The Planets One - Vinyl

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LP Al Ross & The Planets: The Planets One 2018

679 Kč 2 týdny
LP Al Ross & The Planets: The Planets One
LP Al Ross & The Planets: The Planets One
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APG Records (2) 18. května 2018 Evropa a UK

Al Ross & The Planets: The Planets One verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství APG Records (2) dne 18. května 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop Rock, Blues Rock a Soft Rock.

ID: 613043 EAN: 5024545774313 Discogs ID: 14480702
A1 My Love For You
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
A2 Wonderland
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
A3 The River
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
A4 Walking In Circles
Songwriter Paul Miller (52)
A5 Love is Murder
Songwriter George E. Well
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo, Paul Freeney (2)
B2 No Connection
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
B3 Where Does Your Love Go
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
B4 The Message
Songwriter Paul Miller (52)
B5 In My World
Songwriter Paul Miller (52)
B6 Talk To Me
Songwriter Alan Ramirez, Alex Mungo
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Al Ross & The Planets

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