written-By Jean Vanloo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
14 Asha Puthli: Music Machine (Dedication To Studio 54) 7:43 min
Written-By Jean Vanloo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
15 Asha Puthli: Peek-A-Boo-Boogie 3:16 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch
16 Asha Puthli: Mister Moonlight 4:51 min
Written-By Jean Vanloo, Jean-Luc Drion, Marguerite Procureur, Slimane Abdeladim
17 Asha Puthli: Prism Of The Sun (Song For Dieter) 3:51 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Thor Baldursson
18 Asha Puthli: 1001 Nights Of Love (Reprise) 4:21 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch, Uve Schikora
19 Asha Puthli: We're Gonna Bury The Rock With The Roll Tonight 2:42 min
Written-By Asha Puthli, Rainer Pietsch
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Asha Puthli

Asha Puthli
Asha Puthli je zpěvačka, skladatelka, producentka a herečka indického původu, která má za sebou bohatou mezinárodní hudební kariéru. Puthli, jejíž osobitý hlas v sobě spojuje vlivy jazzu, popu a elektroniky, na sebe poprvé upozornila v 70. letech 20. století. Je známá svým jedineč...

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